Dear LMS Member

Welcome to your latest LMS e-Update: 10 February 2014

In this issue:

Reminders – Upcoming Events/Deadlines

Application Deadline - Friday 14 February: ICM Travel Grants (

The London Mathematical Society has set aside funds to be used for making grants to support the attendance of UK-based mathematicians at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, 13-21 August 2014 ( The Society would particularly like to support those mathematicians at an early stage in their career, including postdocs.

Funding Deadline -Saturday 15 February: For funding to attend the LMS Invited Lecture Series 2014, UEA (London and Norwich) (

Registration Deadline - Friday 21 February: LMS Mary Cartwright Lecture & Society Meeting, York (

Society News


The Councils of the LMS and the IMA are delighted to invite nominations for the 2014 award of the Christopher Zeeman Medal, which is the UK award dedicated to recognising excellence in the communication of mathematics.

The IMA and LMS wish to honour mathematicians who have excelled in promoting mathematics and engaging with the general public. They may be academic mathematicians based in universities, mathematics school teachers, industrial mathematicians, those working in the financial sector or indeed mathematicians from any number of other fields. Most importantly, these mathematicians will have worked exceptionally to bring mathematics to a non-specialist audience, whether it is through giving public lectures, writing books, appearing on radio or television, organising events or through an entirely separate medium. The LMS and IMA want to celebrate the achievements of mathematicians who work to inspire others with their work. The award is named after Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman, FRS, president of the LMS between 1986 and 1988.

A form for nominations is available from Duncan Turton at: London Mathematical Society, De Morgan House, Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HS; or email: from

2. Call for proposals for lms-epsrc durham symposia in 2015 (deadline tuesday 1april)

The London Mathematical Society invites proposals for Durham Symposia in 2015 and beyond, with the intention to support at least two Durham Symposia in 2015. Prospective organisers should send a formal proposal to the Durham Representative by 1st April 2014. For further details on how to submit a proposal, please visit:

3. Call for proposals for lms-cmi research schools in 2015 (deadline tuesday 1 april)

The London Mathematical Society and Clay Mathematical Institute invite proposals for Research Schools in 2015, with the intention to support four Research Schools in 2015. Prospective organisers should send an outline proposal to by 1st April 2014. For further details on how to submit a proposal, please visit:

LMS Events 2014

28 February: LMS Mary Cartwright Lecture & Society Meeting, York – Register by 21 February( )

Speakers: Reiden Twarock (Mary Cartwright Lecturer; York) and Anne Taormina (Durham)

To register, please email Katy Henderson ()

31 March; Northern Regional Society Meeting, Durham (

Speakers: Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich), Giovanni Forni (Maryland), Sanju Velani (York). The meeting is followed by an EasterSchool on “Dynamics and Analytic Number Theory”

8 April: LMS Society Meeting at the BMC, QMUL (

Speaker: Claire Voisin (CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique)

To register for the BMC, please visit: Early bird registration closes on 14 February 2014

14-17 April: LMS Invited Lecture Series, UEA (London and Norwich) – Deadline for funding:Saturday 15 February

ProfessorJouko Väänänen(University of Helsinki)will visit London and UEA to give a series of lectures on Games, trees and models;Foundations of mathematics and second order logic andThe mathematical theory of dependence and independence. Lectures on April 14 will take place in London, other lectures in Norwich. University accommodation in Norwich will be available. Limited financialsupport is available with preference given to UK research students and websupport for the lectures will be provided. Please contact the organisers forfurther details: . For further details on the 2014 Invited Lectures please visit:

16 April: Joint Society Meeting with the Royal Meteorological Society; Blackett Theatre, ImperialCollege (

Speakers: Chris Budd (Bath), Tamsin Edwards (Bristol), Chris Jones (North Carolina), Ted Shepherd FRMetS (Reading), Emily Shuckburgh (British Antarctic Survey), John Taylor (DAMTP, Cambridge).

25 April; Women in Mathematics Day 2014, London – Register by Friday 11 April

Speakers: Sarah Hart (Birkbeck), Katia Babbar (Lloyds), Anne Juel (Manchester). Any postgraduates, post-docs or research assistants interested in giving a talk or presenting a poster should email Eugenie Hunsicker () by 28 March.

To register, please email Katy Henderson (). Event is free for students and speakers, £5 for all others (payable on the day).

30 June – 5 July; LMS-CMIResearchSchool “Building Bridges - Automorphic Forms and Related Topics”, University of Bristol – Application deadline: Saturday 15 March

For further information please visit: apply, please complete theapplication form ( a letter of support sent to the organisers

7-11 July: LMS-CMIResearchSchool “An invitation to Geometry and Topology via G2”, Imperial College London

25-29 August; LMS-CMIResearchSchool “Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory”, University of Glasgow- Application deadline: Friday 11 April

For further information please visit: apply, please complete theapplication form ( andsend your CV to the organisers (). PhD students must also have anemail of support sent to the organisers ()

22-26 September; LMS-CMIResearchSchool “Bounded Gaps between Primes”, University of Oxford- Application deadline: Sunday 15 June

For further information please visit: apply, please complete theapplication form (

LMS Grants and Funding

Cecil King Travel Scholarship – Deadline Friday 7 March (

The London Mathematical Society annually awards a £5000 Cecil King Travel Scholarship in Mathematics, to a young mathematician of outstanding promise. The Scholarship is awarded to support a period of study or research abroad, typically for a period of three months.The award is competitive and based on a written proposal describing the intended programme of study or research abroad and the benefits to be gained from such a visit. A shortlist of applicants will be selected for interview. Applicantsmust be nationals of the UK or Republic of Ireland, either registered for or having recently completed a doctoral degree at a UK University.

