October 9-16, 2016


10:00 a.m. – Worship Service & Candy Corn


11:10 a.m. – Sunday School

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – Quilting

6:00 p.m. – Handbell Choir

7:00 p.m. – Pioneer Girls

Wednesday 7:00 p.m. – Boys Club

7:00 p.m. – Church Board meeting

7:00 p.m. – Band Practice

Friday 7:00 p.m. – Sr Youth: Change Conference

Next Sunday 10:00 a.m. – Worship Service

11:10 a.m. – Sunday School

Speaking: Diane Pinnell

Scripture: Revelation 2 & 3

Theme: Letters from the Heart of God



Offices on East/West Line at Creek Road 468-3505

Office hours – Tuesdays – Fridays 8:30-3:30 p.m.

To receive a Bethany Bulletin by email, contact the church office.

October 9, 2016

Welcome here!

We’re glad you came! Your being here is a sign of God’s love for the world and encourages other Christians. We hope our worship together helps you find

A place to belong and grow in faith.

Praise and Concerns

Congratulations to Lydia Kerber, who is 85 today! May God bless you as you celebrate this milestone.

Brian Collins’ grandmother (Charlotte’s great-grandmother) was taken to the hospital in Halifax on Monday with what appears to be a mild heart attack and/or stroke. We appreciate the congregation’s prayers.

We remember in prayer:

·  Anne Andres as she recovers from a fall

·  Henry Wiens

·  Sarah Roberts, a SIM intern

·  Nathan & Taryn Dirks, preparing to return from Botswana June 2017

·  Margaret De Jong, our missionary in Senegal

·  Our sister church in Pereira, Colombia

Our Donations Touching Lives: Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park, MC Canada workers based in Seoul, South Korea, have been instrumental in the recent formation of Mennonite Church South Korea and also relate closely to the Korea Anabaptist Fellowship (KAF). Pray that their ministry will encourage the faith, resilience and relationships of Mennonites and Anabaptists in South Korea.

Bethany Announcements

Spiritual Formation Opportunities Today:

§  10:00 Worship Service

§  11:10 Sunday School for children & youth

No Adult SS (in the library)

No Parent SS class

Candy Corn Reflection – With each candy corn that the kids distribute today, let’s consider what we are thankful for. An offering for the Community Fund will be received.

Calling all quilters and those who would like to learn! We will be quilting every Tuesday at 9:00. MCC says the need for quilts is great.

New Church Family Groups will be formed soon! The Hospitality Team is encouraging everyone who is able to participate in a group – Families, Couples, Singles, young people, older people, seniors, super seniors…Let’s get to know each other better! The groups will meet in homes the fourth Sunday of the months October, November, January, February, April and May at noon for fellowship and a simple Soup and Dessert lunch. You don’t have to be able to host to sign up. A Sign Up Sheet will be available next Sunday. Please contact Linda Van Bergen if you have questions.

Bethany’s Borscht Lunch and Bazaar will be held Sat. November 19th. Plans are in the early stages. Further details will be coming closer to the date. Contact persons - Barb or Sue.

Prayers for the Week

After the Service:

~ How were you affirmed, encouraged, inspired, or corrected during

Sunday's worship service?

~ What will you do inresponse?

Throughout the week:

~ “Lord, thank you for…”

Mennonite Church

The Mennonite provides Anabaptist content and is a publication of Mennonite Church USA. If you would like to subscribe, please contact Marianne in the office.

Everyone is welcome at MEDA Niagara’s next breakfast meeting Tuesday, October 18, 7:30-8:30am at Sweets Café and Bistro (Ontario Street location). Ellery (Penner) Rauwarda will be sharing her faith/work story. $10 at the door. For more information, contact Maria Klassen at .

For over 30 years, farmers across Canada have been helping end global hunger. The first year for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and MCC'sGrow Hope Niagaraproject started with high expectations. But then the rain didn’t come.See the update Grow Hope Farmers, Larry, Marg and Ben Dyck share on the status of the crop and expectations for harvest, on the bulletin board. All are welcome to take a copy home.

