Minutes of the Vestry Meeting

Saturday, April 23, 2017

9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Church of the Reformation


Clergy:The Rev. Michele Morgan, Rector

Wardens:Nora Howell, Senior Warden; Kenn Allen, Junior Warden

Vestry Members:Jim Brooks, Tracy Councill, Stephanie Deutch, Thia Hamilton, Jenifer Holland, Beth Mahood, AlixPeriera, Karen Wiedemann

Officers:Mary Anderson Cooper, Register: John Edwards, Assistant Treasurer

Absent:Vestry Member Doug Jackson; Michael Knipe, Counsel and Manciple; Martha Huizenga, Treasurer

The Rector presided at the meeting.


Assistant Treasurer John Edwards presented the Treasurer’s Report. He stated that there is nothing

unusual at this point and that most accounts are basically on track. The funds for Vision 2020 have been

foldedinto the parish budget. The credits received for sale of solar energy are going up, given a strong

market. The Finance Committee is working to rationalize the designated funds process to put funds

into the parish budget that belong there. A new designated gift policy is being developed.

Jim Brooks suggested that the Treasurer’s Reports be made available to the parish as a whole.

The Junior Warden requested that the Treasurer’s Report presented by Martha Huizenga at the Annual

Parish Meeting be published in the Gospel.

Kenn Allen moved, seconded by Jim Brooks, the Vestry concurring, that the Treasurer’s Report be



Senior Warden Nora Howell reflected on the process of selecting the Rector. She said that her goal for

her term is that membership has grown, a capital campaign is underway to retire the debt,and the clergy transition has been successful. She asked Vestry members to reflect on why they wereat St. Mark’s and serving on the Vestry. Comments emerging from this discussion included affirmations,

criticism, and suggestions including the following:

  • Feeling welcome at St. Mark’s, although we are sort of insular and need to reach out more;
  • Wanting to be part of the clergy transition;
  • Enjoying the “theological open door”;
  • Having hope for how we can grow;
  • The spiritual side of development, including the Catechesis program;
  • Unexpected gifts from participating in church and various activities, especially Laying on of Hands;
  • Feeling we were stuck and had staff problems;
  • Needing to give back;
  • Not boring, but some people are very self-absorbed;
  • Loving kids and wanting to be productive;
  • Feeling challenged by the community but wanting to work behind the scenes;
  • Caring for the physical plant since we owe its care to those who came before and those who come after us;


The Rector presented a letter to the Diocese approving former Youth Director Marcella Gillis for

Ordination to the Priesthood. Jim Brooks moved, seconded by Karen Wiedemann, the Vestry

concurring, that the letter be APPROVED.


Nora Howell requested that Vestry members bring to the Vestry things they hear about problems

or things that are going well. She urged Vestry members to involve themselves outside of their

usual cohort and to tell the Rector about people with problems or complaints.

She noted that the Rector’s performance review will take place in January and that the Rector will do

reviews with the rest of the staff.

She pointed out that Vestry liaisons should attend the meetings of groups to which they are assigned

and report to the Vestry about upcoming events, issues, etc.


A script for Vestry Greeters to use will be created by the Rector and Senior Warden. Vestry Members

are requested to sign up to do this task for the next couple of months.


Kenn Allen reported that food is being served at coffee hour after Sunday School following the9 a.m.

service. Coffee hour with snacks is served after the 11:15 service, and food is also served after the 5

p.m. service. Vestry members were encouraged to sign up to bring refreshments to any of the three


Several people expressed interest in reviving the custom of serving lunch in Baxter Hall after

the 11:15 service, but getting people to take on the responsibility has been challenging. One possibility

is to get a different group to do it each month on a single Sunday.

The Rector noted that Sunday lunches are especially important to the older members of the

congregation and people who live alone or don’t have family in the area. The Vestry agreed that

it would do one lunch.


The Rector said that having Vestry meetings on Sunday is difficult for her since she has to preside (and

usually preach) at three services on Sundays, as well as doing pastoral visits then. She suggested moving

meetings to Monday evening. She will poll the Vestry and a decision will be made over the next few



The Senior Warden reported that she will post an updated version of the Vestry Manual on the Google

Drive shortly.


The Senior Warden distributed a list of existing organizations and Vestry Members signed up to serve

as liaisons to those groups.


April 30 – 1 p.m. – meeting with Bishop MariannBudde

May 7 – JustiSchunior’s last day at St. Mark’s

June 17-18 – Parish Retreat at Claggett

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Anderson Cooper, Register