Physics 133L

Section 20, F. 8:00–10:30 am

Room 3-2615/3-2623, CSU Pomona, Fall Quarter 2009

Instructor: Dr. Julie J. Nazareth Office Hours: M 11:00 - 11:45 am

Office: 8-212 F 10:30 - 11:45 am

Phone: 909-869-2893 (emergencies only) E-mail:

Text: Physics 133L Laboratory Manual (the most current edition)

Pre-requisite: Phy 131, Phy 131L; Co-requisite: Phy 133

Lab/Room Schedule: download from

Pre-lab & Lab (data) sheets can be downloaded from library online course reserves:

Grading: This class will most likely be graded on a “curve”. (Average grade in section = B range)

The curve will only help not hurt your grade, and may improve your grade over that earned through straight percentages (90+% A range; 80-89.9% B range; 70-79.9% C range; 60-69.9% D; < 60% F).

Pre-Labs 20%

Weekly Lab Reports 55%

Lab Final Exam 25%

Note: Physics Department policy states that two or more missed lab experiments (and not made up) will result in a grade of F for the class.

Pre-Labs: A pre-laboratory assignment will be assigned each week (except week 10) to help prepare the student for the coming experiment. Pre-labs are due promptly at the beginning of class - please be on time. Late pre-labs will NOT be accepted. Pre-labs may be turned in early to the professor’s office or e-mail account, if a student will be absent during the normal class period. Pre-labs may be waived at the instructor’s discretion for a serious and compelling reason (documentation may be required).

Lab Reports: Each student will submit a lab report (written in their own words), completing the necessary elements as required by the instructor (See posted lab data sheets for specific instructions for each lab). Lab work must be signed off by the instructor at the end of every lab period. Lab reports not complete by the end of the normally scheduled lab period may be taken home, completed and returned by the beginning of class the following week. The student must come to class prepared to do the lab and the required write-up. Late lab reports will be penalized 10% per week and will not be accepted after 10th week. A maximum of one missed experiment may be made up during the normally scheduled class period of lab make-up week. However, it is recommended that the student try to make-up the missed lab in another section during the same lab week (with the alternate section instructor’s permission). Lab reports are evaluated upon the following: 1) laboratory skills; 2) data analysis; 3) understanding of physics principles; and 4) communication skills. See also The Do’s and Don’ts of Physics Lab Reports and Expectations for Lab Reports.

Lab Final: One short lab final (≤ 30 questions in 30 minutes) will be given at the beginning of the normally scheduled class during 10th week. The lab final exam is based on the labs performed - underlying physics theories, lab techniques/procedure, and analysis techniques used. Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Take notes as you go – you will not have all lab reports or pre-lab assignments returned to you before taking the lab final. Please bring a scantron form 882-E to the final exam.

Academic Integrity: Cheating in any form is not tolerated and may result in a failing grade in the class. Students are expected to be familiar with the university policy on academic integrity.

Pre-Lab and Lab (Data) sheets are available online from

1) the Library online course reserve:

search by course (133L) or instructor (Nazareth)

view or print PDF files

can access from school or home once your account is set up with the library

2) the instructor’s website:

go to the Courses web page then click on Phy 133L

view, download, or print WORD 2003 documents

Students are not required to print out the Pre-labs or use the lab (data) sheets. Pre-labs can be completed and turned in on regular paper or e-mailed to the instructor’s e-mail by the beginning of class on the due date. It is recommended (but not required) that students print out and use the instructor’s lab (data) sheets because they contain the details on what is required for the lab write-up (e.g., sections of the lab to be performed, required graphs, questions to answer). However, student may create their own lab sheets (by computer or by hand using a straight edge) if they wish to (See also The Do’s and Don’ts of Physics Lab Reports and Expectations for Lab Reports).

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion, this course should have provided students with the following:

·  An introduction to physics’ role as a basic science with hands-on experience regarding natural phenomena

·  To develop your skills in presenting the results from experimental work in the form of laboratory reports

·  Practical experience with measurements in experimental work including

► Graphing ► Uncertainty Analysis

► Calculations ► Error Analysis

► Correct use of units


Each week a new laboratory exercise will be performed with one partner. Although it is sometimes difficult to fully understand the lab procedures until you are in the lab with the equipment, it is important that you review experimental procedures and pertinent theory (formulas) associated with the lab exercises before class. The student should come to class prepared to do the lab and the required write-up. You should read the lab manual and background material in detail before coming to class. If this is not completed before the lab period you may waste the lab period attempting to determine what needs to be completed DURING the lab period.

At the beginning of each lab period, the instructor will introduce the laboratory experiment and background physics concepts relevant to the day’s lab. Listen carefully to the lecture as important theories, lab objectives, observations, and specific instructions on performing the experiment and analysis (including altered procedures) will be announced.

MAKE-UP WEEK: If you need to make up a lab, come to your scheduled lab. Department policy will only allow you to complete ONE lab during make-up week.


Each Student:

·  Completes all scheduled experiments, learning lab techniques with a variety of equipment

·  Documents with a written record of all experimental data and other relevant observations for each experiment

·  Performs calculations for each experiment and summarizes results

·  Writes samples calculations, record results, plots relevant graphs, and completes any other elements directed by the instructor

·  Maximizes the 2 ½ hours lab period as needed for data acquisition, analysis, and other elements of the experimental report, seeking the instructor’s guidance as needed.

*** The above Objectives, Procedures and Course Structure have been adapted from the Physics Department Instructor’s Guide and from the Spring 2005 Phy 121L Syllabus by Steve Boddeker. ***

CSU Employee Furloughs – Impact on Classes

This year across this campus and around the CSU system some class days will be cancelled because of furloughs. A furlough is mandatory un-paid time off; faculty and staff on each CSU campus are being “furloughed” two days per month.

These cancelled class days are marked on your syllabus below. It is important to recognize that these days off are not holidays. Instead, they are concrete examples of how massive state budget cuts have consequences for you as students and for me as a faculty member.

The CSU has suffered chronic underfunding for at least 10 years. This year the budget cuts are the worst in the history of our university system — $584 million or 20% of our budget.

The CSU administration is attempting to deal with these cuts with huge increases in your student fees (32%), eliminations of your classes, and lay-offs of faculty and other university employees.

In addition to paying higher fees, you will be affected by reduced services and classes. The library will have shorter hours. Many campus support services will be decreased or eliminated. It will be more difficult to get signatures to meet deadlines. Classes you need may have been cut from the class schedule or are full.

If you would like to take action, or simply learn more, I strongly recommend you contact the CSU Students for Quality Education on this campus using this email:

You may also find information from the Pomona Chapter of the California Faculty Association:

My furlough days for the Fall 2009 quarter:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On furlough days I will NOT be on campus, office hours will be cancelled, and I will NOT be available to answer e-mail. I will answer e-mail as soon as I can on the next work day. When a furlough day falls on an instruction (class) day, the class will not meet and an alternative assignment will be assigned. This assignment will count toward your final grade and the material covered in the assignment is “fair game” for the final exam.