Computer Science Small Grants -Deadline Tuesday 15 April (

Funding for grants up to £500 is available to support a visit for collaborative research at the interface of Mathematics and Computer Science either by the grant holder to another institution within the UK or abroad, or by a named mathematician from within the UK or abroad to the home base of the grant holder.

LMS 150th Anniversary Postdoctoral Mobility Grants– Deadline Friday25April (

The London Mathematical Society will award grants up to £9,200 to mathematicians of excellent promise. The purpose of the grants is to support a period of study and research in mathematics between three and six months in the academic year 2014-15 at one or more institutions other than the holder’s home institution. They are intended to support promising researchers during the transitional period between having submitted their thesis and the start of their first post-doctoral employment.

The value of the grant will be calculated at £1,200 per month plus a travel allowance of up to £2,000.At the time of the closing date applicants have to be UK residents. Successful candidates must have submitted their thesis within twelve months before the start of their grant period. Grant holders are allowed to teach up to three hours a week. Otherwise they are expected to spend their working time on study and research.

Small Grants for Education Applications for up to £800 – Deadline Wednesday 30 April (

LMS Research Grants – Deadline Thursday 15 May (

Conference Grants (Scheme 1) up to £7,000, Celebrating New Appointments (Scheme 1) £600, Visits to the UK (Scheme 2) up to £1,500, Research in Pairs (Scheme 4) up to £1,200, International Short Visits (Scheme 5) up to £3,000, Postgraduate Conferences (Scheme 8) up to £4,000.

Young British and Russian Mathematicians Grant Scheme - Deadline Thursday 15 May(

Visits to Russia – up to £500 for travel costs of young British Post-Doctoral Mathematicians to visit Russia to give a series of survey lectures on the work of their school.

Visits to Britain – up to £1,500 to host a young Russian postdoctoral mathematician to give a series of survey lectureson the work of their Russian seminar

Spitalfields Days - Deadline Thursday 15 May(

Grants of up to £1000 are available to support an LMS Spitalfields Day, which is usually associated with a long-term symposium on a specialist topic at a UK university. Selected participants, often distinguished experts from overseas, give survey lectures (or other types of lecture accessible to a general mathematical audience) on topics in the field of the symposium

Childcare Grants – Applications accepted all year round (

Up to £200 Supplementary Childcare Grants for parents to enable parents to attend conferences and research meetings

Grace Chisholm Young Fellowships - Applications accepted all year round (

Each year, the Society offers two fellowships of £1,000 (consisting of £500 personal support and £500 contribution to a host institution) to mathematicians who need support when their mathematical career is interrupted by family responsibilities, relocation of partner, or other similar circumstance.

Research Workshop Grants – Apply 12 months in advance of the workshop (

Applications can be between £1,000 and £10,000. Typically, awards are made for between £3,000 - £5,000.

LMS-Sponsored Events (February/March/April)


12-14 Recent trends in Nonlinear PDE and Calculus of Variations, Reading(

15Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today Conference,University of Surrey (


31 – 3 AprAspects of Random Walks, Durham (

31 – 3 AprStochastic Processes and Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces, King’s College London (


7-10British Mathematical Colloquium 2014, QMUL (

11-12 ICFT2014: 18th UK Meeting on Integrable Models, Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Glasgow

14-17 Kent Spectral Theory Meeting, Canterbury (

23-25Young Functional Analysts' Workshop, Lancaster (

28-30BAMC 2014, Cardiff (

28 – 1 MayResearch Students' Conference in Probability and Statistics, Nottingham (

LMS Blogs Pages

To read the current blogs, start your own discussion and to submit a post, please visit:

The Blogs page also contains links to external blogs which may be of interest to mathematicians.

Other News

Gresham College Lectures in Mathematics 2014

GreshamCollege are running two series of lectures in mathematics, which will be given by Raymond Flood and Tony Mann

The next lecture by Tony Mann is “Might as well toss a coin: How random numbers help us find exact solutions” – Monday 17th February, 6pm, Barnard’s Inn Hall

The next lecture by Raymond Flood is “Probability and its limits” – Tuesday 18th February, 1pm; Museum of London. The series illustrates how mathematics has developed more recently and what mathematics can, cannot and hopes to achieve.

Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships (thirdround deadline: Monday 3rd march; 9am)

TheLMS is working with IMA, RSS and MEI to offer 250 Scholarships for secondary maths teacher trainees in the 2014/15 Academic Year. Changes this year include an increase in value to £25,000 (replacing any bursary entitlement) plus a range of membership and other benefits for both the training and NQT year.The third of 6 application rounds is now open and applications should be submitted by 9 a.m. on 3rd March. Further information including how to apply can be found on

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