River Valley Exam Study Guide


During early civilizations, why did most cities rise in river valleys?______

Which of the following advances in farming was most important in the development of cities?______

Why did Ancient civilizations wage war? ______

Cultural diffusion may have affected an early civilization in the following ways______

How did geographic location influence the civilization that existed 4,000 years ago between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?

What important advancement did the Sumerians introduce by 3200 B.C. that would later allow historians to study their


The first civilization arose in Mesopotamia because

Why does Egyptian art often feature people from Nubia?

What civilization probably produced the painting shown?

How did the Sumerians differ from the Egyptians in the way they viewed their rulers?

The movement of people across the Fertile Crescent resulted in the?

Why was the Huang He nicknamed the “River of Sorrows”?

Why did the Phoenicians turn to trade and the sea for their livelihood?

. Why did the pharaoh in Egypt make the Hebrews slaves?

The geography of Mesopotamia led people to begin

“Adore the king . . . living forever, in your innermost parts. . . He is Re [the sun], by whose rays one sees, for he is one who illumines the Two Lands [Upper and Lower Egypt] more than the sun disk. He is one who makes [the land] green.”

—Loyalty instructions from the Sehetepibre Stela

The passage from the Sehetepibre Stela illustrates that Egyptians believed what about their king?

Why did pharaohs of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom improve defenses along the Nile?

Which of the following organs was left in the body when mummifying it and why?

In general, the extremities of the inhabited world, which lies alongside the part of the earth that is not temperate and habitable, because of heat or cold, must needs be defective and inferior to the temperate part; and this is clear from the modes of life of the inhabitants and from their lack of human necessities. They indeed live a hard life, go almost naked, and are nomads: and their domestic animals—sheep, goats, and cattle—are small; and their dogs are small though rough and pugnacious. . . The [Nubians] live on millet and barley, from which they also make a drink; but instead of olive oil they have butter and tallow.

—Strabo, Geography

Read the excerpt from Strabo. It can be inferred that Strabo believed that the inhabitants of Nubia?

Why was Nubia’s location a valuable resource to the Egyptians?

When was the Indus rediscovered?

What have archaeologists concluded about cities in the Indus Valley from studying their careful planning

and modern plumbing?

“We are superior to the Dravidians, a weak people whom we will conquer by following our rajahs. Our priests, one of the three basic groups in our society, memorize and recite the Vedas. We are a polytheistic people who worship Fierce Indra, the god of war. Who are we?”

Scholars believe that Indus civilization was a single society rather than a collection of independent

city-states because

“The Brahmin was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya [Kshatriya] made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.”

—Rigveda, 10.90

Read the passage from the Rigveda. Which of the following would you expect to have the lowest status in Vedic society?

Mountains, hills, and deserts helped the Chinese to thrive because?

Which of the following was first achieved by the Chinese?

Why was the Huang He nicknamed the “River of Sorrows”?