Thursday, October 20, 7:00 pm, Schlegel Community Education Room 2202, Conrad Grebel Book Launch: Join us to launch Out of Place: Social Exclusion and Mennonite Migrants in Canada by author Luann Good Gingrich.

Thursday, November 3 at 7:30 pm at Conrad Grebel Chapel, Dr. Jeremy Bergen will present the Benjamin Eby Lecture “Christians Killing Christians: Martyrdom and the Disunity of the Church.”

Broader Church & Community

Quest Christian Community is having a contemplative Taize Jazz worship service on Sunday October 16 at 6:00 at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church. See poster.

Niagara Life Centre’s Fundraising Banquet & Silent Auction is happening on Friday, October 21. There is no cost for the meal. We hope you are able to provide a free-will offering and participate in our silent auction. Brochures are available on the foyer shelf. Please contact Joanne Vink at 905-934-0021 or email her at .

Special Seminar for Seniors and their Adult Children: How can seniors and their families/friends have good conversations about essential matters related to home, health, and long-term happiness?: Facing the Circumstances - a seminar facilitated by Randy Klaassen, minister and author. Saturday a.m. Oct 29, 9:30 - 12:00 at Grace Mennonite Church, 677 Niagara St., St. Catharines. Freewill donation welcome.

Varenecki Supper is back!The fundraiser for "Friends of the Mennonite Centre in Ukraine"will be held on Saturday October 29th at 6 p.m. in Niagara United Mennonite Church’s auditorium. Tickets $35 per person ($25 receiptable) available from Linda Friesen 684-2929 or George & Teresa Dyck (Vineland) 289-929-3211.

The 3rd annualAnabaptist Heritage Concertwill take place on Saturday, November 26, at 7:00 pm, at the St. Catharines United Mennonite Church.We invite all interested singers to join us for rehearsals at the St. Catharines U. M. Church on November 1, 8, 15, 22

52 October 9, 2016 10:00 Service No. 41


Welcome & Call to worship Herb Sawatzky



Ministry Time & Prayer

Regular Offering - and Gratitude Tree presentation

Children’s Time Jessica Falk

(Children are invited to remain at the front after the story)

Candy Corn Reflection Herb Sawatzky

Community Fund Offering & Song

Sending Song


Band Members: Jessica Falk, Red Klassen, Jordan Moffat, Drew VanEgmond

An Exciting Venture

With summer fading away, this is a perfect time to begin interest groups. Prayerfully consider whether you would lead or join one of these groups. The purpose of these groups is simply to build relationships (both within our church and in the community). Let's see if every member of our congregation can be involved in at least one group this year! Pray, pray again, and act!

Suggestions for Starting an Interest Group

1.  Think of a hobby, interest or leisure activity that you might consider leading.

2.  If you require a co-leader, solicit someone to assist you.

3.  Introduce your activity in a very general way. Details can be worked out by the group itself.

4.  Cap a maximum number to your group, if necessary.

5.  Advertise (introduce) your activity via the church bulletin, poster, and/ or verbal announcement during the church service.

6.  Leave a name, phone number, and email address where you can be contacted.

7.  Once you have sufficient numbers, call a meeting, work out the details, and you’re ready to begin!

8.  In planning this activity, remind yourself that this is a “community outreach” program. Always keep this in the forefront.

9.  Once you have an Affinity Group “ready to go”, please notify the Church office of your plans and the names of the participants.

10.  May you be blessed and find this to be a very joyful, rewarding experience.

Interest Groups starting up:

JuBELLation: This is an interest group for any adults interested in ringing handbells! No previous experience is necessary. The group will practice every other Tuesday from 7:30-8:30 p.m. starting October 4 on opposite Tuesday nights from Pioneer Girls. Please contact Tracey Frena if you are interested.

A Mystery novel interest-group will begin this fall. A number of people have shown interest. If you are interested, please call Heather Whitehouse.

Trivia Game Night – Monday nights. Please call Dennis Dick if you are interested.