7thgrade Honors Pre-Algebra
Teacher - Mrs. Darla Larza
Room # - A101
Contact # - (School) 324-2236 ext. 6538
E-mail address –
Webpage address –
Plan Time – 10:03 – 10:50
Welcome to 7th grade Honors Pre-Algebra. I am very excited about this school year. I hope that we have a rewarding and successful year. Please feel free to contact me any time you have questions or concerns. I will get back with you as soon as possible.
Course Purpose – Pre-Algebra is a course that teaches you the basics of Algebra. You will need this information all throughout high school and even when you go out into the real world.
Course Goals & Objectives – The following concepts will be taught during honors pre-algebra:
- Tools of Algebra
- Exploring Integers
- Equations
- Factors and Fractions
- Rational Numbers
- Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
- Solving Equations and Inequalities
- Functions and Graphing
- Real Numbers and Geometry
- Two-dimensional Figures
- Area and Volume
- Statistics and Probabilities
Course Activities– Later in the year you will be required to do one or two activities, (not yet determined at this time), and a group project.
Textbook – I will have a classroom set of textbooks and then each child will check out a textbook to take and leave at home.
Grading Procedures & Evaluation –
a. Bell Work – A few problems will be given at the beginning of each class. We willgo over these problems within the first 5 minutes of class. Random bellwork grades will be given on a weekly basis.
b. Class work – I will assign daily class work. This may be given out of the textbook, as worksheets, or group assignments. An adequate amount of time will be given in order to finish the work. If the class work is not finished then it becomes homework. ALL work must be done in pencil and ALL work must be shown (unless specified by teacher).
Criteria for class work/homework credit:
First and Last name*Copy problems and
Date & Hour show work!
Assignment*Write neat and legibly!
Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 59 & below
Grades:Grades will be weighted.
Tests –40%Notebook – 10%
Homework – 35% Quizes – 15%
Tests: If a student does not achieve at least an 70% on a test, students will be given another opportunity to retake the test and achieve mastery of the subject material.
Course Policies and Classroom Rules –
1. Be prepared
2. Be prompt
3. Be polite
4. Be participative
Discipline Policy:
1. Warning
2. Pink slip & parent contact.
3. Detention.
4. Referral to principal.
* I reserve the right to assign detention at any time, pending parent contact first.
Late Work: Late work will be allowed to be made up within one week and only in the same 9 week period. Points will be taken off. No points will be taken off if it was an excused absence.
Absent Work: Each student is responsible for getting their absent work from me when they return.
Extra Credit: There will be several opportunities throughout the year to earn extra credit points. Therefore, students are urged to take advantage of these at the time they are given. I only give out extra credit as a class, NOTON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS.
Missing Work (Zeros) – Zeros are not acceptable. If a child has zeros, he/she will make those up ASAP. (See late work policy)
Cheating – If you are caught cheating, your paper will be taken away and you will be required to redo the paper. If you are caught cheating again, your parents will be contacted and you will serve detention.
** I believe HOMEWORK and student learning IN CLASS is a necessity to learning math at any level. Therefore, homework will be assigned daily with adequate time to work in class. If you continually take a lot of work home, you are probably not utilizing class time efficiently.