Step-by-Step Instructions for the Completion of 2014-15SSARCC EOPS and CARE Budget Plans

  • You will need user ID, password, and URL to access SSARCC.
  • User ID and password remain unchanged from when SSARCC went “live” in 2011-12. EOPS Director may obtain user ID and password by sending an email to . Director may share ID and password with appropriate personnel
  • Log on to URL:
  • All 2013-14 EOPS/CARE proposed budget data approved by the Chancellor’s Office automatically rolled over into the 2014-15 SSARCC proposed budget application.
  • Beginby completing EOPS budget plan before working on CARE. Review, by line item and by clicking on “view detail”, each proposed expenditure that rolled over from the 2013-14 proposed EOPS budget by object code:
  • Object code 1000 – academic salaries
  • Object code 2000 – classified salaries (including student workers)
  • Object code 3000 – benefits; will auto-populate from object codes 1000 and 2000
  • Object codes 4000-6000 – discretionary expenses
  • Object code 7000B – Other Outgo, EOPS services
  • Object code 7000B – Other Outgo, EOPS direct aid
  • For each roll-over expense, determine if it should remain as is, be modified, or be eliminated for 2013-14 by entering the appropriate figures in the “expenditure detail” screens.
  • If additional proposed expenses should be added for 2014-15, then add those to the appropriate object code(s) by clicking on the “add” button located below each object code box.
  • All EOPS staff with time assigned to CARE will auto-populate onto the CARE budget plan
  • Enter planned expenditures into the CARE budget plan:
  • Object codes 1000-3000 – do not enter data here; CARE personnel expenses will auto-populate from the EOPS budget plan
  • Object codes 4000-6000 – CARE discretionary expenses
  • Object code 7000B – Other Outgo, CARE services
  • Object code 7000C – Other Outgo, CARE direct aid
  • All changes to CARE personnel in object codes 1000-3000 must be completed through the EOPS budget plan
  • Validate the EOPS and CARE budget plans to ensure no errors; some of the more common error messages involve:
  • EOPS discretionary cost limit
  • EOPS Part C obligation
  • EOPS book expenditure requirement
  • Minimum district contribution for EOPS
  • EOPS or CARE paying for non-EOPS/CARE time
  • CARE paying for more than half of assignedCARE time
  • Review and print draft budget reports for EOPS and CARE
  • Share with appropriate college/district staff for their review (i.e. EOPS supervising administrator, business office, etc.)
  • Make any necessary changes
  • Click on “Submit” to electronically submit to the Chancellor’s Office. Clicking on “submit” will lock the budget plan file. (File can be unlocked by the Chancellor’s Office.)
  • Print the proposed EOPS and CARE budget signature pages by doing the following:

Click on “view budget report”

In the “select a format” window, click on the down arrow and then click on “PDF”

Click on “export”

Click on “open” (will appear at the bottom of your screen)

Wait for report to appear on your computer screen

  • Obtain required original signatures.
  • Mail hard copies of proposed EOPS and CARE budget signature pagesto the Chancellor’s Office.
  • Note that on your SSARCC “Budget Select” screen, the “status” of the EOPS and CARE budget plans will automatically change from “in progress” to “submitted”
  • Chancellor’s Office staff will use SSARCC to review EOPS and CARE budgets after receiving the signed signature pages, and if approved:
  • The EOPS and CARE budget data will roll over to 2014-15 final expendituresfiles
  • The 2014-15 EOPS and CARE final expenditure fileswill be opened for your use
  • The 2015-16 EOPS and CARE budget plan files will be opened for your use
  • On your “Budget Select” screen, the “status” of the 2014-15 EOPS and CARE budget plans will change from “submitted” to “approved”
  • If 2014-15budget plans are not approved by the Chancellor’s Office,
  • Chancellor’s Office will notify EOPS director
  • Chancellor’s Office will unlock the EOPS and CARE budget plans for necessary corrections
  • College will re-submit electronically and:
  • Print updated EOPS and CAREbudget signature forms
  • Obtain signatures
  • Mail hard-copy signature formsto the Chancellor’s Office

All SSARCC-related questions or concerns should be emailed to


SSARCC stepbystepbudgetinstruct13-14