Minutes of Meeting of the Committee of Tilehurst Allotments Society :

Monday 26 October 2015

Present: William Macphee, Colin Robinson, Mary Bartlett (membership sec) , Karen Fidler (Treasurer), Dave Griffiths, Karen Fidler ,Jenny Cottee (sec)

Apologies:, Stephanie Keighley, Dave and Jen Newnham

1 / Chair of TAS: We considered alternative ways of proceeding without a chair elected at the AGM, and decided to elect an interim Chair in accordance with para 6 of the TAS Constitution and elected Dave Griffiths to the role nem con. We noted that the changes of officers should be reported to the bank , and we decided to arrange authorisation for Dave to replace Richard (the ex-chair) as a signatory for the society bank accounts. / Jenny and Karen to
2 / Minutes of Committee meeting held on 1 Sept. 2015 were accepted with the typo correction that the bond is £9,700 and the mins of AGM on 29 Sept. 2015 were agreed without correction..
3 / Reports : Treasurer reported that the £9,700 HSBC Money Market Investment bond (2 year life, interest rate 0.855%pa ) had been purchased . The current account stands at £396. 77 with the money manager account containing £301.18
Secretary: Had received a message of apology for absence at this meeting from Dave and Jen Newnham and their resignation from their committee due to family and work commitments . They sent their best wishes for the future of the committee ,and will help on an occasional basis –please keep them in the loop.
As discussed the members the village hall is booked for the general members meeting and seedling/seed swop on Thursday 3 March. The folders for most identified new members had been distributed and a new supply of the gardeners calendar obtained from Grow Organic.
Membership secretary: Mary reported that she had received updated contact details for 55 plot-holders which the committee agreed was good but could be better. We decided that the next step would be to contact members whose details had not been updated to ask again
Trustees : Stephanie had replied to Jenny that she planned to work at home on 26 Oct so would be able to attend, but later news was that this had not proved possible. The trustees report 5 vacant plots of which 3 may be split into half plots, and there are 7 people on the waiting list. (however TAS has not been given specific information eg which plots or confirmation of resignations jenny) The trustees had agreed to one tenant holding a second accessible plot. However complementing information from our internal contacts Stephanie spoke with Jenny saying that 2 plots had been let: one person did not wish to be a member of tas (she would re-confirm this and say which plot ) the other had accepted plot pd10a .Plot PD10b will not be let-since prone to flooding.
The trustees had not agreed to a toilet on –site, but suggested we contact RBC about the public toilet opposite the recreation ground and ask nearby pubs if plot-holders may use their facilities.
The Trustees had decided there would be no autumn site H&S inspection since the only issues identified in the last inspection were concerned with cultivation , The armour hill padlock issue is under investigation after a couple more incidents / Dig it.
Agenda ctty meting for planning
Mary/jenny discuss when/how
4 / Chapel Hill planning application- (i) events so far: The application papers (number 151610) can be seen on the RBC planning portal viewed from the RBC website. As well as the application also shown are RBC and applicants correspondence. RBC listed many issues about the application. Jenny had placed notices on the site boards alerting people to the application, contacted ex-tenants and neighbours and arranged for the TAS website to cover the issue including her letter from the Society. ii) immediate future .The applicants had been invited to consider the RBC comments and possibly withdraw the application. iii) Late news : RBC have refused the application –as indicated th decision was made by the officer- the list of reasons included points relating to the specific application as well as general issues including CS28 . The TAS website has full details.. The news was picked up by ‘Get Reading’ and then by BBC TV who did a short news item on BBC South on 31.10.15.
