July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #1

Elementary Secondary Education Act- Impact on Paraprofessionals

recommendation: agreement

Add new contract Language (Article IV, G) as follows:

G. Paraprofessionals in Title I Schools

In compliance with the Elementary/Secondary Education Act (ESEA) revised by the Federal Government in January of 2002, existing paraprofessionals in Title I schools will be expected to attain an AA or AS Degree, two years of college credit, or pass a district or state devised certification test by January 2005. It was agreed that DCPS and DTU will provide a prescribed professional development program and administer a local certification test. A joint committee representing DTU and the DCPS will meet on or before September 4, 2002 to determine guidelines for implementation of the certification process.

Para Proposal #2

Use part time paraprofessionals for school duties before full time paraprofessionals

recommendation: agreement

An agreement was reached to reemphasize and enforce the current contract language by which paraprofessionals are to work in the classroom 80% of the workday. Principals will be informed that in schools where the 80%-20% ratio is not met, available part time paraprofessionals will be used for cafeteria or other duties first in order to provide more classroom time for full time paraprofessionals.

Para Proposal #3

Use of social security numbers/Access to phone numbers

Recommendation: AGREEMENT

It was agreed that social security numbers are confidential. Social Security numbers will only be released in accordance with the Public Records Laws. Employee personnel numbers will be used in lieu of social security numbers whenever and wherever possible (includes time sheets, leave forms,etc.).

Employee phone numbers are subject to the Florida Public Records Laws. Both DTU and the DCPS will continue lobbying efforts with the Florida Legislature to exempt employee phone numbers from the law.

Para Proposal #4

Clarify use of teacher input on evaluations

recommendation: AGREEMENT

Reemphasize policy (Article VI: Evaluation/Personnel Files, Section A-2 Evaluation)

It was agreed that Principals will be reissued the procedure for evaluations.



July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #5

Create a Progressive Discipline policy (article v, h)

recommendation: agreement

New contract language (Article V, H)

H. Reprimand or Criticism Progressive Discipline Policy

1.  The Employer’s administrators shall not reprimand or criticize an individual employee in the presence of the employee’s colleagues, teachers (other than the supervising teachers), or in the presence of students or parents of such students. When reprimand or criticism is deemed necessary, it shall be made in a private conference, with discretion and out of public view and hearing.

2.  Where disciplinary action is warranted by the facts of a situation, employees may shall be

accorded progressive discipline. The following progressive steps must be followed in

administering discipline, it being understood, however, that some more severe acts of

misconduct may warrant immediate suspension and/or termination. For the purposes of this

process, a verbal warning is not considered part of the disciplinary procedure. The steps which would normally be followed in administering discipline shall include:

a.  Verbal Warning Reprimand (With no written conference summary placed in personnel file and with verbal notification that the disciplinary process has been initiated)

b.  Written Reprimand

c.  Suspension Without Pay

d.  Termination

3. It shall be the objective of those taking disciplinary action, and of the employees, that they handle their roles by conducting themselves through proper and professional decorum to avoid embarrassment.

3. 4. If a conference is held at a location other than the assigned school center or when discipline will be issued and more than one supervisor will be present at the disciplinary session, the employee will have the right to have a representative present. If an employee is summoned to the office of a Principal or administrator/supervisor or any district-level administrator for a conference which may lead to disciplinary action or reprimand, the employee shall have the right to request Union representation. If a Union representative is not available for the conference, the conference shall be rescheduled to a time when Union representation is available.

4. 5. The supervisor shall promptly provide any written reprimands to the

employee When the employee is to receive a written reprimand, a copy of the

reprimand shall be provided to the employee promptly once it is

finalized. The employee shall have the opportunity to make a written

response to the reprimand within ten days of receiving a copy. A copy of

the response shall be made to the Principal or an appropriate

administrator and to the Director Assistant Superintendent of Employee Relations

Human Resources.

5. 6. An employee whose appeal of a disciplinary action is successful shall not lose

any seniority, rank, or pay as a result of the employee’s action.



July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #6

Make Technical/outdated language contract corrections

Recommendation: agreement

Make the following technical corrections in the Paraprofessional Contract.

Article I

Page 5, A1 Correct spelling of arrangements

Page 6, F10 Omit planning time from #10

Page 6, F14 Omit reference to clerical assistants

Page 7, G Change express to expressed

Article II

Page 9, A ISSP remove “a current Duval Teacher Certificate”

Page 12, B4 Remove 99-00 review reference

Page 13, I Change longevity pay from $350 to $600

Article III

Page 14, A Update Health Insurance language (see proposals)

Page 14,B Update Life Insurance language (see proposals)

Page 17, GI Remove Unused Annual Leave section (see proposals)

Page 19, JI, J2 Change mileage rates

Article IV

Page 20, BI Remove Substitute Certificate and 90 hours

Page 23, B4 Add security para job description

Page 24, C5 Typo the employee to travel

Page 25, C10 Employee liaison-Who is this?

Page 26, D4 Omit 96-97 reference

Article V

Page 28, AI Letter from Superintendent

Page 30, E Remove 1995-1998 reference

Page 31, H4 Change to Director of Human Resources

Page 36, S Eliminate Paragraph S3

Page 37, T6 Make applications deadline the same as teachers

Page 38, V5 Eliminate year 90-91

Article VII

Page 46, AI Word he should be replaced with employee

Article IX

Page 57, L Elective should be elected

Article X

Page 59, A4 Share should be shared

Appendix A

Page 65 Add security para description (see proposals)



July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #7

Para technology contact pay

recommendation: agreement

Paraprofessionals are hourly employees as per Federal guidelines. A letter will be sent to principals emphasizing the Federal requirement that Employees working outside of the contractual workday must be paid their hourly wage.

