WVNA Meeting Minutes

September 27, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Dick Menz at 7:05 p.m.

Present: Dick Menz, Jim Szatkowski, Kaye Prime, Judy Hermann, Steve Loop, and guests Melinda McGoldrick, Janie Hawesand Karen Menz.

Absent: Jacq Cook,Cindy Ritchie and Collin Day.

The minutes from theJuly 25, 2016, meeting were approved.

Ongoing business

Nominations for the Board:

Dick Menz reminded the board members that nominations and elections for next year’s board will take place at the November annual meeting, and requested they talk to friends and neighbors about joining the board. Each section of the six sections of the neighborhood can have a maximum of two board members. It was agreed by general consent that the new board would elect next year’s officers immediately after the annual meeting.

Secretary/Treasurer Position:

Dick reported that he and Kaye Prime are signers on the checking account. Approximately two checks have been issued per year recently. The board was asked to consider combining the positions of secretary and treasurer. Jim Szatkowski made the following motion.

MOTION: Jim Szatkowski moved the positions of secretary and treasurer be combined. The motion was seconded and adopted.

Comba Park Tenant Garden:

Dick reported that the capital grant for the garden has been exhausted. The garden has a checking account, funded by rent collected from the gardeners, which is used for purchase of replacement hoses, rakes, etc. as needed. Liability insurance is required by the City at a cost of approximately $400 annually, and should be covered by a ZOOM grant for the next two years.

Ustick Beautification Grant Proposal:

Judy Hermann reported on the status of the capital grant for the project. The City and Suez Water have agreed to pay for the water, a major achievement for the group. Judy will ask Leon Letson to contact the owner of the new apartment complex about their landscaping plans, which is outside the project area. The project will include the area from Bryson Way to Wildwood Drive. Labor from volunteers can be included as an in-kind donation, at the rate of $15 per hour, which should total well over 1,000 hours.

Judy met with James Kidd from Cloverdale Nursery, who has offered to contribute all the trees and shrubs at his cost. His estimate for the work, not including water, was approximately $61,000, and the water should cost around $50,000. The electrical preparation work for the street lights, which will be installed in phase 2, should be included in phase 1. The City’s quote for the entire project was $414,000. The board questioned the large difference in estimates, and Judy will discuss this with Leon.

The City would like to have around $2,000 in contributions, and both Albertsons and the Ustick Apple Blossoms have agreed to contribute. A GoFundMe account may be set up once the landscaping is underway. Judy and Barbara Bancroft will complete the grant proposal and submit it by mid-October.

New Business

501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) Status:

The City would like the neighborhood associations to apply for a nonprofit tax status in order to facilitate obtaining grants and donations. Kathleen Lacey suggested the associations apply for a ZOOM grant to cover the $850 cost to apply. More research is needed to confirm whether (3) or (4) is the most appropriate classification for the organization, and Dick will contact the IRS. Jim Szatkowski made the following motion.

MOTION: Jim Szatkowski moved the organization apply for a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) status. The motion was seconded and adopted.

ZOOM Grant for Next Year:

Dick will submit a proposal for a ZOOM grant of$900 for General and Administration, and $1,100 for Community Outreach – Phase II of the Ustick Beautification Project, a total of $2,000. An additional ZOOM grant will be requested in the amount of $500 for liability insurance for the Comba Park Tenant Garden. The deadline is November 1, and Dick will submit the paperwork by mid-October.

Energize Our Neighborhoods Proposal:

Melinda McGoldrick reported on the Energize Our Neighborhoods initiative. A survey identified the Vista neighborhood as the best location to start the program. Several projects have been started, and results are being seen. Melinda joined the program last year and would like to expand the program into a second neighborhood. The West Valley area is a good fit, and Melinda asked the board about their interest in working with the program.

There was general agreement that the program would be supported in the neighborhood. Melinda explained that a visioning series would be scheduled in the neighborhood, consisting of three exercises: 1) how is the neighborhood envisioned in the next 20 years, 2) prioritization of the ideas coming from the first exercise, and 3) formation of working groups to begin work towards implementation. A postcard would be mailed to all neighborhood residents inviting them to participate, and announcements would be made through social media and other avenues. Steve Loop made the following motion.

MOTION: Steve Loop moved the association partner with Energize Our Neighborhoods. The motion was seconded and adopted.

Judy suggested beginning this process once the first round of landscaping is started in early spring. Melinda suggested that the series of meeting should be held monthly, and it was agreed by general consent to have the first meeting in early March, followed by the prioritization meeting in April and the working group meeting in May.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 22, at 7:00 p.m. at the Library at Cole and Ustick. The agenda will include the annual meeting of the association, with the election of board members and officers.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Kaye Prime, Secretary