What is membership?

“Membership is a way of saying to the meeting that you feel at home, and in the right place. Membership is also a way of saying to the meeting, and to the world, that you accept at least the fundamental elements of being a Quaker: the understanding of divine guidance, the manner of corporate worship and the ordering of the meeting’s business, the practical expression of inward convictions and the equality of all before God. In asking to be admitted to the community of the meeting you are affirming what the meeting stands for and declaring your willingness to contribute to its life.”

From Britain Yearly Meeting, 1999, quoted in Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice, 2012

What are the steps in applying for membership?

You send a letter requesting membership to the Ministry and Counsel Committee (if you are already a member of another Meeting, ask that Meeting to send a letter transferring your membership here). / Questions to consider addressing in your letter:
●What leads you to ask for membership in Frederick Monthly Meeting at this time?
●Are there highlights in your spiritual journey you would like to share? How do you anticipate that membership in the Meeting would enrich your spiritual journey?
●How did you first hear of Quakers and the Frederick Monthly Meeting?
●What do you find appealing about the Quaker Way?
●How often have you attended Meeting for Worship and Meeting for Business? What other Meeting activities have you participated in?
●Have you read any books or other materials about Quakerism that you have found useful in deciding whether to apply for membership?
●Would you say that you are in general agreement with the principles of belief and testimonies as expressed in our Faith and Practice?
●Are you willing to accept appointment to Meeting committees? Which Meeting activities would you like to help with?
●Are you willing to regularly attend Meetings for Worship and Meetings for Business?
●Are you willing to assume financial responsibility, to the extent you are able, for the maintenance and activities of the Meeting?
The Clerk of Meeting announces your application at Meeting for Business / The Clerk reports that your request will be considered by Ministry and Counsel Committee.
You meet with a Clearness Committee / The Clearness Committee meets with you one or more times as needed.
When you and the Committee are clear about your request for membership, the Clerk of the Clearness Committee reports to the Ministry and Counsel Committee.
If Ministry and Counsel Committee concurs, it prepares a recommendation for Meeting for Business.
Your application is presented to Meeting for Business, with you present / The Clerk of Ministry and Counsel presents the recommendation that you be approved for membership and reads your letter.
The recommendation is held over for consideration at the next month’s Meeting for Business.
If your application is approved, the Clerk of Meeting sends you a letter welcoming you to membership / A copy of the letter of welcome is placed in your file in the Meeting’s permanent records.
Other items placed in your permanent file are (1) your letter of application for membership and (2) biographical information you provide.
You contribute to, and are strengthened by, the Meeting.