Society for California Archaeology
SCA Business Office |1692 Mangrove Ave. #153, Chico CA 95926 | (530)342-3537 |
October 2, 2016
SCA Website User ID: «User_ID»
Greetings from the SCA Business Office! It is once again time to renew your SCA membership, vote for new members of the Executive Board, and register for the Annual Meeting. This packet contains the information and forms you need to accomplish these tasks. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact the Business Office at 530-342-3537 or should you need assistance.
All SCA business may be conducted online. To access your Member’sPage, log on to the “Members Only” section of From your Member’s page you can update your contact information, register and submit papers for the Annual Meeting, vote, and more. Your website user ID is provided at the top of this letter. If you’ve forgotten your password, it may be reset using the “Forgot Password” link on the Member’s log-in page.
Online Instructions
To conduct business online, log on to your Member’s page at You can:
- Renew your membership – click the “Renew Your Membership” link.
- Register for the Meeting – Click the “Register for Events” link.
Table of Contents
2017 SCA Membership Renewal
The SCA is Affiliated with the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)
Inside this Packet
Hotel Registration
Cancellations, Late Arrivals, Early Departures, and No-Show Charges
Child Care
Plenary Session: Sharing the PAst
Reception/Silent Auction Fundraiser
Banquet/Keynote Speaker
Workshop #1: Introduction to Comparative Osteology
Workshop #2: Advanced Human Osteology
Workshop #3: An Introduction to Federal and State Historic Preservation Legislation
Workshop #4: Consulting with the SHPO under Section 106
Workshop #5: Subsurface Survey with Ground-Penetrating Radar
Workshop #6: The Dating Game: Keeping Up and Telling Time with Radiocarbon
Let’s Do Lunch—Student Event
Annual Meeting Underwriters
Donate to the Silent Auction Fundraiser!
Meeting Contacts
2017Registration Instructions
How to Pre-Register
2017 Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule
2017 EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FORM The Early Bird Deadline is December 15, 2016
2017 Registration Form The Pre-Registration Deadline is February 18, 2017
2017Silent Auction Beverage DonorForm
2017Program AdvertisementForm
2017Silent Auction DonationForm
2017Annual Meeting Underwriting Form
2017SCA Membership Renewal
Renew online at
To renew your membership via US Mail, please return this page, along with your dues (checks only please!) to the SCA Business Office. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed in this packet. To renew with a credit card, log on to your Member’s page at
Please be sure to confirm your contact information below! To make changes, line through the obsolete information and write in the new. Renewals are due January 1, 2017.
Address 1______
Address 2______
City, State, Zip Code______
Membership Category
Contributing $100
Regular $75
Senior (60+) $35
Student* $30
Spouse $35
Students please provide your advisor’s name and email address to validate student status. Your membership is not valid without this information.
School: ______Advisor Name: ______Advisor Email:______
Optional Contribution Categories
The SCA relies upon the generosity of its members to fund important programs. Please consider donating to the programs below. Even a small donation is meaningful!
______Member Dues
______Native American Programs Committee (NAPC)
______California Archaeology Site Stewardship Program (CASSP)
______Bennyhoff Memorial Award
______Archaeology Month Programs
______SCA Endowment Fund
______Student Annual Meeting Support Fund
______Charles E. Rozaire Award
______Total Enclosed
Please make checks payable to “SCA,” and return to the Business Office. A return envelope is provided in this packet. Our address is Society for California Archaeology, 1692 Mangrove Ave, #153, Chico, CA 95926.
To pay with a credit card, please log on to “Members Only” at
The SCA is Affiliated with the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)
The Society for California Archaeology is pleased to announce that we are now an affiliated society with the RPA. This means SCA members are eligible for the special RPA annual registration fee of $75.
You can become an RPA at
For those previously accepted to the Register or its previous iteration (SOPA), but have not renewed in a number of years, you may again become an RPA in good standing without re-submitting an application. Visit for instructions and provide a scan of any documentation pertaining to and confirming your prior acceptance; such as a welcome letter or copy of your certificate.
