Mathematics Stage 4 - Dice World

Outcomes Assessed

MA4-1WMcommunicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols

MA4-3WMrecognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning

MA4-19SPcollects, represents and interprets single sets of data, using appropriate statistical displays

Task 1Roll 2 dice 20 times each (or one dice 40 times) and record your results in the table below.

Roll / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Dice A
Dice B
2 digit number
A + B
A  B

Task 2Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper

1)Use just the results from DieA to construct a frequency histogram. (3 marks)

2)Make 20 two digit numbers using Die A numbers as the tens digit and Die B numbers as the units digit. Record these numbers in the space above. Construct an ordered stem-and-leaf plot using these two digit numbers. (3 marks)

3)Compare and contrast the shape of the frequency histogram in Q1 and the stem-and-leaf plot in Q2. Suggest a reason for any similarities/differences you may find. (3 marks)

4)Add the numbers for each column together, recording the results in the space above. Plot these 20 numbers in a dot plot. (2 marks)

5)Multiply the numbers for each column together, recording the results in the space above. Plot these 20 numbers in a dot plot.(2 marks)

6)Compare and contrast the dot plots in Q4and Q5. Suggest a reason for any similarities/differences you may find. (3 marks)

Hand your assignment in, including this page, BY THE DUE DATE. Get the slip on the bottom signed, tear it off, and keep it somewhere safe. It is proof you handed the assignment in.

Dice World Assignment

Name______Date handed in______

Received by______

Dice World Assessment Criteria

Question 1
/ Marks
Frequency histogram has a title, and is to scale on the vertical and horizontal axis. / 2
Columns have been correctly plotted / 1
Question 2
/ Marks
Stem and leaf plot has a title / 1
Numbers have been correctly combined and plotted / 2
Question 3
/ Marks
Similarities and/or differences between the shapes of the distributions explained clearly. / 1
Logical reasons given. / 1
Full sentence(s) with correct grammar and punctuation used. / 1
Question 4
/ Marks
Dot plot has horizontal axis to scale, and a title / 1
Numbers are added correctly, and dot plot is plotted correctly / 1
Question 5
/ Marks
Dot plot has horizontal axis to scale, and a title / 1
Numbers are multiplied correctly, and dot plot is plotted correctly / 1
Question 6
/ Marks
Similarities and/or differences between the shapes of the dot plots explained clearly. / 1
Logical reasons given. / 1
Full sentence(s) with correct grammar and punctuation used. / 1