Glenroy Specialist School

Working Together To Achieve

Bullying - Staff and Students

Prevention of Bullying in the Workplace

N.B. To be read in conjunction with the Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy.


A person is bullied when they are intentionally exposed regularly and over time to negative or harmful actions by one or more other people. Bullies are people who deliberately set out to intimidate, exclude, threaten and/or hurt others repeatedly.


  • The school will provide a positive culture where bullying is not accepted, and in so doing, all will have the right to respect from others, the right to learn or to teach, and the right to feel safe and secure in their school environment.


  • To reinforce within the school community what bullying is, and the fact that it is unacceptable.
  • Everyone within the school community to be alert to signs and evidence of bullying and to have a responsibility to report it to staff whether as observer or victim.
  • To ensure that all reported incidents of bullying are followed up promptly and that support is given to both victims and perpetrators.
  • To seek parental and peer-group support and co-operation at all times.

Staff Workplace Bullying

  • Glenroy Specialist School will be a bullying free workplace committed to providing staff with a safe and healthy workplace.
  • The principal will ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to prevent workplace bullying and of their requirement to report any instance of alleged bullying.
  • If a bullying incident occurs, the person(s) subject to the bullying should, without delay, report the incident to the principal. If the report involves the principal it should be made to the Regional Director at the Regional Office.
  • If a staff member observes a bullying incident they should immediately report the incident to the principal (or Regional Director, as appropriate).
  • All reports of workplace bullying will be treated seriously and there will be prompt intervention to investigate and resolve the issue.
  • All reports will be investigated according to the established DET complaints resolution procedures. Complaints Resolution Policy and Refer to DET ‘ Local Complaints Resolution Procedures’ handbook.
  • Once a report is lodged, those directly involved will be informed of the complaint, and are permitted to have a support person present throughout the issue resolution process, including at any interviews or meetings.
  • The principles of natural justice shall be followed in any investigation.
  • The person who reported the incident shall not be victimised as a result of having made the report.
  • The person in charge of the investigation/resolution process must not have been involved in the alleged incident.
  • All parties are to maintain strict confidentiality throughout the process.
  • A record shall be made of all proceedings and outcomes.
  • If a case has been found against a staff member, the records will be securely filed (in a sealed envelope marked ‘Authorised access only’) in the staff member’s official file. Access to this file is open to Principal Class and the HR manager.
  • Recommendations arising from an investigation/resolution process shall be implemented by the principal, as appropriate. This may include disciplinary or dismissal action in line with the DETunsatisfactory performance procedures.
  • It is incumbent upon the Principal to review the process, risk factors and harm minimisation strategies at the school.
  • Staff will be involved in discussion and problem solving around the issues of risk assessment, process review and refinement, and harm minimisation.
  • All staff at this school have a responsibility to comply with this policy and to treat other staff with dignity and respect.

Student Bullying

  • Parents, teachers, students and the community will be aware of the school’s position on bullying.
  • The school will adopt a four-phase approach to bullying.
  1. Primary Prevention:
  • Professional development for staff relating to bullying, harassment and the strategies that counteract them.
  • Programs that promote resilience, life and social skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution and problem solving.

B.Early Intervention:

  • Promote children reporting bullying incidents involving themselves or others.
  • Parents encouraged to contact the school if they become aware of a problem.


  • Those identified as being bullied will be counselled.
  • Once identified, the bully, victim and witnesses will be spoken with, and all incidents or allegations of bullying will be fully investigated and documented.
  • Both bully and victim offered counselling and support.
  • If bullying is ongoing, the parents of both parties will be contacted and consequences implemented.

D.Post Violation:

  • Consequences may involve:-
  • Ongoing counselling from appropriate agency for both victim and bully.
  • Ongoing monitoring.
  • Rewards for positive behaviour.


  • Review: Tri-annually.
  • Ratification by School Council:October 2015