After RPA Headquarters processes your request, you will receive an email containing your login credentials for the website, including instructions on how to quickly pay your renewal fees. NOTE: The reactivation process takes approximately two to three business days. Please follow up with RPA Headquarters via email () if you have not received a response after three business days.
Becoming a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists means that you are supporting the ethical guidelines of the organization, including the Code of Conduct, which has also been acknowledged by the SCA Executive Board. Supporting the RPA means you are supporting the responsibilities the professional archaeologist has to the public, to colleagues, employees/employers, students, and clients, and that you are supporting good archaeology done by good archaeologists.
SocietyforCaliforniaArchaeology| 51stAnnualMeeting
Thursday, March 9th-Sunday, March 12th, 2017, The Tenaya Lodge, Fish Camp, CA
Inside this Packet
Enclosed is your pre-registration packet for the 51stAnnual Meeting of the Society for California Archaeology,
Thursday, March 9th-Sunday, March 12th, 2017, Fish Camp, California.
This packet includes:
- Meeting Registration Forms;
- Banquet, Silent Auction, and Workshop details;
- Forms for Silent Auction Donors, Auction Beverage Table Hosts, Bookroom Vendors, Program Ads, Underwriters, and Volunteers.
Hotel Registration
The 2017 conference location is the Tenaya Lodge, just outside of Yosemite National Park. This stunning lodge offers far more than the average meeting venue, making this agatheringto which you’ll want to bring the family! The resort offers ice skating, snowshoeing, and sledding if there is snow on the ground and archery, hiking, and a climbing wall if the weather is mild. The venue also has beautiful indoor and outdoor pools and an excellent fitness facility. Professionally staffed child care and kid’s activities are available on-site. For those craving luxury there is a gorgeous full-service spa and a 20% discount if you book ahead. And of course, Yosemite is just three miles up the road. Rooms will fill up quickly; book yours early!
Tenaya Lodge
1122 CA-41
Fish Camp, CA 93623
Single, Double, Triple or Quad $159
- $15 resort fee waived (We are aware that a check box stating that you will be charged appears in the registration process on the website, but have been assured the fee will not be charged.)
- Complimentary self and valet parking
- Complimentary Wi-Fi in guest rooms, and public spaces
To reserve a room via the Internet, go to SCA’s personalized webpage at
To reserve by phone, call(800) 635-5807, select Option #1 and use group code30X5AKto receive the group rate.
The deadline for reservations at the negotiated rate is February 15, 2017.
Cancellations, Late Arrivals, Early Departures, and No-Show Charges
- Cancellations must be made seven days in advance to receive a full refund.
- Reductions in your length of stay must be made 48 hours in advance of arrival.
Child Care
Tenaya Lodge offers professional childcare services for infants and children up to 12 years of age, available daily 8 a.m-10 p.m. Advanced notice and three-hour minimum service is required.Please contact the Concierge at (888) 514-2167, option 3, for pricing details and reservations. Please note that service guarantee is based upon sitter availability, so plan ahead!
Plenary Session: Sharing the PAst
The Plenary Session is planned forFridaymorning,March 10. We have a great line-up of speakers who will explore our theme of “Sharing the Past” by highlighting recent research in the Central and North-Central Sierra Nevada Foothills and Mountains and the importance of collaborative efforts by Native Americans, academic and CRM archaeologists, and government agency cultural resource managers. This year we will honor some of the 2017 award winners at the Plenary, rather than all at the Banquet.
Reception/Silent Auction Fundraiser
The 2017 Silent Auction and Wine/Beer Tasting fundraiser will be held on Friday, March 10th. This year we will remainat the Tenaya Lodge; no e-ticket ride on a school bus this year! Support the SCA while enjoying friends, your favorite beverages and a light catered meal. Be sure to buy your tickets before the, February 16,,2017 deadline. This is a catered event and we must turn the head count in to the caterer before the meeting commences. TICKETS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE ONSITE.
Banquet/Keynote Speaker
Mark Aldenderfer will be our banquet speaker and will talk about his recent research about human cultural and biological adaptations to high elevation environments. Dr. Aldenderfer received his Ph.D. from Penn State University in 1977, and taught for many years at UCSB and University of Arizona, before coming to UC Merced in 2010 as the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. He has conducted archaeological research around the world, and is best known for his high elevation work in Peru and Tibet, and the development of quantitative methods in archaeology. He has written 10 books and published more than 100 articles in a range of scientific journals.
