/ Arbeitsblatt 1
Flirt English (2. Staffel): 3. Fitness & Flirting
Before and while watching 00:00-01:23
Exercise 1Try to find the missing expressions.Afterwards,watchthefirstsceneandcorrectyour
expressions. Check youranswersindividually.
Lily: So itsounds like you’re all getting on like a house on fire.
Hannes: Lily, that’sanotheroneofyour funny sayings.
Lily: I’m sorry,love. Itmeans„well“.
Hannes: That’seasier. Shorter!
Lily: So, I hopeyou’remanagingtokeepupwithmylittlelistforthecleaning.
Hannes: Don’tworry Lily, Elzhasitundercontroland I havemade a spreadsheet.
Lily: Anddon’tforgetaboutmyorchidsnoworthere’llbetrouble.
Hannes: Elzislooking after theorchids. Shesaysitisthemostimportantjob.
Lily: And so itis. So, howareyou all doingformoney?
Hannes: It’s still a bit…
Lily: A bittight.
Hannes: Yes. A bittight. Elizabeth hasgot a part-time job in a clothesshop. And Nino isgoingfor a jobinterview.
Lily: Wishhimluckfromme. NowI’vegottodash! I’vegotto check in on mySilver Surfers group in Spain. Norestforthewicked!
Exercise 2Write newsentenceswiththeexpressionsfromabove. Usethemaccordingtotheirmeaning in theconversation. Translatetheminto German.
German translation
  1. to get on like a house on fire = dickeFreundesein / sichsehr gut verstehen
  2. love = Liebling (umgangssprachlichalsKosenamefüreinenahestehendePersonengebraucht)
  3. tokeepupwith = Schritt halten können
  4. spreadsheet = Tabelle
  5. there’llbetrouble = das gibt Ärger (umgangssprachlich)
  6. howareyoudoingformoney = habtihrgenug Geld
  7. I havetodash = ich muss pressieren / ich muss (sofort)gehen
  8. norestforthewicked = keine Ruhe für die Schuldigen (Redewendung, die besagt, dass man ruhelos ist und immer weiterarbeiten muss)

Exercise 3 Giveyour German sentencesto a fellowstudentandlet her/himtranslatethem back into English. Check yourresultstogetheranddiscussthem.
Individual answers
Exercise 4Find anothermeaningfortheexpressionsfromexercise 1andusethem in a sentence.
However, someexpressionsmay not a have a secondmeaning.
The followingexpressionsdon’thave a secondmeaningandcantherefore not beused in a different context.
  1. toget on like a house on fire
  2. spreadsheet
  3. howareyoudoingformoney
  4. norestforthewicked

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