Second Six Weeks ELA/READING Sixth Grade 2012-2013

Week One / Week Two / Week Three / Week Four / Week Five / Week Six
Spelling / Homophones / Unexpected consonant spellings / One Consonant or two / Using Apostrophes / Compound Words 1 / Review and Benchmark
Reading / “Stray”pg. 22-29
“The Homecoming”pg. 30-39
“ Introduction Short Stories -Pg. 176-182
he Wounded Wolf” pg. 183-186
After you read-pg. 187
Before you read-pg. 189
“The Tail”-pg. 190-202
After you read-Pg. 203
Making Inferences
Draw Conclusions / “Dragon, Dragon”-pg. 204-214
After you read-pg. 215
“Zlateh the Goat”pg. 220-230
After you read-Pg. 231
“The Old Woman who Lived with the wolves”pg. 232-238
After you read-pg. 239
Making Connections/
Conflict/Resolution / Drama-pg. 690-696
“The Phantom Tollbooth, Act 1” pg. 704-732
After the read-pg. 733
“The Phantom Tollbooth, Act 2”
Pg. 744-776
After the read-pg. 777
Compare/Contrast / Folk Literature pg. 824-827
“Black Cowboy, Wild Horses” pg. 829-837
Pg. 856-865
“The Whale Rider”
pg. 866-873
Author’s Purpose
Folk Literature
Historical Fiction / Literacy Works-play to film
Pg. 884
“Mowgli’s Brothers”
Pg. 887-895
“James and the Giant Peach: A Play” pg. 896-905
Film version of Jungle Book and James and the Giant Peach
Purpose for Reading
Personification / Review and Benchmark
Language / -Nouns
-Pronouns: indefinite
-Synonyms and antonyms
-Parentheses, Brackets, and Ellipses / Integrated Language Skills pg. 216-217
Integrated Language Skills-240-241
-Verbs : irregular
-Conjunctive Adverbs
-Dependent and Independent Clauses / Integrated Language Skills pg. 734-735; 778-779
-Subordinating conjunctions
-Run on sentences
-Quotations marks, commas, and ending punctuation / Integrated Language Skills: pg. 874-875
-Transitions Words
-Acronyms / -Dialogue
-Points of view(1st & 3rd)
-Passive and Active Voice
-Style Elements-(Magic helper, rule of three) / Review and Benchmark
Fine Arts /