Update Report for Planning Committee(West): 26 August 2015

Committee Planning Manager:Stacey Green

15/01417/FUL – Blamore, Falcon Crescent, Bidford-on-Avon
Clarification to impact on neighboring amenity:
Currently the side gable of the existing bungalow lies in close proximity to the nearest neighbour (No 1) directly to the rear. The separation distance from the first floor rear facing window on the proposed apartment block to the bungalow directly to the rear (no.1) is 21m. A back to back relationship should have a separation distance of 21m, however the levels of the neighboring property are 1m lower and therefore a separation distance of 23m is required. Although there is a shortfall of 2m, it is considered that with careful soft landscaping (to be secured by condition) the overbearing effect would be mitigated.
In regards to the 3 terraced houses first floor side facing windows are proposed on the east and west elevation and would serve a hallway/landing area. I am satisfied that the window to the west elevation would not cause harmful overlooking as this faces on to the car parking area. However, I consider it reasonable to condition the window on the east elevation to be obscure glazed and non-opening and non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened is more than 1.7m above the floor level of the room.
Additional condition to read:
15: Before the first occupation of the dwelling to the eastern part of the site hereby permitted the first floor hallway/landing window on the east elevation shall be fitted with obscured glazing (minimum of level 3 obscure glass) and non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened are more than 1.7m above the floor level of the room in which they are to be installed and shall be permanently retained in that condition thereafter.
15/01847/VARY 1 The Pinfold, Carters Lane, Tiddington
Additional Site history
Reference number / Proposal / Decision and date
14/01078/VARY / Variation of condition 3 (list of approved plans) to planning permission 12/01810/FUL (Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new 5 bedroom dwelling house and detached garage) to relocate the proposed garage a further 5m from the dwelling. / Granted 30.05.2014
13/00628/AMD / Non-material amendment to previously approved planning application (ref. 12/01810/FUL) including substitution of render and cladding for facing brick, substitution of re-con stone quoins /cill/heads for contrasting brick and plinth detail. / Granted 23.04.2013
Use of bricks in construction of dwelling approved under 13/00628/AMD.
Amended description of development to read:
Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 14/01078/VARY to allow for amendments to elevations, reductions in width, depth and height and alteration to design of juliet balcony and main balcony and variation of condition 16 (obscure glazing) of planning permission 12/01810/FUL to ensure obscure glazing as detailed on plans remains in perpetuity.
All references to condition 3 in the report should instead refer to condition 2 of 14/01078/VARY and all references to condition 17 in the report should instead refer to condition 1612/01810/FUL.
15/02176/FUL–Highcroft, Banbury Road, Stratford upon Avon
Presenting officer – Jayne Cashmore.
Additional Site history
Reference number / Proposal / Decision and date
13/03107/FUL / Erection of a single storey side extension and an open fronted garage / Granted 07.01.2014
Deletion of reason in report and replaced with revised reason for refusal:
The proposed replacement dwelling lies outside the curtilage of the existing dwelling. There are no significant environmental benefits to justify the siting of the replacement dwelling outside of the existing curtilage. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policy COM.12(d) of the Local Plan Review.
15/01682/FUL – Hillside, Bates Lane, Tanworth-in-Arden
Amendment to condition 8 to read ‘Removal of PD – Part 1, Class A, B, D and E’
15/01671/REM – The Limes, White Horse Hill, Snitterfield
Amendment to Site history
Reference number / Proposal / Decision and date
12/02824/OUT / Demolition of existing building and redevelopment with one detached dwelling / Granted 04.06.2013

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