Contract #RFP-CMS-2010-8A-0030

Hospital Courseware Development

Weekly Meeting

09 Sept 10

Preceptor Manual

COR Status Weekly Meeting Minutes

18 June 2015

Submitted: 19 June 2015

Prepared for:

Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

7500 Security Blvd

Linda Taylor

Contracting Officer Representative


Prepared by:

Carolyn Kinsell/Cherie Muller


A. Harold and Associates, LLC

3131 St. Johns Bluff Rd, S.

Jacksonville, FL, 32246


Voice: 904.337.1214/904.337.1135

Contract #HHSM-500-2013-00124C

COR Status Weekly Meeting Minutes

18 June 2015

Preceptor Manual COR Status weekly meeting participants are from the A. Harold and Associates, LLC (AHA) Team and HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The meeting is conducted virtually.

Meeting Time
Start: 11:00 AM EDT
End: 11:35 AM EDT
Conference Call Information
Dial-in number: 1-877-267-1577
Meeting ID: 998 847 716
GoToMeeting Information
Please join my meeting: Preceptor Manual
Thu, June 18, 2015 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Next Meeting
Thursday, July 1, 2015


Name / Email/Phone / Attended / Scheduled Leave /
Linda Taylor
COR, Training Staff /
410-786-2441 / ü / June 22-26
Training: July 23-30
Paula Biemer
Backup COR, Training Staff /
AHA Staff
Jim Cook
Deputy Program Director /
301-233-7175 / ü
Carolyn Kinsell
Program Manager /
Cherie Muller*
Project Manager /
904-337-1135 / ü
Joe Byrns
Production Manager/TA /
904-265-1940 ext. 474 / ü / July 6th – 10th TCT
Janet McCormick
386-761-6582 / ü / July 3rd – 13th
July 23rd –31st
Aug 13th – 17th
Sandie Stratton
Web Dev/Training Analyst /
Joan Simmons

*Minute taker for this meeting.


