21st Century Science. P2 revision lesson.
By Tim Greenway, GeorgePindarCommunitySportsCollege and Phil Gomersal, TadcasterGrammar School April 2007.
Learning objectives (WALT):
  • What you understand about radiation and life
  • Develop your knowledge about ideas in science
  • What you need to revise for the exam
/ Learning outcomes (WILF):
  • Understand something you didn’t understand before the lesson
  • Know what you need to do before the exam
  • Enjoy the lesson

  • Resources:
Hard copies of the following:
Teacher version A3 summary sheet complete, Student version A3 summary sheet incomplete, Odd one out activity, Key word bingo Teacher definitions, Key word bingo student game card, Teacher version, answers with possible questions, Student version with answers only, Map from memory complete, Map from memory template, Revision cards, Topical celebrity card match
Foundation and higher text books, post it notes, felt tips, A3 paper,
Students write on post it:
• Name
• How happy they feel about the Physics in this lesson on a scale of 1 to 5 (Have the learning objectives up?)
• Anything they’re concerned about(or a question).
This should be stuck on the front of the deskUniversity Challenge style. During the lesson, you should have time to go around and help. 5 min. V
Choose from the following activities to suit your group.
Summary sheet:
Each student needs this A3 sheet. There are boxes for them to fill in. Work in a pair but fill in their own. I suggest for a set 1 you just give 5 minutes then swap partners for another 5 minutes? For a set 2 either 10 mins then swap for another 5 or just 10 mins in one pair.
10 – 15 mins. VA.
Note: There is a completed version of the summary sheet for teacher use. / Teacher version A3 summary sheet complete
Student version A3 summary sheet incomplete
Odd one out.
Can be done orally or as a written activity.
Students look at the list of words and decide which one they consider to be the odd one out. They need to give a reason for their choice each time. There are no right answers, the reason that the student provides is the important learning opportunity. The chance to discuss individual student answers as a group or whole class will reinforce the learning and address any misconceptions. 10 min VA / Odd one out activity
Key word Bingo
A list of key words is provided together with their definitions. Students complete a bingo card by selecting words from the list. They can fill their card or you can decide how many words and how many blanks you want each student to have on their card. There are a number of options - 4 corners, line, full house etc depending on how long you want the activity to run for.
Read out the definitions to the class. Students cross out the word when they hear the definition. (Keep a note of which words you have used, you may have to adjudicate!)
For lower ability cards you can edit the words that the students can choose from so that only the easier words are used. 10-15min A / Key word bingo Teacher definitions
Key word bingo student game card
Answers without questions
Students are given a list of answers to commonly asked questions. They need to devise an appropriate question for each of the answers. This can be quite demanding and time consuming. Care needs to be taken when considering how to run the task. There are many different ways of delivering this. They include
  • Split the questions among groups of students and then discuss their answers as a group or whole class.
  • Use pairs of students and get them to write their answers on whiteboards then discuss
  • Just do a selection of the questions
  • Which ones did they find hard.
This provides the opportunity to identify those areas of the module where there are misconceptions. This activity may work best as a homework. 10 min minimum VA / Teacher version, answers with possible questions
Student version with answers only
Map from memory on global warming:
Get pupils into groups of about 3’s. Each member of the group comes to the front one at a time and looks at the A3 picture of global warming for twenty seconds. Then they go back to their places and add as much detail to their template (you could have no template for more able groups) as they can remember. After a minute or two the next member of the group has their turn looking at the picture etc. Pupils could vote for a winner (with prizes?) at the end. 20min VAK / Map from memory complete
Map from memory template
Revision cards:
Note: There are 11 cards here, you need to consider how best to use this resource, one possibility is: In pairs, Both students have a revision card which they study the front of for two minutes. Then swap and test each other using the questions on the back of the card. 5 min per card. VA / Revision cards
Topical celebrity card match:
This is a variation of a loop game. There is a class set of questions and answers spoken by celebrities. Each pupil gets a question or an answer card. Pupils with questions read them out one at a time and the pupil with the correct answer reads it out for each question. Alternatively you could give the cards out and get pupils to mingle and find their partner with a matching card.5 min. VAK / Topical celebrity card match