Date/Time:1400 - 1530 hours, Tuesday 09 November2010

Venue:DCC Council Emergency Centre, Clepington Road, Dundee

Ser / Item / Lead / Notes
1 / Opening of Meeting
Web Conference Participants / John Handling / House Keeping, Welcome
2 / Apologies / John Handling
3 / Review Actions from Last Update / John Handling / Review actions that do not feature on this agenda.

4 / Incident Summary
August2010 - October 2010
(permanent) / John Handling / Brief group on incidents in last reporting period.
Flooding 07 Sep
5 / Tayside SCG/DCC Planning(permanent)
Community Support and Recovery Portfolio
  • Community Support Workstream
  • Recovery Workstream
DCC Generic Emergency Plan
Community Resilience Portfolio
  • Business Continuity
  • Public Communications Group
Training and Exercising Portfolio
  • Multi Agency
  • Single Agency
Health Portfolio
  • Human Health
  • Animal Health
  • STAC
Risk, Rescue and Capability Portfolio
  • Community Risk Register
  • Rescue
  • CBRN
(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear)
Plans and Delivery Portfolio
  • Fuel
  • Technical Communications
/ John Handling
Jenni Tocher
Fergus Wilson
John Handling
Graeme McKenzie
Mike Boyle
Aileen Smyth
Jenni Tocher
Frank Feechan
Frank Feechan
Graeme Mackenzie
Fergus Wilson
John Handling
John Handling
John Handling / SCG Strategic Plan
Brief overview of Portfolio management arrangements and reporting
Update October 2010 - To be approved by CE.

Training Stats - 2006 to present

Pandemic Flu
Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell
Fuel Group -see email between Graeme Mackenzie/John Handling
MTPAS - explain
Airwave - explain
6 / SG Update
(permanent item) / John Handling / SG Updates distributed when received. Any questions on November update.
7 / Emergency Contacts Directory
(permanent item) / John Handling / Check department information is up to date.
8 / Integrated Emergency Information Management System
GIS Presentation / John Handling
Paul McGovern
9 / Events / John Handling / NeoN Arts Festival - Greenmarket Car Park - 14 Nov
Christmas Light Night - 19 Nov
10 / AOCB / John Handling / Items not on agenda that have been cleared with the Chair before the start of the meeting
11 / DONM / John Handling / FUTURE MEETINGS
8 FEB (1400 - 1600), 10 MAY (1000 -1200), 16 AUG (1000 - 1200), 15 NOV 2011 (1000 - 1200)