Name: ...... MST Student No.: ......
Year: ...... Semester: ......
NB. Application for Transfer Credit/RPL must be made at the commencement of your course. There is no fee charged.
Graduate: Master of Divinity; Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies;
Graduate Diploma of Divinity.
Honours: Bachelor of Theology (Honours); Bachelor of Ministries (Honours).
Undergraduate:Bachelor of Theology; Bachelor of Ministries
Bachelor of Christian Studies; Associate Degree of Theology.
Cert IV/ACMA: Certificate IV of Ministries; Diploma of Mission Aviation (Flight);
Diploma of Aeroskills (Mechanical); Cert IV in Aviation (CPAL)
Cert IV of Aeroskills (Mechanical);
Subject No. / Subject/Field for which Transfer Credit or RPL is Being Sought / Reasons or Basis of Transfer Credit/RPL / ApprovedAPPROVED:
Signature: / Date:Position: / Board of Studies Minutes:
/ CCA:
Transfer Credit (TC)
The College makes provision for students who have undertaken relevant studies in other recognised tertiary institutions (i.e. AustralianUniversities, TAFEs or Private Providers of accredited courses) to receive appropriate recognition for these studies in undergraduate and graduate programs.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning allows for credit to be applied to coursework based on prior learning from:
- Formal or non-formal courses/workshops offered by a professional body, enterprise or private educational institution that is not an AustralianUniversity, TAFE or Private Provider of accredited courses.
- Informal contexts such as work experience or life experience.
How to Apply
- Complete this form indicating the course you are enrolled in and the subject or field of study where transfer credit or RPL is being sought. N.B. You must apply for a specific subject. You should refer to the MST Course Outlines and the ACT Handbook (for ACT courses) for information on the regulations pertaining to your course and subjects available.
- Explain your reasons and attach evidence of learning gained or maintained within the last 10 years. This may include:
- A certified transcript showing your results for cases of transfer credit. You must supply evidence that the course undertaken was accredited and of the same level of study as you wish to apply it to, details of objectives, learning outcomes and content of the course, assessment undertaken and contact hours.
- A certified copy of a statement of satisfactory completion of a course for non-accredited courses. You must supply details of objectives, learning outcomes and content of the course, assessment undertaken, contact hours and presenter.
- A detailed curriculum vitae and letters of support from appropriate persons/organisations who can verify these details for learning from informal experience. You may be asked for further information in some cases.
- The Dean or Studies must sign your form.
- Your request will be presented to the Board of Studies. In the case of Certificate IV and Diploma courses the Board of Studies will make the final decision. In the case of ACT courses the submission will be forwarded to the ACT along with the Board of Studies recommendation for the Dean of the ACT to make the final decision.
- A letter or email of the results will be sent to you and a copy placed in your student file.
- In all cases where credit is applied to a specific subject or field the subject will appear on your MST transcript with either TC or RPL appearing in the grade and on your ACT transcript AEG will appear in the grade.
- If you are not satisfied with a decision you may appeal under guidelines of the remarking and appeals policy which is found in the ‘Academic Guidelines’.
K:\Student Information\Academic Guides and Forms\Transfer Credit- RPL.doc;9 Sept-11; Version 7