5 / How the AGM went –(i) Arrangements : We felt and feedback received endorsed the conclusion that the pattern was good and worth repeating. People felt involved . The input about the Town meal was informative and kept our Society plugged in to networks. (ii) the discussion in small groups was good , but would be better if the groups had more people say, 8 is ideal, also more specific demanding tasks would be good - some had more initiative- e.g .swopped email contacts (iii) next steps re patch system –no objections received , we decided to continue efforts to make it work better.. Will include map in tenants folders, seek ways of encouraging and reporting in dig it, use it at members meeting. We do not have any nominated reps as yet –will consider appointing acting reps if essential..
(iv) points raised in groups : we noted specific points and general issues listed in AGM mins– will aim to suggest social events organised in patches all volunteers /suggestions welcome
(v) Reading food growing network we decided to checkout the website to see if there is anything that might be of interest- ie we might piggy back on and report back next meting
check here / Note for next meeting
Next agenda
Dig it and
8 / Website editorial board. (Dave,Colin,Karen) We agreed Liz ‘s suggestions that she continues to update the site, and makes arrangements so that she can add documents to the site if abroad.
We applauded improvements made – clear content etc. fewer cobwebs. Some historic items may eventually be weeded- eg drawings archived? Main progress by the board is decision that the new design needs to be mobile- friendly so menu does not obliterate content/vice versa.. Dave is working through alternative designs. Ctty thanked Dave for his efforts ,agreeing the approach
9 / Site issues i) jenny had made contact with one set of new tenants on PD10a but many uncertainties remain re contact details, vacant plots, waiting list etc . We don’t know if plots are weedy due to vacancies or personal issues ii) plot numbering remains incomplete , and deteriorates as plots are divided, and/or signs get weather- beaten. We decided to ask the Trustees to supply new tenants with a laminated sheet with their plot number and to consider a practical session at the members meeting for existing members. iii) padlock problems recur- stephanie i/c. iv) overgrown paths persist and appear not to be a concern to the landlord. Progress over the last few years is not being maintained.. We decided that until this is a matter that receives attention of the landlord we will not pursue. v) water winter switch off- jenny to check arrangements with Stephanie- suggest 1 dec-1 march. / Jenny ask stephaniie
Dig it
13 / Dig It – (i) copy date 13 Nov to go out by 25 november ii) content ideas need to prompt some kind of activity in patches? Inform people re new chair, seek committee volunteers /observers
14 / AO B (i) ‘Managing your New Plot’-introductory practical course for beginner plot-holders . We agreed enthusiastically with Dave’s suggestion that we could tackle several of the issues raised by members at the AGM by running such a program of say 6 short monthly sessions- emphasis on learning a few techniques and what is important
(ii) favourite jams preserves and chutneys from your plot? Jenny had a vague idea to swop recipes/ have a tasting session needs a lot more thought but clearly current splendid harversts are bing used. We suggested to put in a flier in dig it and see if volunteers, or ideas emerge
(iv) data protection –remind members we don’t pass on contact details without explicit one/off agreement. Ie re-inforce the constitutions statement. / Dave sort details and advertise in dig it
Dig it
Dig it and footer to emails from tas? dave?
Date of next meeting: Monday 11 January 2016 7.30pm

