Other Types Of Telescopes

1.  Visible light is part of the ______.

2.  Why is it important to utilize all of the electromagnetic spectrum?

3.  What is electromagnetic radiation?

4.  List three ways electromagnetic waves are different.

5.  List the types of electromagnetic radiation from those waves with the longest wavelength to those with the shortest wavelength.

6.  Long wavelengths indicate ______frequency and ______energy.

7.  Short wavelengths indicate______frequency and ______energy.

8.  Wavelengths can be as long as a(n)______or as short as a(n) ______.

9.  Radio waves have the ______wavelength.

10.  Radio telescopes are ______made out of conducting metal that reflect radio waves to a ______.

11.  The Parkes radio telescope creates an image as clear as a(n) ______.

12.  To get better resolution with radio telescopes they are combined in the shape of a ______called a(n) ______.

13.  How big is the VLA array?

14.  When were radio telescopes first used? ______

15.  What are some advantages of radio telescopes?

16.  Why are microwave telescopes useful?

17.  List two important microwave devices.

18.  When was microwave first used to make observations in astronomy?

19.  What is the COBE image?

20. What are the two types of infrared radiations?

21.  For what purpose, do infrared observations serve in understanding the universe?

22. How are the three types of ultraviolet radiation distinguished?

23. What problem arises when trying to observe UV radiation from earth?

24. X-ray is usually observed as ______rather than ______.

25. What does X-ray see?

26. What objects do X-ray telescopes observe in space? ______

27. How does the X-ray telescope work?

28. How are gamma waves generated?

29. Why must we use satellites to study gamma ray emissions?

30. When did gamma ray astronomy develop? ______

31.  How does a gamma ray telescope work?

32. What was the most spectacular discovery in gamma ray astronomy?

33. How much energy is contained in one gamma ray busrst?