Practice Word List: Local Spelling Bee 2016

1.  gelid (jelled)


extremely cold: icy

When Frank was in Finland, he took a memorable swim in gelid water.

2.  pessimum (pesemem)


the least favorable environmental condition under which an organism can survive

The pessimum for many species of cockroach occurs at temperature near the freezing point.

3.  panacea (panesee)


a remedy for all ills or difficulties: a cure-all

The senator stated that federal aid would not be a panacea for the state’s economic problems.

4.  ecclesiastical (eklezeastekel)


belonging to, suggestive of, or suitable for use in a church building or service of worship.

Ramona designed and sewed all the ecclesiastical garments workn in the church’s services.

5.  rheumatic (rumadik)


of, relating to, or characteristic of any of numerous conditions characterized by inflammation of pain in muscles, joints, or fibrous tissues

Benjamin Franklin and Henry VIII suffered from gout, a rheumatic disease.

6.  dermatitis (dermetides)


inflammation of the skin typically marked by reddening, swelling, crusting, or scaling. Bonnie treated her dermatitis with aloe vera.

7.  bane (bayn)


any cause of ruin or destruction

The woman grew to abhor her vituperative husband; among friends, she would refer to him hyperbolically as “the bane of existence.”

8.  churlish (cher-lish)


curde, crass; vulgar

His churlish and uncivilized demeanor seems more befitting the Dark Ages than this age; I want nothing to do with the churl.

9.  critique (kri-tek )


a critical evaluation

The editor gave a detailed critique of the manuscript, explaining its strengths and its weaknesses.

10.  curtail (ker-tal )


to shorten

The opening round of the golf tournament was curtailed by the thunderstorms.

11.  cumulative ( kyoom’yela-tive )


made up of successive additions

Smallpox was eliminated only through the cumulative efforts of several generations of doctors and scientists.

12.  diagonal (diagen’l)


running across from corner to corner

Chris prefers the tile floor with the diagonal pattern.

13.  meditate (medetat)


dwell in thought, especially, practice religious contemplation

Eileen and her friends meditate in the chapel every morning before breakfast.

14.  mallard (malerd)


a common and widely distributed wild duck of the northern hemisphere that frequents shallow water and feeds by dabbling.

When Timmy fed the ducks at the marina, he gave his last piece of bread to the mallard.

15.  interim (interim)


existing or continuing for a limited time

The principal appointed interim leaders of the student body until elections could be held.

16.  eclipse (e’klips)


an astronomical event occurring when one celestial body fully or partially obscures another celestial body

The best view of the most recent solar eclipse was in Hawaii.

17.  citzen (sidezen)


a resident of an area who has civic rights and privileges within that area

Every adult citizen in the United States should exercise the right to vote.

18.  foist (foist)


insert something in a deceitful or secret manner

Zeke tried to foist an escape clause into the contract.

19.  phrasing (frazing)


style of expression: wording

In writing poetry, phrasing is critically important.

20.  scalpel (scalpel)


A small straight knife with a thin keen blade used especially for dissecting.

In surgery, the scalpel is now often replaced by a laser beam.