In the book, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, the setting takes place in District 12, nicknamed the Seam. District 12 is a small village that lies in the country of Panem which is in the ruins of North America. The setting also takes place in the Capitol. The story takes place in late spring or early summer, set sometime in the future.

Katniss is a hunter that goes into the hunger games. She is very brave and goes hunting in the woods of District 12, even though it’s illegal. She is good with a bow and arrows and shoots her animals in the eye. She is very thin because District 12 does not get enough food. When she doesn’t get enough food, she goes hunting and trades with others. When she goes into the hunger games she falls in love with Peeta. Katniss is a dynamic character.

Peeta is the baker’s son from District 12. He gets chosen for the Hunger Games. During the Hunger Games, he falls in love with Katniss. He has always been in love with Katniss, but it was secret until the Hunger Games. When he is about to die, Katniss saves him many times. He does not have many skills. His main skill is decorating, which is not helpful in the Hunger Games. Peeta is a dynamic character.

Cato is a tribute of District 2 that is part of the Hunger Games. District 2 is where some of the career tributes come from. He is strong with a spear. He and Clove were chosen for the Hunger Games from District 2. Clove is a minor character. She does not appear much till the end until she almost kills Katniss. He is a dynamic character because he goes from being neutral to hating Katniss.

Gale is Katniss’ hunting friend that also lives in District 12. He is also good with a bow and arrow, but not as good as Katniss. His forte is snare traps, which he taught to Katniss. In exchange, Katniss taught him which plants and berries are edible. She taught him what berries would kill you if you eat them. He is a minor character.

Haymitch is the instructor for tributes of District 12. To become an instructor, you have to win the Hunger Games. Haymitch is the only living winner of the Hunger Games from District 12. Before the games, Haymitch’s favorite thing to do was get drunk. He was never any help. This Hunger Games, Haymitch’s favorite member of the Hunger Games was Katniss. He liked Katniss because he knew she had a chance. Haymitch is a dynamic character.

In the story, The Hunger Games, you can first see traces of rising action when Prim, Katniss’ sister, is chosen to participate in the Hunger Games. Katniss has spent her life protecting her family, and does not want her to die. She then volunteers herself to take her place. When they are at the station to get on the train, Prim and Katniss’ mom visit. Also, the baker and the mayor’s daughter visit giving cookies and good luck. When they get on the train, they head to the capitol. When they get off, they meet up with Cinna, the dresser, and his assistants. They decide to dress Peeta and Katniss up with fake fire. When they go into the arena, she get’s the nickname, “Katniss, the girl who was on fire.” After that, they go to training. During training, Peeta scores an 8/12 and Katniss scores and 11/12. After that, Peeta and Katniss go to interviews. After that the Games begin!

The climax takes place when the Games begin. We think this is the Climax because at this point, Katniss realizes that everything has changed now. She must fight to live. Fight to survive. This climax is man vs. man because the tributes must fight to the death. Man vs. nature because they have to deal with natural predators, too. Man vs. fate because they have no choice, but to fight to the death. Lastly, man vs. society because the capitol is hosting the games. All 24 tributes are raised into the wilderness from underground to fight to the death to survive. They start at the cornucopia, the stash of supplies and weapons, and then sprint to cover to wait for another tribute. The main part of the games is surviving. You must have food, water and be able to fight. When the Games begin, Katniss sprints for the cornucopia and grabs a backpack. After she get’s the backpack, she sprints for the woods.

After Katniss gets the bag, she g0es into the woods to find cover and water. She runs from enemies for about a day, and then finds a tree to sleep in. After she sleeps, she wakes up and starts walking. She walks for 2 days and is about to die, then, she finds water. She drinks and drinks and decides to make camp here. While she is there, Peeta and the career tributes show up. They find another tribute and kill her. Then, they leave. Katniss then climbs down and runs. She runs until she finds a new place to camp and sets up camp there. Later, the career tributes spot her so she climbs up a tree. The career tributes are not good climbers, so they cannot get her. She camps in the tree and they guard the tree ‘til morning. During the night, she looks over to the tree next to her and sees Rue, the tribute from District 11. She points up above Katniss, and there is a Tracker Jacker nest, a mutation of 2 wasps. In the morning, while the anthem is playing, she cuts down the nest, and it falls on the career tributes.

After the nest falls, she gets out of the tree and sprints away. She runs and runs and runs until she collapses from the poison from the Tracker Jackers. After she wakes up, she goes and finds a stream. She makes camp there until she hears rustling in the bushes. She realizes it is Rue. Katniss and Rue decide to team up. They realize that the career tributes are useless without the cornucopia stash. They also find out that the food stash is surrounded by reactivated mines. Katniss decides to blow up the food stash. She sets out to do this. When she gets there, she shoots an arrow into a sack of apples which spill on the ground, blowing up the mines. This blows her back, and knocks out her hearing in her left ear. She can barely hear in her right. As soon as she gets on her feet, she starts running. As she’s running, she hears Rue screaming.

When she hears Rue, she starts sprinting through the woods towards her. When Katniss reaches Rue she finds her tangled in a net while another tribute is throwing a spear at her. When Katniss doesn’t succeed in saving Rue she kills the tribute with the spear and covers Rue in flowers and sings to her until she dies as a way to “rebel” against the capitol. Not too long after this the gamemakers allow tributes to pair with the tribute that came from the same district as them. Katniss looks for and finds Peeta carefully hidden in some mud with a deep cut in his leg.

We think the mood of this story is sad. We think this because she get's taken from her family and is forced to kill other people. A quote from the book that explains this is "Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch – this is the Capitol’s way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy. How little chance we would stand of surviving another rebellion. Whatever words they use, the real message is clear. 'Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there’s nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did in District Thirteen.'"
This example shows that all the Districts have no power against the Capitol.

We think that another mood showed in “The Hunger Games” is dark. We think this because many people die. This is dark because death is a very dark and sad part of life. Another way that the book’s mood is dark is that people in most of the districts are poor and unfortunate and must starve to death or die of diseases. For example, in Katniss’ district (District 12) she says that District 12 is a place where you can starve to death in safety. She says this because the district is surrounded by fences that keep out dangerous animals, but most citizen inside the district cannot afford cookies.

Lastly, our group thinks that another one of the possible moods in the story is control and rebellion. We think this because The Capitol is in control of all the districts and if they don’t yield to the Capitol then they will end up being destroyed like District 13. Also, when Katniss puts flowers on Rue it is considered as a way of rebellion against the Capitol. The last example of rebellion is when Katniss and Peeta are both about to eat nightlock, a poisonous berry, so that neither one of them will live without the other. Haymitch tells Katniss that when she did that when it was televised it made the Capitol look weak.

In the resolution, Katniss and Peeta kill Cato, and are the only 2 tributes left. They can only have 1 winner though. Instead of trying to kill each other, they both attempt to kill themselves because they don’t want to be apart. Instead, before they kill themselves, an announcer announces that they both win. After this, they go to a hospital and all their wounds are removed. After this, they go home. We think the theme is “Stand up for what you think is right.” We think this because Katniss and Peeta are always standing up to the capitol, even though they know it could result in death. We think this is a good theme. It really helps you in life.