ELA Common Core
Second Quarter / Element Description
Phonics and Word Recognition
(ELACC.2.RF.3) / (a) long/short vowels
(b) spell vowel teams
(c) two syllables with long vowels
(d) decode prefixes and suffixes
(e) words with inconsistent spellings
(f) irregularly spelled words
digraphs and dipthongs
r-controlled and silent letters
Reading Fluency
(ELACC.2.RF.4) / (a) read with purpose and understanding
(b) 75 wcpm
(b) read with expression
(c) use context to confirm meaning
read sight words
Literary Reading (ELACC.2.RL.1) / ask and answer questions
ELACC.2.RL.2 / recount stories – central messages, lessons, morals
ELACC.2.RL.3 / Describe characters responding to major events & challenges
ELACC.2.RL.4 / Rhythm and meaning in stories, poems, or songs
ELACC.2.RL.5 / Structure of stories
ELACC.2.RL.7 / Using textual structure for information
ELACC.2.RL.9 / Compare and contrast two stories
ELACC.1.RL.10 / Self- monitor when reading literary text
Informational Reading
ELACC.1.RI.1 / Ask and answer questions about key details
ELACC.1.RI.2 / Identify main topic and key details
ELACC.1.RI.3 / Make text to text connections
ELACC.1.RI.4 / Determine meaning of words and phrases in text
ELACC.1.RI.5 / Use textual features to find information
ELACC.1.RI.6 / Use pictures and illustrations as well as words to find information
ELACC.1.RI.7 / Use illustrations and details to describe ideas
ELACC.1.RI.8 / How reasons support points in text
ELACC.1.RI.9 / Compare and contrast two informational text on same topic
ELACC.1.RI.10 / Self- monitor when reading informational text
(ELACC.2.W.1) / Write opinion piece as a response to literature
Introduce topic
State opinion
Supply reasons for opinion
Use transition words
Provide closure
ELACC.2.W.2 / Write informational
Introduce topics
Use facts and definitions
Provide conclusions
ELACC.2.W.3 / Write narrative
Sequence at least 2 events
Provide details
Uses temporal words
Provide closure
ELACC.2.W.5 / Use prewriting
ELACC.2.W.7 / Participate in shared research projects
ELACC.2.W.8 / Gather information from experiences or sources
ELACC.2.L.1 / (a) collective nouns
(b) irregular plural nouns
(c) reflexive pronouns
(d) past tense of irregular verbs
(e) use adjectives and adverbs
(f) produce and expand simple declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences
(g) legible handwriting
ELACC.2.L.2 / (a)capitalizes holidays, product names, and geographic names
(b) commas in letters
(c) apostrophes in contractions and possessives
(d) spelling patterns
ELACC.2.L.3 / (a) formal and informal language
ELACC.2.L.4 / (a) context clues
(b) meaning of words with prefixes
(c) meaning based on root words
(d) compound words
ELACC.2.L.5 / Connection between words and uses
ELACC.2.L.6 / Use language including adjectives and adverbs
Speaking and Listening
(ELACC.2.SL.1) / (a) follows rules for discussion
(b) builds on others conversations
(c) asks questions for clarification
ELACC.2.SL.2 / recount or describe using key details
ELACC.2.SL.3 / asks and answers questions from speaker
ELACC.2.SL.4 / retell story or recount experience with facts and details
ELACC.1.SL.6 / produce complete sentences
Math Common Core / Element Description
MCC2.NBT.5 / Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies
MCC2.NBT.6 / Add up to 4 two digit numbers
MCC2.NBT.8 / Mentally add or subtract 10 or 100
MCC2.NBT.9 / Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work
MCC2.OA.1 / Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve 1 step word problems (2 step comes in Q2)
MCC2.MD.5 / Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems using length
MCC2.MD.6 / Represent whole numbers as lengths on a numberline
MCC2.MD.10 / Draw a picture graph and bar graph to represent data