1. Complete the Aztec G.R.A.P.E.S. chart (ch 12 Lesson 2) If you did not already finish in class

2. Complete the Inca G.R.A.P.E.S. chart (ch 12 Lesson 3)

3. STUDY ch 11 and 12 and make sure all notes, vocab, and assignments are together. You will have a notes packet to complete after the break, and you will be quizzed on this material.

EXTRA CREDIT (Due Monday, January 12)

1. Write at least 6 questions about one or more of the civilizations of the Americas that we have studied. These should be questions about topics that interest you, and should not be able to be answered with just our textbook. RESEARCH at least 4 of these questions, then complete one or both of the following:

  • CHOICE #1: Write the questions as an INTERVIEW with someone living in the Americas during this time period in history. Write a short descriptions of who this (made up or real) person is, what his/ her job is, and where and when he/ she lived. Make sure all answers are in your own words, but from this person’s point of view.
  • CHOICE #2: Create a PICTURE BOOK with one question and a paragraph answer on each page. You may illustrate (full page color illustrations!) and/ or create a collage (full page) with printed images to show the information you learned about. Create a cover as well. Mae sure ALL writing is in your own words!
  • FOR BOTH CHOICES, write a bibliography of all sources used!



1. Complete the Aztec G.R.A.P.E.S. chart (ch 12 Lesson 2) If you did not already finish in class

2. Complete the Inca G.R.A.P.E.S. chart (ch 12 Lesson 3)

3. STUDY ch 11 and 12 and make sure all notes, vocab, and assignments are together. You will have a notes packet to complete after the break, and you will be quizzed on this material.

EXTRA CREDIT (Due Monday, January 12)

1. Write at least 6 questions about one or more of the civilizations of the Americas that we have studied. These should be questions about topics that interest you, and should not be able to be answered with just our textbook. RESEARCH at least 4 of these questions, then complete one or both of the following:

  • CHOICE #1: Write the questions as an INTERVIEW with someone living in the Americas during this time period in history. Write a short descriptions of who this (made up or real) person is, what his/ her job is, and where and when he/ she lived. Make sure all answers are in your own words, but from this person’s point of view.
  • CHOICE #2: Create a PICTURE BOOK with one question and a paragraph answer on each page. You may illustrate (full page color illustrations!) and/ or create a collage (full page) with printed images to show the information you learned about. Create a cover as well. Mae sure ALL writing is in your own words!
  • FOR BOTH CHOICES, write a bibliography of all sources used!