AHA A. Harold and Associates, LLC

AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

APOD Advanced Principles of Documentation

CBT Computer Based Training

CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

CO Central Office

COR Contracts Officer Representative

FY Fiscal Year

GGG Grab and Go Guide

GTL Government Team Lead

HHS Department of Health and Human Services

ILT Instructor Led Training

ISD Instructional Systems Designer

KOM Kickoff Meeting

LTC Long Term Care

PM Preceptor Manual

POC Point of Contact

QA Quality Assurance

QIS Quality Indicator Survey

R&M Revision and Maintenance

RO Regional Office

RTA Regional Training Administrator

SA State Survey Agency

SADOC State Agency Directors Orientation Course

SME Subject Matter Expert

SOD Statement of Deficiency

STC State Training Coordinator

TA Training Analyst

TBD To Be Determined

TC Training Coordinator

TEP Technical Expert Panel

TG Training Guide

WBT Web Based Training

WG Workgroup

Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item / Discussion /
Preceptor Manual Online Quarterly Release Updates (20150902) / ·  Discussed archived COR meeting minutes; agreed AHA will move archived Preceptor Manual minutes back onto the online Project folder; going forward, weekly COR meeting minutes will be posted to Adobe Connect.
o  Verified on track for 20150902 release.
o  Verified COR meeting minutes received through Adobe Connect.
o  Approved the location and storage method of the archived meeting minutes.
Curriculum Maps / ·  Minor changes to ASC and ICF/IID Curriculum Map
o  ASC add back-in the Intro to Non-LTC
o  ICF/IID addition to post-requisites
§  Linda will forward the email to Joe
o  Joe added updated S&C memos to update log
·  Future development for Certification Specialist course will require the creation of another curriculum map.
Availability of CMS Retired Staff / ·  Linda will send email to Cherie with potential names (outstanding)
·  Linda continues to pursue potential State SMEs and will update AHA
·  All agreed that the addition of Synora Jones to the team fulfills SME requirement.
APOD Course / ·  APOD development meetings biweekly and setting a placeholder for every other Monday; AHA to schedule first meeting (recurring) for Monday, 20150629 at 2:00PM
·  AHA proposed an alternative delivery method for modules 2 and 3 of the APOD course. To complete a lesson within the modules, the learners will gain content knowledge by completing a one hour WBT on a given day (Monday) and return to survey duties for the rest of the week (Tues-Thurs), with the exception of a one hour slot of time set aside to complete a task based assessment. At the end of the week (Friday), the learner would schedule a one hour webinar with the instructor to discuss the assessment and receive feedback. The learner would also have access to a discussion board during the week to ask the instructor questions.
o  Cherie will submit a written plan to Linda for approval.
·  Discussed the APOD design document
·  Design Document to be sent by COB Friday the 19th of June.
·  Discussed the course delivery method
o  Verbally described the delivery method to Linda
o  Tentative agreement reached
§  Final approval will be determined with input from Synora.
·  The A-POD course will focus on LTC.
·  Amendments to the course will be added at in the future for N-LTC.
Training Coordinator Conference 2015
July 7-10
Annapolis, MD / ·  Discussed details of lunch and learn session. It will be an information gathering user group session (45 minutes) used to obtain feedback, e.g., what have you found that really works, and what have you found unnecessary or not helpful?
o  Session should end with a 15-minute Q&A session
o  Linda will make sure that Fred knows to have flip charts and markers available along with a computer/projector with internet access.
o  AHA will brainstorm regarding different ways to obtain feedback
·  Lunch and learn:
o  Demo of the site
§  AHA to create an agenda of areas for the demo, with the understanding that there would requests from the audience to adjust the agenda
o  Possible feedback mechanisms: Comment sheet – free-form on index cards; Flip-charts – post-its on the flip charts
o  Guided questions
§  AHA to create a draft list of questions and deliver to the COR
§  Identify what is working for the participants?
§  What is not working for the participants?
§  Any additions they would like to see in the manual? Wants vs. needs?
·  Discussed the lunch and learn agenda.
·  Discussed the lunch and learn feedback questions
o  Will add a question pertaining to the General tab of the Preceptor Manual soliciting feedback about specific comments or concerns relating to the General Tab.
Wrap-Up / ·  Will begin meeting every other week
·  Begin to load COR’s status reports to Adobe Connect site along with the Google Analytics report
·  Next COR Status weekly meeting scheduled for Thursday, 20150702 at 11:00 AM
·  Moved to Wed the 1st of July 9:00am due to holiday schedule.

Action Items

As action items are completed, they are removed.

Product / ID / Action Item / Description / Assignee / Status /
Preceptor Manual / 004 / COR Status Weekly Meeting Minutes / Compile archived COR Status weekly meeting minutes for February through April and move to the online Project folder; current meeting minutes in Adobe Connect / AHA / 75% /
Preceptor Manual / 006 / Google Analytics reporting / Research monthly reporting issues for Total Visits by Page (Hospital and LSC tabs) / AHA / 100% /
APOD Course / 007 / SME Preparation / Share background materials with SME Synora Jones appropriate to KOM schedule / AHA / 75% /
Preceptor Manual / 008 / Training Coordinator Conference / Plan lunch and learn session / COR/AHA / 75% /
Preceptor Manual / 009 / Training Coordinator Conference / Send a draft list of questions and agenda to the COR by 20150611 / AHA / 50% /
APOD / 010 / Course Design Plan / Submit a written proposal for APOD course delivery / AHA / 50% /
Preceptor / 011 / Training Coordinator Conference / Linda will make sure that Fred knows to have flip charts and markers available along with a computer/projector with internet access. / COR / 100% /
TBD / 012 / TBD /

Future Tasks

This table reflects future tasks that the COR does not want to lose sight of. As their dates approach, these items will be included into the minutes and tracked.

Table 3 Future Tasks

Deliverable / Project Task / Items /
Preceptor Manual / Development- General
Task 1 Preceptor Manual: Research and Development / ·  Curriculum Maps will need to be updated by program leads for the September release including the updates to ASC and ICF/IID


Preceptor Manual Upcoming Release Schedule Activities

Start Date / End Date / Comments /
20150601 / 20150807 / Documents Deadline
20150807 / 20150813 / Update and QA of documents and approval by COR
20150814 / 20150819 / 508 QA of documents
20150819 / 20150820 / AHA site QA Functionality and approval by COR
20150821 / 20150822 / Prepare site package
20150825 / 20150827 / Transfer new code to Surveyor Training Website (STW)
20150827 / 20150901 / Transition updates to STW and QA
20150902 / 20150902 / Preceptor Manual Final Delivery

Preceptor Manual Release History

Release Date / Document Deadline / QA of Site / Comments /
20140806 / NA / 20140806 / Minor updates; 508 adjustments, Tips for Communication Document modification, add statement to LTC splash page to include “Division of Nursing Homes”
20141119 / 20141017 / 20141114 / First Major Update/Release
20150226 / 20150206 / 20150223 / Second (minor) Update/Release; two new LTC Documents added; updated Hospital curriculum map; additional credit additions; splash entry page modifications
20150529 / 20150501 / 20150525 / Third Major Update/Release; Hospice Field Resource Guide
20150902 / 20150807 / 20150826 / Fourth Major Update/Release

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