Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Organizing Concept for the Year:

Culture is the arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and all

other products of human work and thought created by a people

or group at a particular time. Studying culture is important to understanding the past, present, and future.

Concept: Pack Your Bags (necessity)

Conceptual Key Point: A necessity is something that is necessary

or needed and cannot be done without. It is necessary to know the

foundation and skills on which to build upon.

Topics: Building Classroom Community, Lifeskills and Procedures

Five Themes of Geography

Eight Elements of Culture
DNA, Our Building Blocks

Length: approx. 7 weeks

(Aug. to Sept.)

Concept: Messing In Mesopotamia (problem solving)

Conceptual Key Point: Problem solving is to create solutions in

difficult situations and everyday problems. The lifeskill of problem solving is used to create solutions to resolve conflicts.

Topics: Sumarians, the First Farmers

Conflict Between Assyria and Babylonia

Phoenicians Sail the Mediterranean Sea

Israelites Change Religion

Doing What Scientists Do—The Scientific Method

Length: approx. 5 weeks

(Oct. to mid-Nov.)

Concept: Walk Like An Egyptian (cooperation)

Conceptual Key Point: Cooperation is when we work together toward a common goal or purpose. Life often requires us to cooperate as a team with many different people.

Topics: The Gift of the Nile

A Brief History of Pharaohs


Make Your Own Mummy

Life As An Egyptian

What Is Archaeology?

Artifacts In Depth

Going On A Dig

Interpreting Finds--The location of an artifact gives clues about its use.

Dating Artifacts--Archaeologists use a variety of methods to tell age.

Length: approx. 6 weeks

(mid-Nov. to Dec.)

Concept: Toga Party (system)

Conceptual Key Point: A system is a group of interacting elements regarded as forming a collective entity. A system provides organization and structural form.

Topics: Rise of Greek Civilization

Greek Mythology

Religion, Philosophy, and Science

Daily Life, Slavery, and Women and Children

Athens vs. Sparta

Spread Of Greece

Astronomy—Messages From Space

Star Types and Lifezones

The Solar System

Length: approx. 5 weeks

(Jan. to mid-Feb.)

Concept: When In Rome . . . (development)

Conceptual Key Point: Development occurs when something expands, unfolds or realizes its potential. Analyzing the stages of development helps us understand the end result.

Topics: The Founding of Rome and the Kingdom

The Roman Republic

The Roman Empire

Architecture and Technology

Daily Life Among the Romans


The Fall of Rome

The Human Body



Length: approx. 5 weeks

(mid-Feb. to Mar./Spring Break)

Concept: Along The Silk Road (balance)

Conceptual Key Point: In order for something to be in balance, two or more sides of it must be equal in power, strength, weight, or value. Problems often occur when things are out of balance.

Topics: China’s River Valleys

Confucius and His Teachings

One China, One Ruler

Family and Life in Ancient China

The Silk Road and Other Advances



Length: approx. 5 weeks

(last week of Mar. to Apr.)

Concept: Where In The World? (production, celebration, creation)

Conceptual Key Point: Production is the creation of something new. The lifeskills of cooperation, initiative, and perseverance are needed to produce any thing.

Topics: Create a culture

Inventions in science

Pushcart War

Length: approx. 3-4 weeks
