Catholic Parish of Alfreton and Clay Cross

(Charity No. 234064)

Christ the King Presbytery, 104 Nottingham Road, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7GL

Church Email : -Parish Website - (

Tel: 01773- 833174

Parish Priest Rev.Father James Earley.

Deacon Michael Browne - 01773 605186

Sr. Margaret- Education, Liturgy & Parish 01773 833168. CHRIST THE KINGSCHOOL 01773 832919.

Masses at ALFRETON - Masses at Alfreton - First Week of Advent - 2nd -3rd December 2017 - Psalter Week 1

Sat - 2nd December - 6.30pm - Rita Babe R.I.P

Sun - 3rd December- 10.30am -Deceased Family and Friends of Wally Hudson.

Sun - 3rd December- 11.45am - Baptism - Today we welcome Noah Daniel Fenwick into God's Family in this Parish. Congratulations to all the family.

Tue 5th Dec - 9.30am - Donald Hough R.I.P

Wed 6th Dec - 9.30am - St. Nicholas- November Dead List

Thur 7th Dec - 9.25am - Morning Prayers

Thur 7th Dec - 9.30am - St.Ambrose - November Dead List

Thur7th Dec - 10 -12noon - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Fri 8th Dec - 9.30am - The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary - Mary Wood's Intentions

CLAY CROSS - Mass Intentions

Sun 3rd Dec - 9.00am - Deceased members of the Browne & O'Donnell Families

Mon 4th Dec - 10.00am - David Wragg R.I.P

Tues 5thDec - 7.00pm - Novena & Rosary

Thur 7thDec - 7.00pm -8.00pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for peace in our World.Holy Hour - please come for a short time if possible.

Fri 8th Dec - 7.00pm - The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary - Sr. Patricia's Intentions

Alfreton - Second Week of Advent - 9th -10th December 2017 - Psalter Week2

Sat - 9thDec - 6.30pm - Mick & Michael O'Hara R.I.P

Sun - 10th Dec- 10.30am - Parishioners Intentions

Sun - 10th Dec- 11.45am - Baptism - Today we welcome Kian O'Donnell into God's Family in this Parish.

CLAY CROSS - Mass Intentions

Sun -10th Dec - 9.00am - David Wragg R.I.P.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Alfreton -Confessions at 6pm Saturday & after the 10.30am Mass

Clay Cross - Sunday before 9am Mass.

This Week

Monday – Sun - 3pm - 4pm St. Clare's Convent Portiuncula. Silent Eucharistic hour every day.

Monday - RCIA group meet in the Liturgy Room 7.30pm

Thursday 1.30 - 3.30 . The craft group in the meeting room at Clay Cross.

Monthly Groups

Healing Prayer Group meets at St. Clare's Convent, Clay Cross on 2nd Thursday of every month at 7.30pm.

Indian Mass at Clay Crosswill be on the Fourth Sunday.

Message from Sister Margaret.

We now have a wide selection of Christmas cards, calendars and diaries available for you to purchase from our repository at the back of church.

Bacon Butties - After Mass at Christ the King Church Next Sunday10th December

The SVP group will be doing bacon and sausage sandwiches after Mass next Sunday. Please drop in for a spot of lunch or take one away if time is short, please do your best to support them.

Baptism Preparation Sessions

Our next Baptism preparation sessions continues this Wednesday evenings 7.30pm-until approx 8.45pm. These sessions will be held in the parish hall meeting room at Christ the KingChurch, Alfreton. If you have a babyor child to be baptised, or if you have already had your child Baptised but not attended these sessions, could you please hand your application form to Sr. Margaret or Deacon Michael so these children can be entered into or the parish register. Thank you.

Message from Bishop Patrick - Catholic Schools

Do you support Catholic schools and the right of Catholics to send their children to them? Then we need you to make your voice heard. The Government is making a critical decision on whether to overturn the admissions cap which prevents Catholic schools from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. They have acknowledged that the policy discriminates against Catholics and promised to abandon it, now we need you to tell them not to u-turn on their promise to Catholics. Visit search for "Catholic Education" in your search engine to write to the Government and urge them to drop their policy which bans new Catholic Schools.

Thursday 7th December - Prayer and Fasting For Life

On Thursday 7th December please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed.

Pray especially that buffer zones won't be introduced.

CAFOD in Nottingham are recruiting School Volunteers

CAFOD want to join with our schools and parishes to inform and inspire children and young people, helping them to turn their passion for justice into real action through prayer, fundraising or campaigning. This term, they have been able to visit 10 schools and would love to do more! To do this they need to increase there team of School Volunteers to present assemblies or run workshops.Please get in touch if you would like to know more.

Community Service of Reconciliation - 13th December. 00pm

This year we will be having our reconciliation service on Wednesday 13th December at Christ the King; Fr Robbie O'Callaghan Parish Priest from Matlock will be assisting Fr. James to hear confessions. Fr. James will also be available at Hassop on Saturday 16th December at 11.00am. Fr. Keogh at St. Joseph's Church Ripley on the 9th December at 11.15am.

Senior Citizens Christmas Party - Wednesday 20th December 6pm until 9pm.

If you are able to assist with the senior citizens party anytime from 3pm please let Laura Lloyd know. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Calling All Former Students of St.Mary's CatholicHigh School

If you're a former student of St. Mary's CatholicHigh School, we want to hear from you! Your experiences since leaving could help motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We'd love you to join our alumni network and stay connected with the school. In order to sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form - we promise it will only take a couple of minutes. https:/networks.future first,

Dance at Christ the King Church Hall last Friday

The benefit dance held last Friday in Alfreton raised £160 for Fr. Jim, this he is going to donate to the Sick & Retired Priest's Fund. Thank you to all who supported this.

The next Dance will be held on Friday 8th December. Music will be provided by Sean Wilson & Tony Mac, tickets priced £10.00.

Sick Housebound

Pray brothers and sisters for - Pat Conway, Harold & Betty Ribey, Kate Philips, Marie Dowdall Mary Woods, Val Sludds, Sean McGing, Michael Donaghy, Lillian Breeze. Please remember all in our Parish who need our Prayers.

Church Cleaning - December 2017

Alfreton - The O'Donnell Family

Clay Cross - The Christmas Team

Next Weeks Readers at Alfreton & Clay Cross

Saturday 6.30pm - Sr. Bernadette & Margaret Kerry

Sunday 9.00am -See New List At Clay Cross

Sunday10.30am -Fiona Molumby & Francis O'Brien

Total Collections for Week Ending 26th November 2017

Envelopes £255.22

Loose Plate £355.55

Standing Orders £78.00

Total £688.77

Thank you for your generosity