
Saturday, May 23, 2015

The May meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. by President, Kenneth (Ken) Darby.

Minutes/Treasurer’s Report:

Minutes from the August 30, 2014 meeting were read by Secretary Ruth Ann Bloom. Mary Marks asked for a correction to the AIS grant money amounts stated in the minutes for 2014. Motion to approve the minutes then was made by Edward Darby and seconded by Kurt Erzinger. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Mike Dorman. Copies were available for review. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Diane Wells and Darrell Dorman. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Water testing:

Becky Fabry reported that water testing for Kelly Lake was good and stated that because of the good results, the DNR remains interested in fish quantities and stocking. Clear to 23 feet in May. She would like a “dissolve O2” meter.


Becky asked for a new organizer to be appointed this year. We need to have a big training day for those who volunteer or work at our landings this summer. A request for volunteers will be sent with the next Sanitary District bill.

Pancake Breakfast:

The annual Pancake Breakfast will be chaired by Shannon Neubauer. Volunteers are needed for both the Friday set up and Saturday breakfast.

Weekend Church Services:

Non-denominational church services will be held by Reverend Kampke on July 4th and September 5th.

Cardboard Boat Race:

The boat race will be August 1, 2015 at 1pm. Prizes will be the same as last year.

Boat Parade:

The July 4th boat parade will be July 4th at 1pm. Cash awards and trophies will be given for theme decorated and patriotic decorated boats. Science Fiction is the theme for 2015.


The Triathlon will be July 4th at 7am. Again this would not be possible without our sponsors or all of the volunteer help. Volunteers need to email .

We discussed the need for more sponsors and asked if anyone knew of any potential sponsors.

Pavillion Maintenance:

Del Darby reported that there were no majors needs at this time. He will repair the information kiosks as needed.

Kelly Lake Sportsman’s Club:

The Kelly Lake Sportsman Club acts to care for the lakes in our area and to provide social programs for area people. Becky Fabry is our liason. We also have other active members attending their meetings and volunteering at their events. The club recently placed 12000 fish (7000 walleye 7-10 inches and 5000 perch 6-10 inches) into Kelly Lake. Over the winter, spawning beds near Holt Park were improved for the natural reproduction of these fish. There will be a Kids Fishing Derby Day on June 7th. They have tents, food and prizes at this event. We should have a volunteer for the CBCW program there that day. The “Helping Hands” event will be June 11th. It was stated that we are all glad the two organizations are working so well together.

Aquatic Invasive Species:

Mary Marks presented an update on the Aquatic Invasive Species at Kelly Lake. Onterra will survey the lake in June. We will hire a company that uses a machine to pull the plants. They will begin in June and return as needed in July and August.

Zebra mussels have been found in Kelly Lake. There is no fix for this at this time. It is important for us to be diligent about educating how they are brought into the water.


Our raffle fundraiser this year will be for our AIS project. Encourage people to buy tickets to help support the AIS cause.

Holt Park Issue:

A discussion was held regarding shoreline issues near Holt Park. We approached the town board 3 years ago. Nothing has been done to protect critical habitat areas on the lake. Jim Webster continues to work on this situation. We may need to have a special meeting with the town board to get some action and that we invite members of the board to attend our meetings.

Should we send a letter?

New Business:

Lake District:

President Ken Darby discussed the probability of becoming a Lake District. It would be a 5 or 7 member governing board. It would have the ability to control landings, maintain the quality of the lake and to generate revenue. It would require a vote by riparian owners or could be those in our Sanitary District. It does not require living in the state of Wisconsin.

A Lake District may help the Holt Park situation.

Sue Darby motioned to investigate becoming a Lake District. Seconded by Shannon Neubauer. Motion carried.


Jane Randerson reminded everyone to watch for people who are diving. They will have a red flag floating nearby and boats should stay clear of them.

President Ken Darby asked for a volunteer to represent us at the Oconto County Lake Association.

President Ken Darby asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motioned by Delmonte Darby. Seconded by Tom St. George. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:20am