Discuss the view that nuclear power can be managed so that it is an environmentallysustainable source of energy. (15 )
Examiners comments for this question were….
Responses to (c) were variable. A significant proportion focussed on nuclear waste – a part of, but not the only component of the question. This was typically a Level 1 response. Many knew about aspects of nuclear power and discussed it in the context of the primary energy mix – for example with reference to France and UK.
Those who applied their knowledge to the specific question and entered into a discussion linked to the relatively long lifetime of nuclear power and its pluses and minuses environmentally showed that they had understood the thrust of the question.
The best made the link explicitly to sustainability and used accidents such as Chernobyl, countries such as France in a purposeful way. Here, candidates sought to weigh up the pros and cons and come to a considered view – that for example accepted the view that it was sustainable because of its extended lifetime, but that there were major risk factors involved in the process.
Content should show understanding of the concept of sustainable with regard to extent to which the environment is not damaged as a result of use of resource and lifetime of resources – nuclear power predicted at 1000 years.
In terms of lifetime – and sustainability in this context – 1000 years is substantially longer than lifetime of fossil fuels, especially oil that is predicted at 50 years and this may be discussed with regard to long term investment, security etc. It is also less concentrated than these fuels and so offers more opportunities to a wider area of the world. In contrast to renewable sources, the lifetime is short, but the technology is currently more available and consequently cheaper.
In terms of environment – this is likely to include a discussion of the relative merits of nuclear fuel with regard to fossil fuels and its reduced pollution in terms of greenhouse gases and thus less impact in terms of both acid rain and global warming. Conversely, it is more polluting in this context than renewable sources – and discussion of these may follow. However, nuclear power provokes an often negative image environmentally with past disasters such as Chernobyl (there may be a discussion of this) coming to the fore as does the issue of managing waste from the reactors. This is likely to be a central part of the answer – with reference to the need to dispose safely of radioactive waste that remains radioactive for many years – thousands of years. There are risks involved in transportation to 'safe' sites and many of these are not permanent, given the time scale involved. In the UK, the radioactive waste that cannot be used is stored in steel clad containers in Sellafield. There are issues with this, such as impact on local population and potential increased risk of cancer, impact on fish in the Irish Sea, issue of terrorist attacks. Equally, there are issues regarding the future disposal of waste – current thinking is looking at burying waste in geologically sound sites at a depth of between 200-1000 metres in a variety of rock types, including clays and salts, but this is for the future at least 15-20 years and would look at a lifetime of 100 years for a waste product that retains its radioactivity for thousands.
Level 1 (1-6 marks)
Simple statements describe features of nuclear power.
Likely to describe nuclear waste and how it is dealt with.
Limited support.
Links to question are tentative.
Level 2 (7-12 marks)
Begins to develop points and sequence them.
Offers some support.
Engages with theme and considers links to environmental sustainability.
Tentative/implicit discussion/debate of issues.
L2 Begins to link nuclear power to environmental sust.
L2 Begins to link nuclear power to environmental sust. plus some comment/debate
Level 3 (13-15 marks)
Develops points and sequences them.
Purposeful response with support present.
Focus is on sustainability and addresses environmental aspect purposefully.
Clear/explicit discussion/debate of issues.
L3 Purposeful discussion on how/whether nuclear power can be managed to be environmental and sustainable –clear explicit debate/comment