2000 Barrett Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 776-6691

“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience

and a sincere faith.” I Timothy 1:5


Required Paperwork for All Students

/ 3

High School for Special Education Students






Suggested Course of Study



High School for Regular Education Students



Suggested Course of Study



StandardCollege Prep Course of Study



CHSPE – The CaliforniaHigh School Proficiency Exam



Required Teacher Reading



Drivers Education



Certificate of Completion



Transferring to another school or ISP


Sample Forms


9 - 13

Course Descriptions



Hours Check-Off Sheet




Grade Report



(All Students)

  1. High School Graduation Plan (due only first year in AVCS High School)
  2. High School Course Descriptions for each course
  3. Report Cards – four per year (see the ISP handbook for due dates)
  4. Class Hours Check- Off Sheet (At the end of each semester)
  5. Portfolio: One essay due each semester (500 word minimum)
  6. Up-to-date Immunization Record
  7. Employment Verification (as needed)

EXPLANATORY NOTES: (Samples of each form begin on page 11)

Course Descriptions: Each course you teach must have a course description on file. If you are using a standard text, then you may copy the publisher’s information about the materials right onto our course description form. If the publisher’s description is incomplete, then look at the table of contents of the text and summarize it in a paragraph or two. In addition, you are asked to write down how the course will be evaluated in the section entitled “Course Standard”. These will not be sent to other schools unless there is a problem with accepting our courses if you choose to transfer schools, or if a college requests course descriptions.

Indicate on the course description if the course is Modified or at Grade Level. Modified Curriculum means that either the reading level is below high school level, the content has been significantly abridged, or the writing level of the student is below high school level. If you are using materials that are at grade level, but only the delivery is modified (such as using books on tape), you may indicate that the course is grade level with modifications and explain the modifications in your Curriculum section.

Class Hours Check- Off Sheet: This sheet is designed to help your student stay on track in each subject. This will assist you in determining how much time is spent learning and provide documentation for course completion. For a 10 unit courses for the year, please mark off the class session with an “X” and write the date in each box. For 5 unit courses, spread out over the year, or a 2.5 unit semester course, mark a “/” for each class session along with the date. A 10-credit course is accomplished in 180, 45 – 50 minute classes. A 5-credit course is accomplished in 90, 45-50 minute class sessions, or 180, 23-25 minute class sessions. The latter would be assigned 2.5 credits each semester. This is the minimum number of credits that we allow per semester.

To enter a field trip, simply cross off the class periods covered in the boxes in the subject that the field trip relates to. If you went to the TechMuseum, and spent the whole day there, then cross of 4 – 6 boxes in science depending on how many subjects you normally cover in a day. At the end of the year then, you’ll finish science early, and can use the extra time to finish your other subjects.

Portfolio: One essay is due each semester (500 word minimum). This provides additional documentation of student progress and achievement. The essay can be on any topic and can be something the student has done during the semester as course work.


(Special Education)

To receive a special education diploma:

The diploma we offer to students working below grade level is a basic diploma and it states that the student pursued a modified program. It would not be usable for entering a four-year college.

  1. Students must meet the minimum California requirements for high school graduation. The California Education Code, Section 51225.3 states:

“At least the following numbers of courses in the subjects must be specified, each course having duration of one year, unless otherwise specified.

A)Three courses in English

B)Two courses in Mathematics (one class should be Algebra)

C)Two courses in science, including biological and physical sciences

D)Three courses in social studies, including United States history and geography; world history, culture, and geography; a one semester course in American Government and civics, and a one semester course in economics.

E)One course in visual or performing arts or foreign language. For the purpose of satisfying the requirement specified in this subparagraph, a course in American Sign Language shall be deemed a course in a foreign language.

F)Two courses in physical education, unless the pupil has been exempted.”

  1. Students must complete 160 units in our special education department for graduation from high school. This may take a student four to five years to complete.

(A 10-credit course is accomplished in 180, 45 – 50 minute classes. A 5-credit course is accomplished in 90, 45-50 minute class sessions, or 180, 23-25 minute class sessions.)

  1. Students need to be able to read or use books on tape at a minimum of a 4th grade level, and be able to write a 4th grade level essay for us to award a diploma.
  2. All required paperwork (see next section) must be completed and turned in.

Once the requirements have been met, then a student will receive a diploma. Official transcripts will be sent upon request. Please request two weeks before you need the transcript. The first three are free, an additional fee of $2 will be charged for each additional copy. If the student follows the 160-unit plan and is working below grade level, then “Special Education” will be printed on his or her transcript.

We do also offer general education and college ready diplomas if a student is able to work at grade level with only minimal modifications such as books on tape that are at the appropriate grade level and writing at grade level even if a voice program is used (as examples). See the following sections for specific requirements.



