DorothyMcElhinneyMiddle School

6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies

Mrs. Keller


Language Arts / Social Studies:

Welcome to 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies!
I am looking forward to this school year and the learning that is going to take place. In Social Studies, students will explore the geography, economic/political development, and culture of ancient world civilizations starting with hunter-gatherer societies, rise of Sumerian city states, Egypt, Kush, and concluding with ancient Israel first semester. Second semester will continue the world tour as students learn about ancient India, China, Greece, and Rome.
Language Arts class will provide students with extensive opportunities to develop their reading comprehension and writing skills based on the California Standards. Students are required to read independently outside of school hours as well as complete group projects and activities in class.
This year students will experience learning through group assignments, simulations, individual and/or partner activities, performing/visual arts, technology, class discussions, essays, critical thinking, hands-on activities, learning stations, videos, interactive notebooks, enrichment opportunities, and a research report, etc… Students will be given a plethora of opportunities to make choices in their learning and I know that this year will be an exciting and rewarding learning experience for all of us!
Mrs. Tricia Keller
6th grade L.A./S.S. teacher

Grading for Language Arts:

  • Tests30%
  • Projects, Presentations20%
  • Writing/Essays/Journals25%
  • Quizzes15%
  • Homework/Class work10%

Grading for Social Studies:

  • Tests30%
  • Projects, Presentations25%
  • Quizzes15%
  • Interactive Notebook20%
  • Homework/Class work10%


  • To enrich the learning process, students should expect 30-45minutes of homework daily (Monday-Thursday). Homework may be required over the weekend for special projects. All work must be labeled with the student’s name, date, and class period. No name = no credit = zero points.
  • Ifyou do not have an assignment to complete, you should be reading your book
  • Except in the case of an absence, late homework will not be accepted.

Absences/My teacher web page:

  • For each day that a student has an excused absence, he/she will have one day to make up their work. Any projects or papers that were due on the date of the absence are due the day the student returns.
  • The student is responsible for checking the homework calendar/agenda on my website (Go to Dorothy McElhinney webpage, teachers, Mrs. Keller’s, agenda) and in classwhere they will find an agenda for the day, any handouts that were provided, and the homework assignments.
  • I will also keep notes posted on my website, project instructions, some assignments, etc. so please check my web page daily!!!!
  • In the event that a student misses a test, the student is responsible for scheduling an appointment with me to make up the test. The same time requirement applies for making up tests.

Late Work for 25% and up Assignments (Projects, Essays, Presentations, Interactive notebooks etc.):

In the case of projects, essays, and presentations, late work will be accepted up tothree days after the due date. Students will automatically lose one letter grade for one day late work. If a student turns in a project three days late their grade automatically starts at a D even if it is A quality work. Please encourage your child to turn work in on time! Note: This only applies to assignments worth 25% or more of your child’s grade. Regular homework is only 10% and will not be accepted late.

Cheating & Plagiarism:

I will adhere to the zero tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism. If a student is caught, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment and will receive an additional assignment (packet) related to the topic of cheating, what it is, and why it is so serious. In addition, the incident will be reported to the office for further disciplinary action.


Classroom Expectations:

  • Be Respectful: Treat everyone in the classroom with respect and kindness. Be positive and helpful toward your classmates
  • Be Prepared: Be in your seat when thebell rings, ready to learn, with all required materials and completed work.
  • Be Productive: Use time wisely and get work done in class.
  • Be A Good Citizen: Follow all school-wide policies and regulations.


For students who choose to violate the above expectations, one or more of the following consequences will be applied at the teacher’s discretion, and not necessarily in this order:

  • First OffenseWarning (name on board or verbal)
  • Second OffenseMinute after class (Check mark)
  • Third OffenseTime Out/alternate seating/Detention
  • Fourth OffenseAfter School Detention/Alt. class
  • Severe Violations/5th Offense
  • Fighting, vandalism, defianceSent to Administration

*Parents will be notified of third offense violations and beyond.


  • Student of the month
  • Tickets for prizes including (free choice seat, open note quiz, homework pass, etc)
  • Free time and/or classroom game
  • Positive call/note home


For Student Success I recommend the following basic supplies by August 12th:

Essential Supplies:

  • Two 3-prong folders(Language Arts and Social Studies)
  • One Composition Notebook (Journaling and warm ups)
  • A chapter book for silent reading brought to school Daily
  • Small plastic pencil case including the following supplies:

Pens for correcting (preferably red, purple, or green)

Mechanical pencils, extra leads (.7mm only), and erasers (OR sharpened pencils with erasers)

Colored pencils, markers, a highlighter and crayons (kept at home)

Hand pencil sharpener (if using wooden pencils for colored pencils)

Glue stick - OR - Elmer’s Craft Bond permanent dot runner and refill pack (This is a glue runner cartridge and can be purchased at Wal Mart - $3.50 for the cartridge and $2.50 for the refill pack)

Classroom Supplies- I greatly appreciate any donations! Teachers no longer receive any funds for classroom supplies. These are for all students to share in the classroom:

  • White Printer Paper
  • Lined Paper (College Rule)
  • White Construction paper (12x18 only) / Drawing paper (9x12)
  • Kleenex – lots of it!
  • Hand wipes/ Air fresheners
  • Disinfectant Wipes (for cleaning desks)
  • Watercolor paints and paint brushes
  • Colored Markers, colored pencils


I am available by phone:951-304-1885 Ext. 3514and e-mail: ). If you would like to schedule an appointment with me arrangements can be made. Please provide me with your phone number and e-mail address if applicable, as e-mail is the easiest form of communication for me and I try to respond as soon as possible within a 24 hour time frame. I am excited about working with you and your child this school year! Together we can make this a fantastic year!


Mrs. Keller

*Syllabus may be subject to change. Course content is built upon the California Standards for 6th Grade English and Social Science and includes a visual/performing arts component.


I have read the syllabus and agree to comply with all policies. I will keep this syllabus in my notebook at all times.


Student SignaturePrint Name

I have read the syllabus and understand the requirements and policies that my child will be held to. I understand the syllabus may be subject to change.


Parent SignaturePrint Name



Video Permission Slip: A Wrinkle in Time movie rated PG

First semester students will be reading the novel A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. At the conclusion of the novel, students will be watching the movie in class and perform a comparison between the movie and the book.

Please check the appropriate line and sign below:

______My child has permission to movies rated PG.

______My child does not have permission to watch movies rated PG.

______Parent Signature

*Please return the bottom page to Mrs. Keller. Keep Syllabus in notebook for future reference.