CS 3010 Assignment 1 15 pts. Due: February 6, 2013

Develop an HTML/XHTML document for the Web site of the small company described in the following paragraph. Your site must be for this specific company (with the given name).

The name of the company is The Branch Store. This company sells a variety of tree and shrub branches. Your company must sell at least four different varieties of branches. You must make up some possible uses of these different branches and write advertising information for them. You CANNOT sell products that could be made from branches, such as walking sticks. Your products are either for direct use or as raw materials for customers who could make something from the branches.

Your document must include at least one ordered list, one unordered list, and one table with at least three rows and two columns. There must be at least three small images of different branches. All image files must be stored in your image subdirectory (see below). You must include at least two links to other documents that have additional information on specific products, either images or text.

Use your imagination to make your Web site as attractive and interesting as you can.

You cannot use any of the following tags: b, i, big, small, or tt. The documents for this assignment must not include any style sheets or uses of style sheets.

All of the HTML documents produced for this course must comply with the XHTML 1.0 Strict standard. Violations will result in a reduction in grade.

Every assignment you turn in for this course must have a cover sheet with your name, the course number and name, the assignment number, the URL of your site, and the names of all files that comprise your site. You must also turn in hardcopy listings of all HTML files used. Every HTML document must be well documented, including the file name, your name, the course, and the semester.

Once again, you cannot use any CSS in this assignment.

Because your Web site will be examined with a browser, you must keep it intact until after your homework has been graded. This means you will often have two versions of your site on line, the last one, which is being graded, and the next one, which you are building.

You must create a public_html subdirectory on your home directory on one of the CS UNIX machines. You can choose any machine except cs. You must create two subdirectories of public_html, namely xml, and images. All of your HTML documents must be stored in the public_html directory. You must also have a home document in public_html, named index.html. Your index.html document must have your name, the course number, the semester, and a list of links to all of your assignments. Your home directory and all of the above subdirectories must have “world read” and “world execute” privileges. All of the files in public_html and all of its subdirectories must have those same privileges.