Assigning Credits


/ 40 / Sophomore / 40 / Junior / 40 / Senior / 40
Basic English / 10 / English Composition / 10 / American Literature / 10 / Practical English / 10
Bible OR other elective / 5 / Basic Math / 10 / Consumer Math / 10 / Algebra / 10
World History / 10 / US History / 10 / American Government / 5 / Economics / 5
General Science / 10 / Biology / 10 / Fine Art OR Foreign Language / 10 / Bible OR other elective / 5
Physical Education / 5 / Physical Education / 5 / Physical Education / 5 / Physical Education / 5


This course of study meets the minimum requirements and allows for one elective credit. This elective credit can be met through documented work experience, Bible, music, art and other additional courses.

Explanatory Notes:

Special Education: The diploma will be marked Special Education if the majority of classes are modified or below grade level (below 8th grade reading level)

General Education: The diploma will be marked General Education if the majority of classes are NOT modified and are at grade level, but the total number of units is below the 240 required for a College Prep diploma (see next page) or required courses for a college prep diploma have not been completed (such as higher level math). Minimal modifications are accepted such as books on tape and voice software.

English Requirement: three years are required, but we recommend four. Other options in the senior year could include Practical English, Speech, Journalism or Humanities. Some schools do not give credit for both English and Literature; however, we believe that the Literature class is an opportunity to reinforce and employ skills learned in the English class more extensively. The English course should include grammar, vocabulary, composition and analyzing reading selections. The Literature course, if separate, must meet the 180 days, 45-50 minute classes, for a 10-credit course.

Science Requirement: Choose one of the following combinations: Life Science, Physical Science and (optional) Earth Science; General Science and Biology; or Biology and Chemistry. An additional year can be chosen as an elective course.

Social Science Requirement: California requires one semester of American Government and one semester of Economics. We recommend taking a year instead to study each subject as the material is advanced. In addition, the Globe Fearon textbooks are designed to be covered over one year. If this is an area of interest for your student, and he or she can complete both courses in one year, then another elective may be chosen for the senior year.

Textbook Selection and Course Titles: You are free to design your own course and choose an appropriate course title rather than using all Globe Fearon or AGS Textbooks. Please choose titles form the ones in the “Suggested Course of Study” chart above. Of course, if you can’t use these titles, then give each course an appropriate title.

Grading: Special education courses may be graded on a Pass/ Fail basis or on a traditional percentage basis. Letter grades must be given if a GPA calculation is desired.


For a College Ready diploma, we require a minimum of 240 crdits. In addition to the minimum courses specified on page 4, we require one additional year of English, two years of Bible and 60 elective credits. Materials for this diploma must be on grade level; minimal modifications such as books on tape and voice software are acceptable.

Specific colleges sometimes have their own entrance requirements. In addition to our requirements, it is your responsibility to know the admissions requirements of the college(s) to which your student may be applying.


(This course of study meets CaliforniaStateUniversity subject requirements.)

Freshman Year / Sophomore Year / Junior Year / Senior Year
Bible / 10 / Bible / 10 / Bible or Elective / 10 / Bible or Elective / 10
English / 10 / English / 10 / American Literature / 10 / English / 10
Algebra I / 10 / Geometry / 10 / Algebra II*
(recommended) / 10 / American Gov./ Economics / 10
Drivers Ed/ Health* / 10 / Biology / 10 / Chemistry or Physics / 10 / Visual or Performing Art / 10
Typing/ Computers*
(recommended) / 10 / World History / 10 / US History / 10 / Physical Education / 10
Physical Education / 10 / Foreign Language / 10 / Foreign Language / 10 / Elective / 10
Credits / 60 / 60 / 60 / 60


(This course of study meets CaliforniaStateUniversity subject requirements.)

Freshman Year / units / Sophomore Year / units / Junior Year / units / Senior Year / units
Bible / 10 / Bible / 10 / Bible or Elective / 10 / Bible or Elective / 10
English / 10 / English / 10 / American Literature / 10 / English / 10
Algebra I or Geometry / 10 / Geometry or Algebra II / 10 / Algebra II or Trigonometry / 10 / Trigonometry, Calculus or Elective / 10
Drivers Ed/ Health* / 10 / World History / 10 / US History / 10 / American Government/ Economics / 10
Biology / 10 / Chemistry (or Physics) / 10 / Physics / 10 / Science or Elective / 10
Typing/ Computers* / 10 / Fine Art / 10 / Physical Education / 10 / Accepted Elective / 10
Physical Education / 10 / Foreign Language / 10 / Foreign Language / 10 / Foreign Language / 10
Credits / 70 / 70 / 70 / 70

Ifyou follow the “Suggested High School Course of Study that meets either CSU or UC requirements, and you have chosen to use a modified curriculum, then that course or courses, will be indicated on the transcript with an asterisk. (For ex. English 9* - at the bottom of the transcript - * Modified Curriculum.)

Visit to search, explore, find, register, practice, apply and learn more about our nation’s public and private colleges through the College Board online. This is a great place to start gathering information about the college selection process.

