How Well Do You Know Nutrition Facts Food Labels?

  1. About how many cups of the frozen mixed vegetables would meet your daily need for vitamin C?

2/3 cup
1 1/3 cups
2 2/3 cups
1/3 cup

  1. You are hungry and you do not feel like preparing two or three different items for your dinner. You decide to make one package of macaroni and cheese and just eat the whole thing. Each serving of prepared macaroni and cheese is one cup. How many calories would you consume if you eat all of the macaroni and cheese?


  1. This macaroni and cheese label looks like the label on the standard size 7-ounce box of dry mix to make macaroni and cheese. How many servings of macaroni and cheese are in one box?


  1. You decide to make some chicken noodle soup with one can of condensed chicken noodle soup and one can of water. How much sodium would you consume if you ate the whole can of chicken noodle soup plus 10 crackers?


  1. You are feeling really, really hungry, but you are also watching your weight and cutting back on calories. For dinner you are cooking a small portion of fish in a healthful manner. To round out your meal, you want to add a side dish, and you would like to have that side dish be about 1 cupful of something. Which would add fewer calories, 1 cup of baked beans or 1 cup of mixed vegetables?

Mixed vegetables
Baked beans

  1. You are shopping for milk and trying to decide if you want to buy whole milk or non-fat milk. You are watching your weight and you want to save calories. Which type of milk has fewer calories?

Non-fat milk
Whole milk

  1. The kids will be home from school soon, and they will be hungry. You know that dinnertime is only 3 hours away, so you do not want them to eat too many calories. Which choice would have fewer calories, 1 cup of condensed chicken noodle soup that has been prepared with an equal amount of water or 1 cup of macaroni and cheese? Although it does not tell you on the label, one 2 ounce serving of prepared macaroni and cheese is equal to about one cup.

Macaroni and cheese
Chicken noodle soup

  1. You have decided to eat 5 or 6 small meals per day instead of three. You are hungry and you cannot decide if you want to eat two beef franks or 1/2 can of baked beans for a small meal. Knowing that you should avoid saturated fats, which would be the better choice?

1/2 can of baked beans
2 beef franks

  1. You decide to make a peanut butter sandwich made with two slices of 100% whole grain bread and two tablespoons of peanut butter. How many calories are in this sandwich?


  1. You are on a low carb diet. This low-carb chocolate bar with almonds is not very big, so you decide to eat three of them to soothe your chocolate craving. If you are eating around 2000 calories per day, these three bars will provide what percentage of the fat you should eat for the whole day?


How Well Do You Know How to Read Nutrition Fact Labels?
Nutrition Facts Label Quiz Answer

1.  The correct answer is 2 2/3 cups.

Each serving of the frozen mixed vegetables contains 25% of your daily need for vitamin C. Each serving is equal to 2/3 cups, so 4 servings is equal to about 2 2/3 cups.

2.  The correct answer is 780.

The box contains 3 servings, with 260 calories per serving. Multiply 3 times 260 for 780 calories.

3.  The correct answer is 3.

This one is easy. The label states that there are about 3 servings in the macaroni and cheese.

4.  The correct answer is 2605.

One whole can of soup is 2 ½ servings, so if you eat the whole thing you need to multiply the amount of sodium by 2.5. This means 890 times 2.5 equals 2225. For the crackers you will be eating 2 servings so you need to double the amount of sodium in one serving of crackers, so 190 times 2 equals 380. To get the total sodium add 2225 plus 190 for 2605 mg of sodium. That is more sodium than you need in one whole day.

5.  The correct answer is the mixed vegetables.

One serving of mixed vegetables is equal to 2/3 cup and has 25 calories, so one cup would have about 37

calories. One serving of baked beans is equal to ½ cup and has 140 calories so 1 cup would have 280


6.  The correct answer is the non-fat milk.

According to the label, 1 cup of whole milk has 150 calories, while 1 cup of non-fat milk has only 90


7.  The correct answer is the chicken noodle soup.

One cup of condensed chicken noodle soup that has been prepared with an equal amount of water would

equal ½ cup of the condensed soup plus e cup of water. The soup has 60 calories. The macaroni and

cheese has 260 calories. Notice that both of these popular foods have a lot of sodium, so if you buy these

foods, look for low sodium varieties.

8.  The correct answer is 1/2 can of baked beans.

The two beef franks contain 18 grams of saturated fats. If you are on a 2000 per day diet, that is almost

all the saturated fat you should have for an entire day. The beans have no saturated fat so they are the

better choice for avoiding saturated fat.

9.  The correct answer is 330.

One serving of peanut butter has 190 calories. One serving of bread, which is one slice, has 70 calories.

This means you have 190 calories for the peanut butter and 140 calories for the 2 slices of bread for a

total of 330 calories.

10. The correct answer is 55%.

One candy bar has 12 grams of fat; so 3 candy bars have 36 grams. If you look at the chart at the bottom of the label, you will see that you should have no more than 65 grams of fat per day, so that is over half of the fat you should eat in an entire day.