AP European History Syllabus Quarter 1 2014-2015
Note: Dates listed are dates due.
9-5 Chapter 12
9-12 Chapter 13
9-26 Essay in Class The Italian Renaissance
9-30 Chapter 14
10-1 Essay from home See #1 Below
10-3 Multiple Choice The Renaissance and Reformation (12, 13, 14)
10-6 Chapter 15
Homecoming Be home from the dance by 11:00pm
10-15 Essay from home See #2 Below
10-20 Essay in Class War and Expansion (15)
10-23 Chapter 16
10-27 Multiple Choice War and Expansion (15 & 16)
10-22 Chapter 17
10-25 Essay in Class Peasants East and West
10-29 Essay Packets Due
10-31 Terms Test* Chapters 12-17
End of Quarter 1
Essay from home #1: The Renaissance in Northern Europe differed markedly from the Renaissance in Italy. Discuss the differences in Renaissance ideals between Northern Europe and Italy and demonstrate how these ideals were manifested through specific examples of art and literature.
Essay from home #2: Compare and contrast the attitudes of Martin Luther and John Calvin toward political authority and social order.
Note: On a real AP test you would have only 30 minutes to write one of the above essays so please limit your essay to two typed, double-spaced, single-sided pages with a reasonable font. I will accept hand-written work with no penalty. Please use black or blue ink. Work done in pencil will be penalized)
Work from home is due at the start of class. If you are absent make arrangements for your work to be turned in on time. Late work will be accepted but each day late will result in a grade reduction.
If you need to email me, you must use your school email. If you do not, I may not receive your communication.
Finally, it goes without saying that I expect your work to be uniquely your own. Please refer to the student handbook regarding the unpleasant consequences that will result from compromising your academic integrity.
*Remember, lowest quarter grade is dropped but NEVER the terms test!