CHSPE – The CaliforniaHigh School Proficiency Exam

This exam is produced by the California Board of Education, and the certificate is recognized in lieu of a diploma. If your student takes the exam, then, we will the sign the registration form for him or her, and note the date that the student passed it on his or her transcript. If the student also completes the minimum number of units to graduate, either 160 or 240, depending on the plan he’s chosen, then we will also grant a high school diploma. If the student does not complete the minimum number of units, then the date he or she passed the exam will simply be noted on the transcript.

We highly recommend that any student planning on applying directly to a 4 year college take the CHSPE. We have found that certain colleges will not accept our transcript without the accompanying CHSPE test results. The military and jobs with government agencies also require an accredited high school diploma – which passing the CHSPE gives the student.

Who May Take The Test? You may take CHSPE if, on testing day, you:

  • are 16 or older, (no upper age limit) or
  • have completed at least one academic year of the tenth grade, or
  • are enrolled in the second semester of tenth grade.

There is no limit to the number of times you may take the test. Passing CHSPE does not exempt you from attending school unless you are 16 or over and have verified parental permission to leave early. Many students who pass CHSPE continue to attend school.

Registration information, a practice test and answers to frequently asked questions may be found at the CA Dept. of Education website: or by calling (866) 342-4773.

The GED exam may be taken in place of the CHSPE if desired.


We ask that you buy, or borrow, a copy of The High School Handbook (4th edition) by Mary Schofield. It contains invaluable information for teaching high school at home. It is available from CHEA for $21.37 plus shipping and tax. CHEA members can receive a 10% discount. You may call in your order at 562-864-2432.


AVCS does not offer driver education materials for you to teach your student; however, you may want to consider the following options. If your student can sit through eight hours of class for four consecutive days, then he or she can register for the classroom portion through your local community center inexpensively. This is available in the Santa ClaraValley, so it may also be available in your area. The student may then complete the Driver Training at a local driving school. Prices vary, so it pays to compare costs of the courses.

Check out these web sites for other providers of Driver Education:

Very easy to use. Gives lots of practice tests included in the course price

located in Sacramento. Both on-line and mail order courses offered. The course must be completed in a given time frame.

The Private Educational Network offers both an online course and a mail-order course, each for $75.


AVCS also offers a Certificate of Completion to students in lieu of a diploma. This is for students who are not able to complete a minimum course of study or don’t intend to complete it once they have started it. It is intended for students who are working below a 4th grade reading comprehension level. This would also include students with mental handicaps such as moderate mental retardation, autism, etc.

The student must complete four full school years and have maintained a daily attendance record of at least four classes per year. The student continues with an I.H.E.P. during these years. The student may stop schooling at the age of 18 when he or she has completed four years of “high school”.

If this applies to your student, then please return this High School Supplement to our office and continue with the I.H.E.P. forms.


When you begin home educating a high school student, you should consider that you will be doing it the entire four years. We are not an accredited institution, although we try to maintain competent standards in all areas of education. While it is not illegal in California to home school, some public or private schools may choose not to accept courses from AlmadenValleyChristianSchool. It seems that some public school ISP’s are not accepting transfer credits from non-accredited schools. In one case, the program director changed her mind upon hearing of the student’s course of study, the textbooks used, and the fact that the family maintained contact with a Learning Specialist. Even though we provide a standard type of transcript and will do our best to help you transfer to another institution if necessary, we suggest you consider home educating your special needs student all through high school once you begin.

Student Name: Joe Student
Course Title: (Please be specific and descriptive – e.g. Biology, US History, Composition, Remedial Math – do NOT use general titles such as Math, Science, History etc. )

Christian Living

Year of School:
[ 9 ] 10
11 12 / Credits: (circle one) :
Year – long course:
[ (5 units (2.5 each semester)]
10 units (5 each semester)
Semester ONLY Course: 2.5 or 5 / __X On Grade Level
(indicate any assistive technology below)
______Modified Curriculum
(reading level of material is below 8th grade level – indicate level below)
Start date: Sept. 3, 2008 / End date: June 15, 2009
Course Description: (Describe the main topics the course will cover and any specific goals you want the student to achieve through this course).
This course examines the basics of the Christian faith. The student will consider how faith influences real life choices.
The student will develop personal habits of daily prayer, scripture memorization and independent Bible reading.
The student will read two chapters of the New Testament every day. Every other day the student will write in a personal prayer journal. Each Friday the student will recite memory work and discuss application of his faith to choices the student is facing.
Course Standard: (Describe how you will grade this course.) Participation and attitude:
Works willingly and engages in give and take discussion – A
Some arguing about work. Needs guidance to start discussion, but does it once started – B
Teacher has to guide every discussion – C
Curriculum: (Include the grade level or reading level of each book. Indicate if assistive technology is being used and what type)
Students’ Life Application Bible. Wheaton, IL. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 1997
High School Level
Ross, Michael. Get Real, Get Ready, Get Going. Grand Rapids, MI 1999 – High School Level
(Teacher will be doing part of the reading out loud to student)
If this course is being taken outside of AVCS, indicate name of other school______
If hours sheet is not filled out – a report card from the above school MUST be submitted for credit to be given.

Sample form: High School Course Description