Selcen Öztürkcan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Selcen Öztürkcan-Özdinç, Ph.D.

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Professional Experience


MeSSe Consultancy (founder) Jan 2016 - …

Associate Professor April 2011 – Jun 2016

Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Research focus on Digital Consumer Behaviour.

Most Senior Academician in MBA Marketing group.

Some courses taught: Marketing, Marketing Strategy, and Strategic Management.

Advised ~150 MBA Graduation Projects in various Marketing subjects & Ph.D. and M.A. theses.

Program Coordinator of MA in HR Management (Online) Oct 2014 - Jun 2015

Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Launched the 100% online e-HR Management MA program.

Facilitated curriculum design in-line with Bologna procedure.

Recruitment and orientation of new faculty and students.

Academic Director of the Online Learning Center Jun 2014 - May 2015

Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Coordinated all online and hybrid undergraduate and graduate courses, and 100% online graduate programs.

Assistant Professor Nov 2010 - April 2011

Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Courses taught: Organizational Theory, Sales Management.

Advised ~20 MBA Graduation Projects.

Post-Doc Research Fellow & Sectorial Solutions Coordinator Aug 2008 – Nov 2010

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ozyegin University (Turkey)

Research focus on Digital Consumer Behaviour.

Planning, development, launch and execution of sectorial solutions module for the university.

Facilitation of industry-university collaborations, coordination of sectorial courses, lecturers, and internships.

Post-Doc Research Fellow Aug 2006 – Aug 2008

School of Management, Sabanci University (Turkey)

Research focus on Digital Consumer Behaviour.

Course taught: International Marketing.

Developed and completed TUBITAK, ITO and IBB funded research projects.

Research & Teaching Assistant Sep 2002 – Aug 2003

College of Business, University of South Florida (USA)

Research Assistant Jan 2001 – Sep 2003

(on academic leave between Sep 2001 and Sep 2003)

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Cankaya University (Turkey)

part-time / adjunct / visiting / pro-bono

Mentor (pro-bono)

Istanbul Technical University, ITUARI Teknokent - ITUSEED Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (Turkey) Aug 2015 - …

Juror: pre-incubator/incubator applications.

Mentor: strategy and business canvas development of start-ups.

Middle East Technical University, ODTUMIST Mentor Project (Turkey) Mar 2016 - …

Career development coaching for junior and senior METU undergrad students.

Associate Professor (part-time faculty) Oct 2015 – Jun 2016

Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Kadir Has University (Turkey)

Associate Professor (part-time faculty) Jun – Aug 2015

School of Management, Sabanci University (Turkey)

Associate Professor (part-time faculty) Sep 2013 – Aug 2015

Institute of Social Sciences, Bahcesehir University (Turkey)

Associate Professor (part-time faculty) Jun – Aug 2014

School of Management, Sabanci University (Turkey)

Visiting Professor Jan 2015

MBA, IPAG Business School (France)

Visiting Professor Feb 2014

MBA, ISCTE Business School (Portugal)

Visiting Professor Jan 2013

MBA, IPAG Business School (France)

Visiting Fellow Apr – Jul 2010

Faculty of Business and Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Visiting Scholar Feb – Mar 2010

Management School, Lancaster University (UK)

Adjunct Faculty Aug 2005 – Aug 2008

Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Adjunct Faculty Sep 2003 – Aug 2006

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yeditepe University (Turkey)

Consultancy & Executive Training Experience

Garanti Bank. Digital banking check-up of the 3rd largest private bank, and customer engagement and advocacy strategy development of the market leader in retail banking.

Pasha Bank. Corporate strategy development for the start-up of the largest Azeri private bank in Turkey.

Goldman Sachs. Executive entrepreneur trainings on business plan development and understanding consumer for the globally renowned investment bank.

Mazda. Executive dealer trainings on understanding consumer and Showroom Experience Design Strategy for the global automobile company.

Mapfre. Executive dealer trainings on chaos management, brand positioning and marketing communication for the global insurance company.

Jones Lang LaSalle. Executive training and KPI development for the largest shopping mall management group.

