Searching for Flickr Images Using Creative Commons

For a video tutorial of this document, please click on the following link and then the link for “Finding Pictures and Adding Them to Your
Galleries in Flickr”

(A huge thank you to Jennifer Bednorz for creating this tutorial. Jennifer is an Educational Specialist for ESC 3 in Victoria, Texas)

  1. If you do not already have an account, go to and set one up. (If you have a Yahoo account you can sign in with that username/password) Close the Flickr page once your account is set up.

  1. Go to
  1. Click on “Find”

  1. Type your search term in the top green section
  1. Check the box next to “modify, adapt or build upon”
  1. Click on “Flickr” , then click on “Go”
  1. Once you find an image you like, right-click on it and open it in a new tab or window. (This gives you the URL outside of CC)

  1. Once the new window or tab opens, scroll down to where it says “Some Rights Reserved.” Be sure that the “Attribution” icon is present.

If you want to view the license, right click on “Some Rights Reserved” and open

it in a new tab or window.

Saving Images to Flickr

1.  When you are ready to save the image for use in your project, click on “Actions” and then “Add to Gallery.”

2.  When the new window opens, name your new gallery and click on “Create A New Gallery”

3.  Repeat the process to search for more images.

Saving Images for Use in Your Project

1.  Before you save images, create a folder on your computer where you will be saving them.

2.  When you are ready to use the images you have saved, log back into your account at

3.  Click on the drop-down menu beside “You” then click on “Your Galleries”

4.  Open the gallery from which you’ll be working

5.  Right click on the image you would like to save and open it in a new window or tab. (Remember, this gives you the image URL) Toggle to that tab, and right click on the image again, and save it to the folder you set up for images. (“save image as”)

6.  Repeat this process for each image, and then create your book trailer, using the images you have saved.

Creating Citation Slide

1.  Open a new Power Point presentation

2.  Insert a text box and a title. I use “Works Cited for Images*: (In order of appearance,)” Then at the bottom I insert another text box with: “*All images licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License)”

3.  Log into Flicker and find your Gallery that holds the photos you used in your book trailer.

4.  Navigate to each image used, and add the citation information for each, to the power point slide, using the following format: (MLA)

"Image Title." Flickr. Web. Date Accessed . URL


"We Believe." Flickr. Web. 30 Oct 2009.

5. Save presentation, by clicking on “Save as type” then choosing “JPEG File Interchange Format” If you have more than one slide, select “every slide” (This new JPEG file can be uploaded into Animoto)