Kelvindale Primary Parent Council (KPPC)
Minutes of Meeting (23)
2 March 2011
PRESENT: Jean Ash (JA) Acting Chair, Secretary
Caroline Darroch (CD) Head Teacher
Lesley Kennedy (LK) P1
Melanie McLaren (MML) Treasurer, ASN rep
Mary Paris (MP) Counsellor
Julie Dunan (JD) P4
Marion McKenzie (MM) Teachers’ rep
APOLOGIES: George Buchanan, Lynn Stewart, Anne Regan
1.Approval of MinutesThe minutes of the meeting of 2 February 2011 were approved subject to the date of National Autism Day being recorded as 2 April. / JA
2. Matters Arising from previous minutes
2.1 Toilets (Arising on 2.1) Caroline had forwarded the Pupil Council letter to George to progress the letter to the Council.
2.2 Playground (Arising on 2.2) Caroline had been in touch with the Outdoor Learning Working Party and first year students from North Glasgow College were coming to paint . The PTA would fund the painting of the lines.
Caroline reported that there was £100-£200 left in the health and PE budget which would be used for playground games. The Pupil Council would be consulted.
Mrs Clark would be contacting Kirstie MacLean from the Glasgow Life North Play Development Team and Caroline thanked the Parent Council, and Lesley in particular for their work on finding contacts.
A parent was interested in personalising a bench and Mrs Roulston would be liaising with him There would be 1 or 2 friendship benches .
The PTA had passed the funding of the climbing wall and were keen for it to be up and running. It was recommended that it was not placed on the wall outside the toilet but it would be in two sections, one on the area of the basketball wall. The company to be used had been used by various schools.
Melanie was pursuing information through a teacher at Castlehill on playground issues which could be linked to the buddying scheme and friendship benches. The idea put forward at the last meeting for a more permanent structure, e.g. beach huts was well liked but this was more difficult to achieve.
2.3 Non-uniform day (Arising on 2.3)
World Autism Awareness Day was on 2 April. Their colour was blue which was too close to the uniform colour so it could not be a “blue” day.
2.4 Nutrition in Schools (Arising on 2.4)
Caroline had spoken to the dinner ladies and to the Area Manager on contingency plans for wintry weather when dinner deliveries were not possible. This would be followed up with cordia as any contingency plans seemed to rely on stocks of bread and milk and sandwich fillings being available in the school. A contingency plan was also needed if children had to stay in school overnight.
Caroline had asked via an attachment to the newsletter if any parents were interested in a presentation from cordia. Only7 responses had been received.
2.5 Breakfast Club (arising on 3.1)
Jean reported that the agreed statement had been forwarded to all parents with the help of the School Office. One response had been received which provided a useful additional statement to be added to the response to Glasgow City Council which had also been circulated to members.
2.6 Child Protection Issues (arising on 3.3)
Melanie had attended the training on Child Protection issues for Parent Councils which she reported was very interesting. The information was more relevant to the PTA than the Parent Council and Melanie had provided feedback to Zoe for the PTA. She would also contact Kathryn Farrow at Glasgow City Council to point out that it would be useful if there was an indication on training information if it was particularly relevant to the PTA, for schools such as Kelvindale where the PTA and Parent Council were separate groups. The PTA should have a child protection policy. Templates were available. The new system of disclosure took a more common sense approach as it asked for consideration of the level of sole contact that there might be with children e.g. was there also a class teacher present or did volunteers work in groups or pairs?
2.7 Janitor (Arising on 7.1)
Caroline had passed the Parent Council’s thanks to the Janitor. / GB, CD
3. Correspondence
All correspondence had been e-mailed to members apart from recent details of training for recruitment and selection . Julie indicated that she would like to go to the evening training. / JD
4. Financial Report
Melanie reported that there was £215.51 in the account as 2p interest had been received. Members were reminded that they could claim travel expenses to attend training and events related to the Parent Council.
5. Head Teacher’s report
5.1 Staff News
Caroline reported that the advert for a new Depute Head Teacher was in the TES and on the Glasgow City Council Website. The deadline for applications was 11 March 2011. A Parent Council rep was needed on the Selection Panel and for the shortleeting.
Mrs Roulston would begin maternity leave at the end of term and an internal appointment to Acting Principal Teacher would be made.
5.2 P1/2 Tooth cleaning
Caroline reported that there was no longer a budget for a member of staff to be involved in this so it could no longer happen. Thankfully, teeth cleaning was not a particular problem at Kelvindale.
5.3 Lunchtime
Caroline announced that a new lunchtime operation would be piloted. An hour was a long time for the lower school children to play outside. Currently P1 and P2 began lunch at 12.15, rushed to eat it in some cases and were out playing at 12.25. The new procedure was for the upper school to come in first at 12.15 while the younger children played on the pitch and then went to lunch as a second sitting. Meals would be held back for the second sitting so the same choice would be available There would be no disruption to the flow of meal provision but children who finished quickly would not be allowed onto the pitch until a set time, announced by a whistle. The Parent Council were supportive of this change.
5.4 Update on School lunches
Caroline noted that there had been a big move to packed lunches. She had tasted the meals and found some disappointing so would be contacting the Supervisor. Brown bread sandwiches no longer seemed to be available.
No eating of packed lunches would be allowed outside in the Summer. This was for 2 reasons: (1) so many children threw food in the bin so they could rush off and play and (2) there was a big wasp problem and a member of staff and a parent had been stung.
5.5 Primary 1 enrolments
Figures had not yet been confirmed.
5.6 School Photos
The School and parents had not been happy with last year’s Tempest photographs. Melanie knew of a photographers who had done work at other schools and would provide his details to Caroline. / CD
6. Councillor’s Report
6.1 Winter gritting
There would be a Council meeting before Winter to discuss a maintenance plan to include gritting pavements in Kelvindale.
6.2 Cleveden Community Club was thriving.
6.3 Playground
Caroline could apply to Area Committee for Maryhill/ Kelvin on a Community Grant Form (for before 25 March for this financial year) for playground equipment.
6.4 Playpark (Weymouth Drive)
Work would begin on refurbishment with new play equipment.
6.5 Botanic Gardens
The ground floor if the Visitor’s Centre would be turned into a family tea room and there would also be a picnic table and a nicer van outside.
6.6 Austrian Chef
A famous Austrian chef had asked for contact with a local Primary School and Mary had given Kelvindale’s details. / MP
7. Any Other Competent Business
7.1 Ski Trip
In response to a question, Caroline replied that there was no intention that future the ski trips to Italy would cease due to Mrs Barthelomew’s departure.
7.2 Spring Holiday Club
Caroline Johnson from the Cleveden Club had contacted Stephen Gilliland with a view to running a Spring Holiday club for a week, probably at Cleveden.
7. Date of Next Meeting The first Wednesday of the month – As the School was closed for most of April and would be unavailable in the first Wednesday in May due to elections following day, it was agreed that the AGM would take place on Wednesday 1 June at If there was also a need for a business meeting this could also take place at the same time. / JA
Kelvindale/minutes March 2011