Naksan Holding. R&D strategy development in multiple projects for the leader of plastic packaging sector with subsidiaries in textile, energy, logistics and technology.

Tiryaki Holding. R&D strategy development in multiple projects for the largest agricultural company of the Middle East region.

Altınyıldız Holding. R&D strategy development in multiple projects for the Turkish textile market leader (45%) with 9.5M meters of annual fabric production, and 9 retail brands.

Vatan Computer. Basic skillset development for Management Trainees of the 4th largest technology retailer.

Vestel. Basic skillset development for Management Trainees of the durable consumer goods company.



- 2008-2010: Ozyegin University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (AACSB accredited), Istanbul (Turkey).

- 2006-2008: Sabanci University, School of Management (AACSB accredited), Istanbul (Turkey).

Ph.D. (2007)

Thesis Title: Service Value Creation in Supplier-Buyer Interactions: An Expert System Approach

(Turkish Educational Foundation (TEV) Outstanding Ph.D. Award)

- 2003-2007: Istanbul Technical University, Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering (ABET accredited), Istanbul (Turkey).

- 2002-2003: University of South Florida & Florida Atlantic University, Ph.D. Studies and Research in Business Administration, FL (USA).

M.B.A. (2001)

- Bilkent University, Master of Business Administration - Marketing track (AACSB accredited), Ankara (Turkey).

B.Sc. (1999)

- Middle East Technical University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (ABET accredited), with Honours Degree (ranking 5th), Ankara (Turkey).

Diploma (1995)

- Tarsus American School, Field of Science & Math with Honours Degree, Mersin (Turkey).

Awards & Scholarships

2015 Istanbul Bilgi University Encouragement Award

2014 The Institute for Business & Finance Research, Outstanding Research Award

2014 The Institute for Business & Finance Research, Leadership Award

2013 Effie 2013 Juror & Award Winner Cases' Book Editor

2012 Istanbul Bilgi University Encouragement Award

2009 Sabancı University’s Encouragement Award

2008 The Turkish Academy of Sciences’ (TUBA) Encouragement Award

2007 Turkish Educational Foundation (TEV) Outstanding Ph.D. Award

2005—2007 Turkish Educational Foundation Scholarship (TEV) for Ph.D.

2003 Advisor of the President's Academy of Advisors at the University of South Florida

2002—2007 Çankaya University Senate Fellowship for pursuing a Ph.D. Degree

2002—2006 University of South Florida Merit-Scholarship for Graduate Study

2002—2006 University of Rhode Island Merit-Scholarship for Graduate Study

2002—2006 Florida Atlantic University Merit-Scholarship for Graduate Study

2002—2003 University of South Florida Fellowship for Graduate Study

2002 Tarsus American School Alumni Association Fellowship for Conference Presentation

2000—2001 Tel Aviv University Study Abroad Scholarship

1999—2001 Bilkent University Merit-Scholarship for Graduate Study

1999—2001 Sabanci University Merit-Scholarship for Graduate Study

1998 & 1999 Middle East Technical University High Honour Student


journal articles

- Öztürkcan, S. & Genç, E.A., Uysal, O., (2014) “You are What You Check-In: Socially Created Values of Places and Online Identity Formation,” European Journal of Research on Social Studies, 1(1), pp.76-79.

- Öztürkcan, S. Kasap, N. & Eryarsoy, E., (2012), "M-Devlet Kullanıcı Kabul Potansiyeli: Kümeleme Analizi ve Karar Ağacı Yaklaşımı (M-Goverment User Acceptance Potential: Cluster Analysis and Decision Tree Approach)," C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi (CU Administrative and Economic Sciences Journal), 13(2), pp. 87-111.

- de Kervenoael, R., Öztürkcan, S. & Palmer, M. (2009), “Online Social Capital: Understanding E-Impulse Buying in Practice,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16(4), pp.320-328.

