1.Purpose of Report

1.1To provide Members with statistical and other information regarding Development Control matters in the quarter 1st October 2004 – 31st December 2004


2.1To note the information contained in the report.

3.Summary of planning applications

3.1Comparative performance figures: planning applications.

July – September 2004 / October – December 2004
Total applications received / 592 / 430 *
Total applications determined / 575 / 493
Determined within 8 weeks / 79% (455) / 82% (402)
Determined within 13 weeks / 91% (524) / 90% (446)

3.2The above table shows the statistical information regarding the receipt and speed of determination of planning applications during the quarter Oct – Dec 2004. To assist Members in assessing trends, the same information is provided for the previous quarter. The actual number of applications determined within 8 weeks and within 13 weeks is shown alongside the percentage figures in the bottom two lines.

3.3* This figure does not include approximately 175 planning applications received during December 2004 but not as yet registered on the planning system.

3.4Members will note that the speed in determining applications within the 8 week period has improved steadily and produced some very encouraging statistics. However, the Registration Team currently have a substantial back-log in the initial processing of planning applications, which will almost certainly impact on our ability to hit our targets over the next two quarters. This situation is being addressed by additional recruitment to the Registration Team , but the initial recruitment process and then training the new member of staff will mean the situation will not be fully addressed in the short term.

3.5The Government’s disaggregated categories and target times are shown below, together with the performance in Poole during the quarter October - December 2004.

60% of major schemes within 13 weeks (BV109a) / 4% / 47%
65% of minor schemes within 8 weeks (BV109b) / 30% / 70%
80% of householder/other minor schemes within 8 weeks (BV109c) / 66% / 90%

The latest available national figures for this disaggregation (July - September) are set out below alongside the performance achieved at Poole in that quarter and in the quarter October - December.

Major / 61% / 68% / 47%
Minor / 68% / 64% / 70%
Other / 83% / 89% / 90%

3.6As reported to Committee in August 2004, the Government target of 60% for major schemes to be dealt with within 13 weeks is particularly challenging, given their obvious scale and complexity. Of the 19 decisions made on Major applications during the quarter we were able to determine almost half within the 13 week period, and it should be borne in mind that the time and effort expended on a relatively small number of applications is out of proportion to the total number of applications dealt with overall. Our performance in the areas of Minor and Other applications exceeds targets, but not to the point where there can be any relaxation of effort. We will continue to concentrate on improving the performance in respect of Major applications to meet the governments targets, though I believe the need for legal agreements in every case will hamper our move towards 60% +.

3.7The latest information available (Jul – Sep) for comparison with other Planning Authorities in Dorset regarding the speed of determination of all applications is set out below, and members attention is drawn to the total number of applications determined compared to other Local Planning Authorities who have achieved a similar overall percentage:

DORSET / Percent within 8 weeks / No. of applications determined
Christchurch / 85% / 203
West Dorset / 82% / 483
Purbeck / 81% / 290
POOLE / 79% / 575
Weymouth & Portland / 78% / 191
North Dorset / 70% / 396
East Dorset / 63% / 426
Bournemouth / 52% / 565

3.8Of the 575 applications determined, 78% were granted, the second lowest figure in the County and 5% below the national average.

3.9The following table sets out the comparison with the performance of the “family” of similar authorities, as chosen by the Planning Committee for Audit Commission purposes, from the latest information available (Jul - Sep).

FAMILY GROUP / Percent within 8 weeks / No. of applications determined
Torbay / 85% / 518
Eastbourne / 85% / 205
Ipswich / 84% / 279
Arun / 83% / 533
Medway / 82% / 773
Eastleigh / 80% / 404
New Forest / 79% / 734
POOLE / 79% / 575
Portsmouth / 79% / 403
Weymouth / 78% / 191
Canterbury / 77% / 508
Brighton / 73% / 905
Bournemouth / 52% / 565

Overall, the national trend is markedly upwards (up 5% on the same quarter last year), probably in response to the rewards offered to Local Planning Authorities in terms of Planning Delivery Grant.

4.Summary of planning appeals

Jul – Sep 2004 / Oct – Dec 2004
Allowed / 5 (29.4%) / 1 (3.7%)
Dismissed/Withdrawn / 12 (70.6%) / 26(96.3%)

4.1Because of the considerable length of time between the lodging of an appeal and its eventual determination, the appeals shown above as decided, bear no relationship to those shown as lodged, but relate to those appeals lodged in previous quarters, as do the TPO appeals analysed below. The situation reported to Members in the last quarterly report regarding the delays in determining appeals has not changed. The ODPM have recently announced the decision to revert to a six-month deadline for lodging appeals. This change comes into effect on 14/1/05.

4.2Members will be aware that there are three procedures for appeals to be considered and determined; namely by Written Representations, by Hearings or by formal Public Inquiries. During the quarter October - December 2004, the 1 appeal allowed was a Written Representation. Of the 19 appeals dismissed during the period, nine were by Written Representation, six were Hearings and four were Public Inquiries. Seven appeals were withdrawn.


July – Sept Oct – Dec

2004 2004

Complaints Received 247 156

Notices Served 269

6.Applications to fell and lop trees

Jul – Sep 2004 / Oct - Dec 2004
Applications Received / 199 / 153
Determined within 8 weeks / 99% / 93%
New TPO’s Made / 10 / 13
Appeals Lodged / 5 / 9
Appeals Decided / 10 / 7
Appeals Allowed / 2 (20%) / 2 (28.6%)
Appeals Dismissed / Withdrawn / 7 (70%) / 4 (57.1%)
Appeals – Split Decision / 1 (10%) / 1 (14.3%)

6.1Members are asked to note the continued success in the speed of determining applications for works on protected trees within the 8 week period, which has remained consistently over 90% for the last 12 months.

7.Citizens’ Charter – performance targets

7.1Control Over Development

(1) The number of applications for planning permission decided:-

Jul – Sep Oct - Dec


(a) Householder applications327266

(b) All other applications248227

(2)Householder applications:

(a) the Authority’s target90% in 8 weeks90% in 8 weeks

(b) the percentage of householder

applications decided in 8 wks90%93%

(3) Appeals:

(a)the number of decisions on 1727

planning applications taken

to appeal

(b)the number of appeals that5 1

were successful

(4)The percentage of the Authority 100%100%

Population covered by a unitary or

local development plan.

(5)The number of departures from the 49

statutory plan approved by the


8.Dealing with the public


8.2During the quarter Oct – Dec the Unit registered eight complaints, in accordance with the Council’s formal Local Complaints Procedure, five of these were referrals from the Local Government Ombudsman. A further three complaints were made to the Local Government Ombudsman during the quarter.

8.3Planning Web Site

Since the launch of the web-site at the end of September 2004, the number of visitors to the site has been steadily increasing from 475 “hits” in October 2004 to 1188 “hits” in December 2004. The general feedback from visitors is positive and enthusiastic and further enhancements and developments are planned over the coming months.

Peter Watson

Head of Planning Design & Control


ODPM General Development Control Returns PS1 and PS2

ODPM Information Bulletin PA-Q2 Statistical Release 10/12/04

Contact: Sue Ludwig – 01202 633368