Dave closed the meeting at 8.55, thanking William and Joan for their kind hospitality.

Minutes of Meeting of the Committee of Tilehurst Allotments Society :

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Present: Richard Buckingham (chair), William Macphee, Colin Robinson, Mary Bartlett (membership sec) , Lucie Twivey, Dave Griffiths, Karen Fidler ,Jenny Cottee (sec)

Apologies: Karen Fidler(treasurer) , Dave and Jen Newnham, Stephanie Keighley

1 / Minutes of meeting Monday 22 June 2015 and the notes of 3 August discussion meeting were accepted
2 / Reports :Treasurer circulated a comment for discussion about the maturity of the bond after the meeting. The gist of it is: investing in a HSBC Money Market account for a 2 year bond ( interest rate 0.855%pa ) increasing the £9000 bond to £9,70 0 . This would leave £300 in the money manager account and £400 in the current account- plenty for rainy days etc) .
Secretary: had found the August meeting helpful .It helped to clarify priorities . The mail boxes being used for replies to Mary’s letter about membership contact details, and one other message. We decided it would be best to use a plastic tupper- ware type box to keep the paper and pencil dry. She had fastened a reminder to keep Polsted rd pedestrian gate unlocked following a message from Richard/Peter Andrews about problems. She and various others had been pleased to receive from Stephanie in the last few days replies to questions sent to her over the last few months.
In response to Stephanies estimate Jenny had 140 copies of the double page edition of Dig it and delivered them ready to be posted with the rent letters.
Jenny had delivered 2 welcome packs to recent plotholders , and has arranged for more ‘Grow Organic’ guidance leaflets. Mary has supplied clear plastic folders for when the current printed ones run out.
Membership secretary: is receiving updates steadily, but slowly. Many errors and changes particularly of email addresses and phone numbers. We agreed that a table at the AGM for TAS membership sec will be helpful. We congratulated Mary on progress so far. / Karen act on comments received
AGM arrangements
3 / Trustees report Some info was via recent emails and some when Jenny spoke on the phone in the last few days . We have received responses to many outstanding matters including info for Dig it . Stephanie has passed on the updated info about tenants and people on the waiting list (7 active) .She has also reported that there will be no autumn H&S inspection- no outstanding matters –only cultivation and plot numbers. She confirmed the arrangements for rent collection and AGM that dave included in Dig it, and expected to post the rent letters ( with Dig It) over the bank-holiday weekend .She had shown some prospective tenants round at the weekend and rented out two plots. Last date for questions to Trustees Thursday 17 sept. Colin will not be available for the AGM ; the Charity will be represented by another Trustee / Jenny advertise last date for q’s on notice boards
5 / Dig It. Excellent varied edition-many interesting contributions. Congrats to Dave.: we were pleased to note that all on the waiting list have emails so no hand delivery is necessary
6 / Patches: we agreed to the arrangements outlined in Dig it – whilst noting there may well be people with reservations.
There is no need for another letter to plot-holders, but posters on the notice-boards to re-enforce which patch they are in etc. / Jenny posters c 10 days pre AGM
7 / AGM arrangements. We agreed the draft papers arrangements ( rer teas-jenny ask Liz clayton to help William), including the arrangements for group discussion after the interval. The latter will help people take part in the meeting avoiding acoustic issues. The feedback will be used at the next committee meeting. There may be some who want to sit with their friends, …
Jenny will tell Stephanie about the group work after the interval, and this will be a suitable time for TPLC representatives to leave.
We noted probably no volunteer for chairmanship .
Arranging the hall will take a bit longer-tables out at side ready, remember Mary tas table. Colin Robinson gave his apologies for absence at this meeting-(hols) / Jenny ask liz clayton
Jenny & Mary sort out admin groups etc
Dave & Jenny start hall 6.30pm
8 / Website editorial board. (Dave,Colin,Karen) Dave reported that the process that has evolved is that individuals work on first draft of pages which are circulated for comment and then Liz Ellis puts the accepted version on the website .
The situation is that we will probably go for a modified version of the current website, but this decision not yet made.
We noted that a high priority is to have a site that is easily and conveniently used on a phone- so menu must not take up all the ( small) screen. We decided that the determining factor for inclusion is to benefit our readers( tenants, potential tenants, interested local residents, Bigwigs-potential funders etc).We will use links toTPLC site where is is convenient-e.g. for tenancy agreement
So far the get a plot is on the site, dave is working on history of the site, Karen is tackling FAQ / Futureagenda. More formality needed?
9 / Questions for TPLC We noted the date-individuals to submit if so moved.
10 / Chairmanship plans We noted that it is unlikely we will have an elected chair at the end of the AGM.. We decided to manage without-rotating the meeting-role during the year, hoping that this very apparent vacancy will encourage possible role-holders to emerge during the year. / Inform members via dig it
11 / Site issues: Dave Elton is delighted his request for a second half plot has been granted by TPLC. The second half plot is next to his current plot, it was held vacant for 12 months is very overgrown and was consequently very hard to let.
Prior to the recent weekend ,when she reports she let 2 plots, Stephanies waiting list stood at 7 and we believe there were at least 10 half plots that will be vacant on 1 Oct ( excluding the two flooded plots but including the 1 remaining plot that has been held vacant for 12 months) . The committee expect other vacancies we don’t know of will emerge.
We discussed the probability of some vacant plots remaining un-let ( perhaps caused by high rents now). Members of the committee are not minded to volunteer time to ‘mothball’ plots ( ie strim and cover them or sow green manure), nor yet to encourage others to do this . The problem will be caused by the landlord , but will cause nuisance to their rent-paying tenants. Some outgoing tenants have made great efforts to hand over plots in a good state , but for most the decision was made weeks ago and deterioration has already set in.
12 / AOB i) Seed swop and members general meeting ( as mentioned in Dig It) .we agreed that Jenny would seek availability of a date in March- before Easter
ii) Seed syndicate? William is thinking about communal purchase - would need to sort it out by very early in the new year. Sounds a lot of work… Jenny to pass on details of Reading Food Growing Network http://www.readingfoodgrowingnetwork.org.uk/
Helen Wright in her 5 mins at the AGM will talk about Reading Town Meal –events etc , collect contributions and will speak about the network at our AGM / Jenny contact village hall
13 / Date of next meeting: we agreed 2 alternative dates
THURS 22 Oct or Mon 26 OCT to go on the AGM papers.The final selection will be determined after the elections.(either at the end of the meeting or within a few days

Richard closed the meeting at 8.50, thanking William and Joan for their kind hospitality.