- Öztürkcan, S. & Bayraktar, D. (2009),"Tedarikçi-Alıcı Etkileşimlerinde Hizmetin Değer Yaratımı (Services’ Creation of Value in Supplier-Buyer Interactions)," İTÜ dergisi (ITU journal), 8(4), pp.3-12.

working papers

- Öztürkcan, S., Kasap, N., Çevik M. & Zaman, T., “Tweeting during a Social Protest: An Analysis of the Gezi Park Demonstrations,” submitted (Dec 2015) to Computers in Human Behaviour, under review.

books, book chapters and cases

- Öztürkcan, S., "Experiential Boutique Winery Marketing of Suvla," chapter inConsumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies in the Wine Industry, edited byAlessio Cavicchi and Cristina Santini, Elsevier, September 2017 forthcoming.

- Tuncalp, D. & Öztürkcan, S., "Diageo: Drinking the Lion's Milk in Turkey,"inStrategic Marketing Cases in Emerging Economies, edited byAtanu Adhikari &Sanjit Roy, Springer, October 2016 forthcoming.

- Öztürkcan, S. & Tuncalp, D., "iGaranti: World Leader in Mobile Banking Innovation," in Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets: An Asian Perspective, edited by Sanjit Roy, Dilip Mutum & Bang Nguyen, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-32970-3, August 2016 forthcoming.

- Öztürkcan, S. Şengün, S. (2016), "Pleasure in Pain: How Accumulation in Gaming Systems Produce Grief" in Gamer Psychology and Behavior, edited by Barbaros Bostan, p.41-55, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-29903-7.

- Öztürkcan, S. & Şengün, S. (2015), “Gaining rewards vs. Avoiding loss: When does gamification stops being fun?" chapter in Handbook of Research on Trends in Gamification, edited by Harsha Gangadharbatla and Donna Davis, p.48-72, IGI Global: Hershey, ISBN978-1-4666-8651-9.

- Öztürkcan, S. & Gümüş, B. (2015), "Sustaining Competitive Advantage: Turk Telekom" case in Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage (3rd Ed), edited by Doug West, John Ford and Essam Ibrahim, p.519-525, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-968409-0.

- Öztürkcan, S. (2014), “Effie 2013 Kazananlar Kitabi (Effie 2013 Award Winners Book)" Reklamcılık Vakfı Yayınları, ISBN 978-605-62637-2-9.

- de Kervenoael, R. & Öztürkcan, S. (2009), “Activating E-Bank Users: Exploring the Potential Impact of e-Atmospherics and Experiential Marketing” case in Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Cases, edited by K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson, Emma H. Wood & Alexandra J. Kenyon, p.560-562, Cengage Learning: London, UK. ISBN: 9781844808137.

- Öztürkcan, S. (2009), "Internalization, Objectivation and Externalization: Formation of Hyper-Loyal Brand Communities" chapter in Building Brand Loyalty: Issues and Perspectives, ICFAI: India. ISBN: 9788131422106.

- Koçaş, C., Öztürkcan, S. (2008), Ekonometrik Rekabet Modelleme ve Pazar Tepki Analizi (Econometric Modelling of Competitive Markets and Market Response), Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Publications: Istanbul. ISBN: 9789944602648.

- Singh, A.K., Hadjikhani, A., Aktan, C. C.& Öztürkcan, S. (2009), Studies on Business Economics: Papers on Human Resources Management, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Social Responsibility, Performance Management, Auditing, Accounting, Tourism Management, Volume 1: Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research Society: Izmir. ISBN: 9786055741136

- de Kervenoael, R., Öztürkcan, S. (2008), "Grey Market e-Shopping and Trust Building Practices in China" chapter in Trust and New Technologies: Marketing and Management on the Internet and Mobile Media edited by Teemu Kautonen and Heikki Karjaluoto, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK and Lyme, US. ISBN: 9781847205681.

- de Kervenoael, R., Öztürkcan, S. (2008) “Activating E-Bank Users: Exploring the Potential Impact of E-atmospherics and Experiential marketing” case in Consumer Behaviour, edited by Jim Blythe, Cengage Learning: London, UK. ISBN: 9781844803811.

- Öztürkcan, S. (2007), "Identification in Hyper-Loyalty Brand Communities" chapter in The Making of Cult Brands edited by Swapna Gopalan, ICFAI Press: Andhra Pradesh, India. ISBN: 8131408469.

