The Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 21st February 2016

Email: Mobile: 087-8119770

Like Abraham, our father in faith, we are called by God to a new homeland. We are not to rest in the material comforts of his world, but to move onwards towards the land of promise, where the Lord in whom we put our faith will transfigure our mortal bodies into the likeness of his glorified body.

Recently Deceased: Mary Murphy, Valentia. R.I.P.

Mass Intentions for the coming week:

Sat 20th Portmagee 7.30pm Jimmy O Connor (1st Anniversary)

Sun 21st The Glen 10.00am William Casey & deceased members of the Casey Family

Dun Geagan 11.30am Sr. Maryanne Sugrue

Mon 22nd Portmagee 7.30pm Eileen & Hugh Martin

Tues 23rd Dun Geagan 7.30pm John & Denis O Sullivan

Wed 24th No Mass

Thur 25th No Mass

Fri 26th Dun Geagan 7.30pm Michael O Sullivan (Rec Dec)

Sat 27th Portmagee 11.30am Mary O Driscoll (Months Mind)

7.30pm John O Driscoll

Sun 28th The Glen 10.00am Peg & William Casey

Dun Geagan 11.30am Sheila Keating

Anniversaries: Mikey Joe O Connell R.I.P.

John Casey R.I.P.

Lent is a time to prepare for the great joy of Easter. We are encouraged to prepare through a deeper commitment to prayer & through acts of charity & acts of self denial & so with the help of the Holy Spirit become more Christ like.


Faithful and loving God you bring us to the beginning of another Lent.

We pray that during these forty days we may allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit on a journey of Renewal, Repentance and Reconversion to a more loving way of life. Send your Spirit upon us now that we may meet Jesus in the Word that comes from you. May we come to love Him more deeply and so be drawn closer to the happiness of Your Kingdom. Amen.

·  Altar Servers for next weekend 27th / 28th February 2016

Dun Geagan: Ben O Connor & Thomas O Brien

The Glen: Luke Ó Catháin & Dylan O Connell

Portmagee: David Kennedy Cian O Sullivan Dylan Hulme & Leanne O Connor

·  Envelope Collection last weekend amounted to €723.40

Offertory Collection last weekend:

Dun Geagan €72.50 Portmagee €60.73 The Glen €121.47

Thank you for your support & kind generosity.

·  Fr Gunn would like to thank all those who sent cards and messages for a speedy recovery. Your prayers and good wishes are very much appreciated. I hope to be back amongst you all soon. Míle Buíochas, Fr David.

·  Lent is a time to prepare for the great joy of Easter. We are encouraged to prepare through a deeper commitment to prayer, through acts of charity & acts of self denial & so with the help of the Holy Spirit become more Christ like.

·  Trócaire boxes are available at the newsletter points in the churches. We are encouraged to give to those in need, even in these financially challenging times.

·  Scoil on Ghleanna are now enrolling for the school year 2016/17. Please contact the school if you wish to enrol your child on 066-9479330.

·  A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 22nd Feb at 8pm in the Presbytery Portmagee.

·  A statement from the Bishop on next Friday’s General Election is available on the Diocesan website

·  Reconciliation and Adoration. In the year of mercy Pope Francis invites all the Dioceses throughout the world to hold a 24 hour vigil of Reconciliation and Adoration during Lent. Cahirciveen and Listowel are the two parishes that will have adoration in our Diocese this Lent. Adoration will begin after Mass at 7.30pm on Fri 4th Mar conclude at 6.15pm on Sat 5th Mar. All are welcome.

·  Interesting Statistics from our parish for the past 3 years:

2013 / 2014 / 2015
Baptisms / 18 / 17 / 15
Confirmation / 32
Marriages / 5 / 2 / 5
Funerals / 15 / 19 / 12

Please respect an atmosphere of silence in the Church.