In attendance: Stan Goto (chair), Bruce Larson (ex-officio), Tracy Coskie, Lauren McClanahan, Beth Boland,Joseph Hunter
Absent:Emily Orchard
Support Staff: Courianne Willard
- 10.26.15 Minutes Review
- Pushed to December meeting
- Meeting on 11.9.15 was cancelled
- Review ELED Curriculum Changes
- Reviewed curriculum changes
Approved/Tabled / Motion by
Course No / Course Name / Type of Change / Status / E-form#
ESLT 520 / Sociocultural Theory and Policy Sequence for P-12 Teachers / New Course / 978585
ESLT 521 / Second Language Acquisition and Linguistics / New Course / 978586
ESLT 522 / Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners / New Course / 978588
ESLT 523 / English Grammar and Academic Language for P-12 Teachers / New Course / 978589
ESLT 524 / Methods for Teaching Beginning ELLs / New Course / 978590
ESLT 525 / Supporting ELLs Across the Content Areas / New Course / 978591
ESLT 526 / Capstone for the ESLT Program / New Course / 978504
ELL 597D / Sociocultural Theory and Policy sequence for P-12 Teachers / New Temp Course / 978592
**Addendum: WCC chair requested further review of ELED curriculum (ESLT 520-526 & 597D) after this date, therefore it was not put forward through the review process.
**Since this date, course names and numbers have changed (see 12.7.15 curriculum)
Approved: Beth, Second: Joseph
Program Name / Type of Change / Status / E-form#
Literacy, Non-Thesis, M.Ed. / Program Revision / Sent to TCCC / 979612
Literacy, Thesis, M.Ed. / Program Revision / Sent to TCCC / 983560
CCE—Sherry Haskins
- Cancel by Memo
- Tracy moves to cancel all CCE designated programs as outlined in the memo (attached).
- Second—Beth
Detailed Curriculum Review—Separate document
- Debrief New Grad Program Information Session
- A M.Ed. development team should be established; to be comprised of faculty stakeholders for the construction of the base of Grad Programs
- This team develops a program model to base the curriculum planning process off of for future graduate program development
- Recommendation from WGC— look at cognate models
- Form Team by the end of Fall 2015
- Representation from Administration (Bruce)
- Representation from WGC (Tracy)
- Rep from FAC (Lauren)
- SG—contact department chairs to put out a call for representative point-people for proposed areas
- Two stage development:
- Core development group
- Larger development group
- Set of proposals by the end of Winter 2016
- When core development team comes up with proposals they should schedule a meeting with the WGC
- Written request for the M.Ed. development team from WGC
- What needs to be put together
- What WGC will be looking at
- Responsible for developing a model for the new collective M.Ed. program, outside of existing programs, and providing evidence of viability.
- Draw on survey, talk cost, resources, marketing
- What the impact is
- SG—draft memo/call for M.Ed. development team
- SG—ask Dean for formal written charge for M.Ed. Development team
Confirm deadline for submitting curriculum changes
- Early February deadline for graduate council
- Curriculum changes to committee by January 5th
- First WGC meeting: January 11th
- Review McCallum Fellowship Applications
- Review in December
- CW—scan McCallum fellowship materials and send to the committee
- Make a paper copy for Lauren
Upcoming Meeting Topics/To-Do’s:
- Fellowships—When due?
- Timeline for curriculum approval
- SG—Send out notice to department of curriculum dates (last day for graduate council) (contact Christie Lem)
- For changes to go into calendar
- CW—change E/O meeting to start January 11th(Joseph to call in if cannot attend)
- Finish outline for info session via email
- November 20th 3-4pm
- Room: 258 –CW
- Meeting Request—CW
- SG—sent Dean the WGC invitation email.
- SG—invite reps from EE, Grad School
- WGC—develop questions for discussion with development teams?
- Next Meeting:
- Follow-up on Work Group Formation
- Review McCallum Fellowship applications
- Elementary Curriculum
- 10/26/2015 minutes review