- Öztürkcan, S., Bayraktar, D. (2007),"Proposing Snell’s Law approach for Service-Level Requirements in Supply Chain Management (Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Hizmet Seviyesi Gerekleri için Önermeler: Snell Kanunu Yaklaşımı)" chapter in Sıtkı Gözlü’ye Armağan edited by Prof. Demet Bayraktar, Asst. Prof. Ferhan Çebi & Asst. Prof. Bersam Bolat, Çaglayan Publications: Istanbul, pp. 37-48. ISBN: 9789755612874.


- Fiş, A.M. & Öztürkcan, S., "Effects Of Essentialism On Entrepreneurial Intentions & Efficacy,"19th EBES Conference, May 26 - 28, 2016,Istanbul.

- Çevik, M., Öztürkcan, Selcen & Kasap, N., "Sosyal Medya Analitiği: Twitter için Büyük Veri Yaklaşımı," Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi (National Marketing Congress), June 10- 13, 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey.

- Yurdakul, H. & Öztürkcan, S., “Management Practices in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Exploring Perspectives of Saudi Managers and Middle East Expats,” ITMAR -2014, October, 20-21, 2014, Istanbul, Vol. 1, p. 231-248, ISBN: 978-969-9948-24-4.

- Gümüş, B., Varnalı, K. & Öztürkcan, S., “Adoption of Really New Products: Retro Appearance and the Bandwagon Effect,” 5th EMAC Regional Conference, September 24-26, 2014, University of Katowice, Poland, p. 73-80, ISBN: 978-83-7875-210-3.

- Öztürkcan, S.,“Technology Acceptance of Students: An Analysis of 100% Online Graduate Program,” III. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Science, Feb 6-8, 2014, Rome, Italy, p.220.

- Öztürkcan, S., Genç, E.A. & Uysal, O.,“You are What You Check-In: Socially Created Values of Places and Online Identity Formation,” III. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Science, Feb6-8, 2014, Rome, Italy, p. 216.

-Öztürkcan, S. & Gürsoy, G., “On-lineReviews’ Impact on Trust Building,” Global Conference on Business and Finance, Best in Session Award,January 6-9, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 350-360.

- Öztürkcan, S., “Experiential Practises via Digital Services,” eChallenges Conference, October 21-23, 2009, İstanbul, Turkey.

- Öztürkcan, S. & Günay, G.N., “Students’ Experiences in Business Schools,” 27th EuroCHRIE Annual Conference, October 22-24, 2009, Helsinki, Finland.

- Duvan, B.S. & Öztürkcan, S., “Used Car Remarketing,” International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) 2009, September 10-13, 2009, Izmir, Turkey, pp.163-178.

- Öztürkcan, S., Kasap, N. & Eryarsoy, E., “M-Devlet: Fırsatlar ve Engeller Üzerine Bir Analiz (M-Government: An Analysis of Threats and Opportunities),” 1. Ulusal Mobil Devlet Konferansı (1st National Mobile Government Conference), May 28-29, 2009, Ankara, Turkey.

- Öztürkcan, S., Aydın, S., Ateş, M., Tansel Çetin, A., “Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Example of Marmara University Hospital”, International Congress on Performance and Quality in Health, March 19-21, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

- Öztürkcan, S., de Kervenoael, R., Kasap, N., Eryarsoy, E., “An Actor-Network Theory (ANT) Approach: Analysis of Turkish E-Government Gateway Initiative”, International Conference on eGovernment & eGovernance (Ice-Gov), March 12-13, 2009, Ankara, Turkey.

- de Kervenoael, R., Bozkaya, B., Öztürkcan, S., “Premium e-Grocery: Exploring Value in Logistics Integrated Service Solutions”, International Conference for Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective, February 12-14, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

- Danış, S., Öztürkcan, S., Bayraktar, D., Çelebi, D., “A Review of Timetabling and Resource Allocation Models for Light-Rail Transportation Systems”, International Conference for Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective, February 12-14, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

- Bisson, C., de Kervenoael, R., Öztürkcan, S., “Social e-Atmospherics in Practice (or not): A French and Turkish Web Designers’ Perspectives”, 8th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 16-17 2009, Venice.