Dinner Options:
- Grilled New York Steak—Certified Angus beef, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted shallots, cabernet glaze.
- Cedar Plank Salmon—Wild caught, dressed over wasabi mashed potatoes, pomegranate glaze.
- Eggplant Stack—Eggplant, tomato, onion, roasted peppers, goat cheese, balsamic reduction.
(Those with special dietary needs,please contact the Business Office to request a suitable meal.)
Please be aware that all workshops are scheduled for Thursday, March 9th, 2017 and are presented concurrently. Don’t double Book!
Thursday Morning / Thursday AfternoonSalon VI / Workshop #1: Introduction to Comparative Osteology / Workshop #2: Advanced Human Osteology
Salon VII / Workshop#3: An Introduction to Federal and State Historic Preservation Legislation / Workshop #4: Consulting with the SHPO under Section 106
Salon VIII / Workshop #5: Subsurface Survey with Ground-Penetrating Radar / Workshop #6: The Dating Game: Keeping Up and Telling Time with Radiocarbon
Workshop #1: Introduction to Comparative Osteology
Instructor: Lori HagerSamantha Schell,Pacific Legacy
Class Capacity: 25 / Cost: $35.00 / 9:00 am- Noon, March 9, 2017Archaeologists and monitors working on archaeological sites frequently find bones during excavation.How do we determine if it is human or non-human?This hands-on workshop is designed to help archaeologists and monitors get acquainted with the basics of osteology and the key identification techniques for distinguishing bone as human or not. Comparative skeletal materials are used to identify human versus non-human bone, and to consider the uniqueness of the human skeleton in the animal world.
Workshop #2: Advanced Human Osteology
Instructor:Samantha Schell Lori Hager, Pacific Legacy
Class Capacity: 25 / Cost: $35.00 / 1:30 pm- 4:30 pm, March 9, 2017When we encounter human bone in the field, a main goal is to capture information for the analysis and interpretation of the human remains so we can better understand the skeletons as people. This hands-on workshop is designed to help archaeologists and monitors recognize the key features for determining age, sex, overall health, activity patterns, and ancestry. This workshop is not intended as a substitute for consulting with a biological anthropologist for the analysis of remains, but rather to equip archaeologists with the information that is important for skeletal analysis.In particular, emphasis will be placed on the information that can be gained from in situ and fragmented human remains.
Workshop #3: An Introduction to Federal and State Historic Preservation Legislation
Instructors: Glenn Gmoser and Jody Brown: Caltrans Cultural Studies Office- Sacramento CA
Class Capacity: 35 / Cost: $35.00 / 8:00 am- 12 Noon, March 9, 2017This course is designed as an introduction to federal and state historic preservation laws andstatutesfor students and recent graduates who anticipate, or have recently initiated, a career in cultural resource management (CRM); and as a refresher for more experienced practitioners. In addition to technical expertise, the field of CRM requires professional archaeologists to represent these legal mandates in public and private sector employment.The course will provide a summary overview of the suite of laws, executive orders, and policies that professional archaeologists routinely encounter but will emphasize the two primary regulatory drivers: the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Participants will become acquainted with the compliance processes established under Section 106 of NHPA and the CEQA guidelines, historic properties registers, terms and definitions specific to each legal framework, and the relationship between cultural resources compliance and broader environmental policy.
Workshop #4:Consulting with the SHPO under Section 106
Instructors: AnmarieMedin, Supervisor, Archaeology Review Unit, Brendon Greenaway, OHP Associate State Archaeologist,Jessica Tudor, OHP Associate State Archaeologist
Class Capacity: 20 / Cost: $25 / 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm, March 9, 2017Archaeologists from the California Office of Historic Preservation will lead this workshop to explain the Office’s current expectations for how to document a federal agency’s efforts to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Subjects will include: proper delineation of APEs, documenting consultation efforts, consideration of eligibility under all four National Register criteria, and what effect finding is appropriate when. Target audience is agency employees consulting with the SHPO, consultants working on their behalf, and tribal representatives who want to better understand the process. This is not an introductory course and basic knowledge of the National Register of Historic Places procedures is desirable.
