Burke County High School

Syllabus- Engineering Applications

Instructor: Mrs. Sandra C. Johnson


Prerequisite: Students must have PASSED Engineering Concepts

Course Description

Engineering Applications will offer students the opportunity to understand and apply knowledge and skills required to create and transform ideas and concepts into a product that satisfies specific customer requirements. Students will experience design engineering in the creation, synthesis, iteration and presentation of design solutions. Students will coordinate and interact in authentic ways to produce the form, fit and function documentation with appropriate models to completely define a product. Both independent and collaborative work will be carefully analyzed as students perform within an authentic engineering enterprise environment.

This course focuses on how engineers apply their creativity, resourcefulness, mathematical, scientific and technical knowledge and skills in the creation or refinement of technological products/systems. A key approach will be the employment of a sophisticated, sequential and iterative design and development process to solve authentic engineering tasks/problems.

Students will be challenged to participate as members of engineering teams within a typical business organization. Independent and group work will be reflective of authentic engineering projects found in the designed world. Student performance within this structure will be assessed in numerous and diverse ways. It is important to note that measurement of student performance will be reflective of actual professional engineering evaluative processes currently used in this career field.

Required Materials

  • Composition notebook (at least 70 pages)
  • Pencil/pen daily

45% Formative Assessments–, daily grades, homework, etc

55% Summative Assessments–Tests, Projects

Summative Assessments will be administered on Thursdays

Expectations for Behavior

The engineering lab is a safe environment where learning can take place. Students will be expected to follow all school rules, Engineering lab procedures, and safety procedures and be in compliance with the regulations for student behavior and dress.

Maximize Learning Time - Be at your assigned station with appropriate materials before the bell rings. Remain in your assigned area and on task until you are dismissed.

Tutoring- Available on Tuesdays from 3:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. A 24-hour advance notice is necessary.

Give and Expect Respect - Listen when others have the floor. Speak in a manner that would be appropriate in a workplace. Do not disrupt the learning environment.

Demonstrate Good Work Ethics - Exercise care for the facility including its equipment and supplies. Keep noise to minimum during instructional time. Wear appropriate clothingfor planned activities. Use equipment and supplies for educational purposes only. Complete makeup work in a timely manner.

Food and drinks are not allowed in the technology lab.

Work Safely - Do not violate safety rules. Horseplay will not be tolerated. Do not distract other students while they are working.

Maintain Workstation and Lab Equipment Properly - Keep work area clean. Put tools, equipment, and supplies in their proper place.Notify the instructor if something is not clean or working properly.

Act Appropriately During Emergencies and Drills - Followinstructions quickly and calmly during all alarms and drills.

Failure to abide by the above expectations will result in:

  1. Warning
  2. Activity Expulsion / Student Conference
  3. Parent Conference
  4. After School Detention
  5. Discipline Referral

Students are not to bring any personal computer hardware or software into the computer lab. Students may use classroom computers only when given explicit directions to do so and only for engineering class work. Cell phone use is allowed in the room when permission is given by Mrs. Johnson


The Technology Student Association is a student organization that is devoted to the needs of Technology Education students. TSA's mission is to inspire its student members to prepare for careers in a technology-driven economy and society. TSA members compete in exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities, and community service projects on state and national levels. Learn more at

I have read the above syllabus and understand the contents and requirements therein.


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Parent SignatureDate