Para Proposal #8


Recommendation: agreement

Procedures for the SRP of the Year are in place through Marsha Olivers’ office (Department of Communications). The procedures include time lines for the SRP of the year. Principal’s and supervisors will be reminded to implement established procedures.

Para Proposal #9

School Security Paraprofessional Definition

Recommendation: agreement

New Language (Article IV- Professional Differentiated Classifications and Career Development: Section 4)

Security Paraprofessional:


Under the supervision of the site administrator/designee, the Security Paraprofessional will be assigned non-instructional responsibilities that assist the administrator of the school in the security efforts of the building and grounds.

Examples of Work:

The Security Paraprofessional, under the supervision of the site administrator/designee, will perform responsibilities that assist in the security efforts of the building and grounds. Responsibilities may include observing/monitoring students in the halls, restrooms, lunchroom, as well as the boarding and debarking of buses/cars.

Para Proposal #10

Para Resignation Language Change

Recommendation: agreement

Remove comma after words “effective date” (Article V, N-3)

3. Any employee who has submitted a resignation and wishes to resume employment with the Employer may rescind such resignation prior to its effective date or at any time following the effective date, effective date upon approval by the Superintendent.



July 9, 2002

DCSB Para Proposal #11

change ISSP Facilitator Requirements (Article II, A; Article IV B-1)

Recommendation: agreement

Create an ISSP Column IV to encompass the new 60-hour college requirement for ISSP Facilitator (Article II A)


Assignment to column IV requires the ISSP Facilitator to have completed 60 semester hours of accredited college course work or an A.A. degree. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.


Assignment to column V requires the ISSP Facilitator to have completed 90 semester hours of accredited college course work. and to possess a current Duval Teacher Certificate. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.


Assignment to column VI requires the ISSP Facilitator to have earned a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree from an accredited college. and to possess a current Duval Teacher Certificate. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.

Article IV B. 1.

1. ISSP Facilitator

Description: The ISSP Facilitator is assigned the responsibility for instructional assistance and maintenance of discipline for at least 80% of the workday with remote supervision by certificated staff.

Qualifications/Education /Training: At least 90 60 semester hours or an A.A. degree or bachelor degree and Duval Substitute Certificate. *Additional training required for ISSP and in accordance with SBER 6A-1.070. District level training will be provided during pre-planning for those hired at the beginning of the school year. When an employee is hired after the beginning of the school year, one TDE day will be provided to observe a successful ISSP classroom before the employee is required to assume an ISSP program.

ISSP Salary Schedule Assignment:


Assignment to column IV requires the ISSP Facilitator to have completed 60 semester hours of accredited college course work or an A.A. degree. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.


Assignment to column V requires the ISSP Facilitator to have completed 90 semester hours of accredited college course work and to possess a current Duval Teacher Certificate. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.


Assignment to column VI requires the ISSP Facilitator to have earned a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree from an accredited college. and to possess a current Duval Teacher Certificate. Official transcripts must be on file in Human Resources reflecting these requirements.



July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #12

Make technical corrections to Tobacco Free Schools contract language (Article V, V – 5)

recommendation: agreement

Make technical changes to contract language (Article V, V – 5)

5. Tobacco Free Schools

In order to safeguard the health and safety of employees and students, the use of tobacco products at any school site, which opens for use, subsequent to July 1, 1990, is prohibited. The use of any tobacco products at any school site opened for use prior to July 1, 1990, shall be prohibited as of July 1, 1991. "School site" shall be defined as any building used for pupil attendance, or part thereof, and the grounds upon which such building is located. "Tobacco products" shall be defined as all lighted tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and all smokeless tobacco products, including but not limited to snuff and chewing tobacco. As a part of the Employee Assistance and Wellness Programs, any employee desiring to participate shall be provided a smoking cessation program at no cost to the employee.

Para Proposal #13

Make technical corrections to Article III, A-Health Insurance

recommendation: agreement

Change language as follows:

A. Health Insurance

1.  Employees who complete their contractual obligation through the end of the school year in June shall have their coverage extended through September 30.

2.  Any employee on approved leave of absence (without pay) during the final thirty (30) days of the work year shall be deemed as having completed the work year.

3.  Any employee on approved leave of absence (without pay) shall be covered for a period of 30 days from the beginning date of the leave.

4.  The employer shall contribute $250 on behalf of each employee toward the purchase of an option(s) from the fringe-benefit package. The fringe-benefit package shall include options such as health coverage, life, dental, income protection, flexible spending accounts, and optical. The employee shall have the right to purchase further options through payroll deduction or reduction as they are approved by the Employer for inclusion in the fringe-benefit plan.

5.  DTU shall appoint an equal number of representatives of this unit to the Insurance Committee as other units and the Employer have on the Committee.

6. The Employer agrees to provide members of the bargaining unit with the

group hospitalization insurance program as approved by the School Board

on June 19, 1992. State-licensed Birthing Centers and Primary Care

Centers shall be included in the qualified facilities.



July 9, 2002

Para Proposal #14

Make technical correction to Article III, B- Life Insurance

Recommendation: agreement

Make changes to Article XIII, B as follows:

B. Life Insurance

The employer agrees to provide employees with basic life insurance coverage consisting of a $10,000 life insurance policy and with a $10,000 accidental death and dismemberment insurance rider policy, which shall include benefits equivalent to those currently existing. Employees shall have the option to purchase, at their cost, supplemental life insurance coverage up to three times their annual salary (unless that amount exceeds the established cap), less the basic insurance amount or a flat $50,000 coverage. Supplemental insurance does not exceed $100.000 for the 1991-1993 school year. It is agreed, however, that the Insurance Committee shall ascertain the possible of raising the $100,000 cap for the 1992-1993 school year, and shall make a recommendation to the Superintendent.