Periodic Table Trends & Electron Configuration

Electron Configuration

• A method used by scientists to show the distribution of e in

their orbital.

•  Diagonal Rule

2s2ámax # e it holds

Energy levelÆ2s2



shape of orbital

• Energy levels: the region around the nucleus where the e is likely to be moving.

There are 7 levels.

• Sublevels: represented by the letters s,p,d,f

•  Each can hold a maximum

# of electrons

sublevel #electrons

s 2

p 6

d 10

f 14

• Constructing

1. Determine the #e in the element.

2. Begin w/ 1s & follow the arrows for the order of filling energy

levels w/ e

3. The sublevel can only hold a certain # electrons

4. Keep a tally of distributed electrons

Short Hand Electron Configuration

1. Determine the previous noble gas of the element & place its symbol in brackets

2. Determine the difference in the # electrons between the element and the noble gas.

3. Begin with the sublevel “s” in the energy level of the element.

4. Distribute the remaining e according to the diagonal rule.

• Tricks:

Group 1: end in s1

Group 2: end in s2

Group 3: end in p1

Group 4: end in p2

Group 5: end in p3

Group 6: end in p4

Group 7: end in p5

Group 8: end in p6

The number in front of the sublevel is the row number.

Transition metals are the d sublevel.

Movement of Electrons

1. Electrons in a particular path have a fixed energy

2. Electrons change energy by going from one energy level to another when energy (photons) are abs. or emitted

3. Photon abs. energy electron moves away from the nucleus

Low àHigh

4. Photons are emitted electrons move closer to the nucleus

High à Low

•  Energy Level: The region around the nucleus where the electron is likely to be moving

•  Ground Level: Atoms (electrons) in the lowest energy state

•  Quantum Energy: The amount of energy required to move an electron from its present energy level to the next higher one.

Theory Behind Electron Configuration

•  Quantum Numbers: The address of an electron to indicate the probable location of the electron within the atom

• n: Principle Quantum #

1. Describes the energy level within the atom.

• Energy levels are 1 to 7

• l:Sublevel

1. Value 0 to n-1

•  m: Describes the orbital within a sublevel

1. Which orbital the electron is in

values –l to + l

•  ms:Spin

1. Describes the spin of the electron.

•  2. Electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins.

– Possible spins are clockwise (é) or counterclockwise (ê).

•  Pauli’s Exclusion Theory: States no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers

•  Aufau Principle:

States an electron occupies the lowest energy orbital first

• Hunds Rule: The most stable arrangement of electrons in sublevels is one with the greatest # of parallel spins.

Rules Behind the Theory

• C: 1s22s22p2

áâ áâ á á __

1s2 2s2 2p2


áâ áâ áâ __ __

1s2 2s2 2p2


• Trend

-Increases across a


-Decreases down a


• Fluorine (F) is the most


• Francium (Fr) is the

least electronegative

• Reasons for Trend:

1. Increase across a

period b/c of poor

shielding & increasing

protons in the nucleus.

Grabs e elsewhere

• a. Shielding: inner

orbitals “shield” e on higher levels from the pull of the nucleus.

•  2. Decreases down a

group b/c good shielding

& additional e become

more difficult to hold

on to.

Atomic Radius

• One-half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together

• Trend

- Decrease across

a period

-Increase down a


• Reasons for Trend:

1. Decrease across a

period b/c protons

in the nucleus pull e

more tightly towards


•  2. Increase down a

group b/c energy

levels increase the

distance of the e

from the nucleus- e

don't feel added pull

of the nucleus.

• 3. Shielding blocks the

attraction of the

nucleus for outer e

\ size increases

down a group.

• Atoms & Ions

1. Cation: Smaller than parent; remove e

2. Anion: Larger than

parent; add e

Ionization Energy

• Trend

-Increase across a


-Decreases down a


• Reasons for trend:

1. e difficult to remove

across a period b/c

shielding is poor &

protons exert a

strong attraction.

Ionization Energy

•  2. e easier to remove

down a group b/c

of good shielding each

time you are one

energy level further

from the nucleus.

Types of Bonds

• 1. Ionic Bonds

a. transfer of e;

involves formation

of ions

cation (+) and

anion (-)

b. Occurs between

a metal & non-


c. Only valence e

(outer most e) are

involved in bonding

d. Valence e are shown

in e dot structures;

valence e = group #

• 2. Covalent Bonds

a. sharing e btwn

two non-metals

b. Two Types

1. Nonpolar:

2 atoms

share e equally

(occurs only if the

2 atoms are

identical) ie: N2, O2

2. Polar:

Occurs when

there is an unequal

sharing of e in the

bond b/c of the

difference in