Workshop #5: Subsurface Survey with Ground-Penetrating Radar
Instructors: Scott Byram and Nicholas Tripcevich, UC Berkeley
Class Capacity: 20 / Cost: $42 / 8:30 am- Noon, March 9, 2017Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)is used to characterize buried strata and features in a wide variety of settings in California.This non-destructive technique is used to map adobe ruins, shell mounds, homesteads, cemeteries, and many other types of sites.In this workshop,participants will use GPR equipment and software,examining data generated from a variety of sites and features.
Workshop #6:The Dating Game: Keeping Up and Telling Time with Radiocarbon
Instructor: Jack Meyers, Far Western Anthropological Research Group
This focused workshop is aimed atarchaeologiststhat use, or rely on,radiocarbon dating to determine the age of artifacts and cultural deposits. It will cover key aspects such as sample selection, laboratory processes, age calibration, and statistical analyses of radiocarbon dates. Aspects relating to potential uses, abuses, and benefits of radiocarbon dating will be examined, along with practical suggestions for field sampling, interpretation of results, and database construction for building local and regional chronologies. The session with be conducted by Jack Meyer, geoarchaeologist with Far Western Anthropological Research Group.
Class Capacity: 30 / Cost: $25 / 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm, March 9, 2017Let’s Do Lunch—Student Event
Let’s Do Lunch pairs students with more senior members for lunch, providing students an opportunity to meet an archaeological professional and ask them questions about getting a job, building a resume, or getting into graduate school. Pairing people at random gives students a chance to meet professionals that they might not otherwise meet at the meeting. This also gives the senior members of our society a chance to mentor the next generation of California archaeologists and pass along knowledge about how to be successful in the field.
Let’s Do Lunch will be held on Saturday, March 11th at 12:00noon (meet in the meeting registration area at 11:45 am). The SCA will arrange for a venue for the luncheon. The regular member is asked to “treat” the student member by buying them lunch. While regular members will be paired with a single student, the venue will likely seat multiple pairs together, so there will be the chance for students to chat with more than one professional.
This is a wonderful event, so please check the box in your registration packet to participate in Let’s Do Lunch. Buying lunch for a student member is the best investment in the future of SCA.
Annual Meeting Underwriters
Kimberly Cuevas will once again be leading our team to encourage businesses and corporations engaged in archaeological work in our state to demonstrate their appreciation of the efforts of the Society by making generous (tax deductible!) donations. These contributions will enable our Society to continue its good work in both the public and private sectors, in education and advocacy, representing professional archaeologists throughout California. For further information, please contact Kim at . Donations can be made on the SCA website, or sent to: SCA Business Office, 1692 Mangrove Avenue, #153, Chico, CA 95926.
Help!The success of the annual meeting and the overall health of the SCA are directly related to the participation and generosity of our members. Please consider supporting the organization by volunteering for one or more of the following:
Volunteer as staff during the Annual Meeting. Provide on-site assistance by staffing the registration desks, helping with setup and cleanup of the Silent Auction, or be a meeting-room monitor. Sign up using the form included with this packet, or online at Questions? Contact Volunteer Coordinator Darren Andolina at or (530) 908-6713.
Donate to the Silent Auction Fundraiser!
The Silent Auction is an important fundraising event for the society. The success of this event is completely dependent on the generosity of all members of our Society. Individual members and businesses are encouraged to donate any items that will help raise money for the SCA. In the past, donations have included everything from archaeology-related products and services, to art, jewelry, clothing, fruit baskets, and beverages such as wine! For businesses, the Silent Auction represents a great opportunity to let all attendees know that your firm is an active, generous participant within the archaeological community. Don’t forget, your donations are tax deductible! We are asking firms that donate beer or wine to the silent auction this year also consider providing a non-alcoholic option, such as bottled water, sparkling cider, or soda, and provide a few food accompaniments on their tables such as desserts or appetizers.