1. Persecution Follows As They Journey To Iconium, Lystra, & Derbe (V.1-28).
  2. At Iconium The Jews Stirred Up The Gentiles Against Them (V.1-7).
  3. Paul and Barnabas preach in Iconium – enter the synagogue of the Jews and the Greeks (v.1).
  4. Great multitude of Jews and Greeks believe.
  5. The Lord bears witness to apostles teaching with miracles.
  6. Disobedient Jews stir up trouble for apostles - city divided (v.2, 4-5).
  7. Paul and Barnabas thwart Jews' attempt to stone them by fleeing to Lystra, and Derbe of Lycaonia (v.5-7).
  8. At Lystra Lame Man Healed & They Are Honored As “gods” (V.8-20).
  9. Paul heals man crippled from birth (v.8-10).
  10. Inhabitants try to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods (v.11-18).
  11. The people began to praise them as gods.
  12. Barnabas was called Jupiter or Zeus, who in Greek mythology was the father of the gods who came to earth in human form.
  13. Paul was called Mercury or Hermes because he was the chief messenger.
  14. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes as to express sorrow and shame.
  15. Paul Was Stoned & Left For Dead (V.19-20).
  16. Jews from Antioch and Iconium persuade people to stone Paul -dragged outside of city thought to be dead.
  17. The stoning shows the extreme hatred that the Jews had for the gospel.
  18. Paul’s swift recovery may have been through some miracle, but the scriptures do not specify.
  19. The brethren stood around as Paul arose up and departed.
  20. Paul & Barnabas & Returned To Iconium, Lystra, & Antioch Strengthening The Brethren & Appoint Elders (V.21-23).
  21. They went back to the local churches to strengthen their faith, and appoint elders over each congregation in each town.
  22. They exhorted the brethren to continue in the faith.
  23. God’s pattern for each local church is to have elders oversee the flock.
  24. Each church is autonomous and independent of other churches with each under the leadership of Christ.
  25. Paul & Barnabas Preach The Word In Perga Before Returning to Antioch (V.24-28).
  26. Paul and Barnabas preach word in PERGA before returning to church in Antioch with report of events of first preaching tour (v.24-28).
  27. The apostles were encouraged by the brethren, and the brethren were encouraged by the apostles.
  28. Mutual refreshing is sometimes needed for brethren to continue in the faith.


  1. What did Paul and Barnabas do when driven from Antioch?



  1. What did the unbelieving Jews do as a result of preaching the gospel?
  1. How did the Lord give testimony unto the word the apostles preached?
  1. Describe how standing for the truth against opposition strengthens Christians?
  1. Define “grace” and tell what is meant by the expression “word of His grace”? Does grace mean God will save everybody who believes in Him, even if they don’t obey Him?
  1. Some people blame preachers any time division follows from their preaching. What can we learn from examples like this one in Acts 14?
  1. Why did the Paul and Barnabas leave Iconium, and where did they go?
  1. What did Paul and Barnabas do as they arrived in Lystra and Derbe (v.7-8)? How did they attract people to Jesus and His church? Did they use carnal attractions such as recreation, entertainment, parties, banquets, and carnivals? Explain your answer.
  1. What did Paul perceive in the crippled man in Lystra?
  1. Did miracles always depend on the faith of the being healed?



  1. Why did the people of Lystra want to worship Barnabas and Paul? What type of religion were these Gentiles practicing?
  1. How did a heathen priest become involved?
  1. What religious leaders today encourage people to bow and offer religious homage to them? What sin would Paul and Barnabas have been guilty of had they allowed thesepeople to continue?
  1. Did Paul follow a different approach with the idolaters in Lystra thanhe did with the Jews of Antioch? If so how was it different?
  1. What did Paul and Barnabas explain about themselves to the people?
  1. What did Paul and Barnabas teach the people about the nature of God?
  1. What evidence did God give about Himself? What other passages refer to such evidence? Why did God give this evidence and what does this teach us?
  1. Why does (v.14) call Barnabas and Paul “apostles”? Mormons claim this proves God intended for the original apostles to be continually replaced with successors. How would you respond?
  1. What extreme measures did the Jews take to continue their quest to persecute these preachers in presenting the gospel?



  1. Will enemies of the cross today, go to great extremes to persecute or stop Christianity?
  1. What happened to Paul as the result of the Jews stirring up the multitudes? What does this teach us about the fickleness of people?
  1. How did Paul strengthen the brethren in Lystra, Antioch, and Iconium?
  1. What lessons can we learn from (v.22) regarding tribulations and spiritual growth?
  1. What did Paul appoint in every city? May a church scripturally exist without elders?
  1. What is meant by opening a door of faith? How does God open doors for Christians today?
  1. What did Paul rehearse with the church when they returned to Antiochof Syria? What does “mutual refreshing” mean? Describe how this might encourage brethren?