FASC Convention 2017

February 17 – 19, 2017

West Florida High School

Pensacola, Florida

Registration Deadlines

On-time Registration: $185 per delegate or Advisor

(Postmarked by January 12, 2017):

Late Registration: $195 per delegate or Advisor

(Postmarked by January 20, 2017)

Convention Contacts

FASC Executive Director

Dr. Melissa Sohn

FASC Treasurer/Convention Host

West Florida High School of Advanced Technology

Renee Giles, Advisor
Cell (850) 293-2066
/ FASC Co-Treasurer
Olivia Adams
/ FASC Co-Treasurer
Jacob McDonald

Registration Checklist

Complete this checklist to ensure your FASC 2017 registration is complete.

q  Make your hotel arrangements

Use the FASC Hotel Guide below (pg 16 & 17) to reserve rooms at one of our Official FASC Hotels.

All hotels request that you fax or email them the “Hotel Information Sheet” according to their deadline, which they should provide.

q  Mail Registration forms to West Florida High School, 2400 Longleaf Dr., Pensacola, FL. 32526 ATTN: SGA

Two “School Registration Forms” (Submit by email to Renee Giles at )

One “Advisor Registration Form” per advisor or chaperone attending

One “Student Registration Form” per student attending

One “Delegate Convention Agreement Form” per student attending

Mail your check, student and advisor forms and registration by January 12, 2017

Checks, payable to WFHS and mailed to: (host school W9 is on pg.18)

West Florida High School
Attn: Renee Giles/FASC
2400 Longleaf Dr.
Pensacola, FL 32526

q  Register to present a Workshop

If your school plans to present a workshop at FASC 2017, go to www.tiny.cc/fascworkshop17

to fill out the online workshop presenter form.

q  Complete Intent to Run, if running for office

If your school plans to run for an FASC Office at FASC 2017, please fill out The Intent to Run Form and follow the Rules and Regulation page. Form must be submitted to the Executive Director by Friday, January 6, 2017. Please submit to Dr. Sohn at

Specific Awards need to be submitted to the executive director by Friday, December 30, 2016. Please submit

to Dr. Sohn at

Principal of the Year, Advisor of the Year, and Member of the Year (middle and high level)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Renee Giles (850)293-2066

Conference Information

State Conference Overview

All FASC member middle and high schools are invited to attend. Delegates will attend General Sessions, Seminars and Workshops designed to teach, motivate and inspire!

Conference Location/Date

This year’s conference is hosted by District One on February 17-19, 2017. The host school is West Florida High School of Advanced Technology Pensacola, Florida.


There is no limit of delegates, students or advisors, for this year’s conference. Each delegation must be accompanied by an approved adult from their school.


Once a school is registered, NO refunds will be issued. A delegate may be substituted as long as the substitute has the proper paperwork completed and will receive the t-shirt size requested by the original delegate.

Hotel Reservations

Each school is responsible for reserving accommodations at one of the hotels listed in the information packet. In order to receive the FASC Conference rate, you must tell the hotel that you are participating in the Florida Association of Student Councils (FASC) Conference. To receive the conference rate, you must reserve your room(s) no later than February 3, 2017. To ensure we will have enough housing, please release all unused rooms by January 12, 2017.

Important Forms

Each school must submit the following: Online registration checklist, School Registration forms (two), Advisor Registration Form for each Advisor, Student Registration form for each student, Delegate Convention Agreement form for each student.


All meals will be provided during the conference starting with dinner on Friday, February 17, 2017. Delegates with special dietary needs should note their concerns on the delegate registration form and checklist.

FASC 2017 School Registration Form

(This form is to be submitted by email to by 1/12/17 or late 1/20/17)

School Name: ______Middle School _____High School

School Mailing Address: ______

City: ______Zip Code: ______

School Phone #: ______School Fax #:______

Primary Advisors Name: ______

Advisors Cell #: ______Email:______

Registration: Must be electronically received by January 12, 2017. Late registration will be accepted if electronically received by January 20, 2017.

Number of Delegates: ______x $ 185.00 (195.00 After 1/12/17) = ______

Number of Advisors: ______x $ 185.00 (195.00 After 1/12/17) = ______

Total Due: $______

Make Checks Payable to:


2400 Longleaf Dr.

ATTN: Renee Giles/FASC

Pensacola, FL 32526


Transportation Information

Method of Travel: ______Car ______Bus ______Plane ______Train

Will you need transportation to and from a conference hotel during the convention?

______Yes ______No

If yes, please give the name and address of your hotel


Hotel Name Hotel address


2017 FASC School Registration Form

(This form is to be submitted by email by 1/12/17 or late 1/20/17)

School Name: ______School Phone Number: ______

Delegate Names / Male/
Female / Shirt Size
S/M/L/Xl/2XL / Dietary Needs
Gluten Free/other / Student Registration Form & Insurance Card / Delegate
Advisors / Advisor Form

*If you need to add more delegates, just copy this form.


Advisor Registration Form

Please Print legibly or type. This form is required for each Advisor participating in the 2017 Florida Association of Student Councils Association Convention.

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

School: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Zip Code: ______

School Phone: ______Mobile Phone: ______

Email: ______

Years you have been an Advisor: ______

Emergency Contact Information

Name: ______

Relationship: ______Phone #: ______

Special Health Concerns or allergies: ______

Special Dietary Concerns: ______

As the Student Council/SGA Advisor at ______
School, I understand that I am responsible for all actions made by my students and myself. I understand that I am responsible for making sure that my students and I arrive on time to the convention and all activities taking place throughout the weekend. I am to ensure that my students follow all convention and hotel rues. I am also aware that I am responsible for registration of the group upon arrival at West Florida High School and I am required to chaperone students to, from and during the convention.
Advisor Signature Date


Please PRINT legibly. This form is REQUIRED for each student participating in the 2017 FASC Convention. Please fully complete this form; all information is vital in the event of an emergency.

School: ______FASC District: ______

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

DOB: _____/ ______/ _____ (DD/MM/YYYY Gender: F or M Grade: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Address: ______

Number & Street City Zip

Parent/Guardian Name: ______Phone #1:______

Phone #2:______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______Phone #1:______

Phone #2:______

Alternate Emergency Contact: ______Phone #1: ______

Phone #2: ______

Who is responsible for medical payments? ☐ Individual ☐ Insurance

Medical Insurance provider, if insured: ______Policy #: ______


Number & Street City Zip


Special health concerns or allergies: ______

Are you currently taking medication(s)? Y or N Medications: ______

Are there any prescription or non-prescription drugs that should NOT be administered? Y or N

List prohibited medications:______

Special dietary concerns: ______

FASC Delegate Convention Agreement Form

Delegate Name: ______School: ______

Participation Agreement

My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, discussed with my parent/ guardian/ advisor/principal and agree to abide by all the rules regulations and expectations as outlined in The Conference Student Delegate Behavior & Responsibilities and the Conference Attire information page. I understand that a violation of any conference guideline or expectation contained in either of these documents or communicated to me at the conference by an adult advisor or host school officially may result in my parents, my home school advisor, and principal being notified and/or my being sent home at my parent’s/guardian’s expense.


Delegate Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Photographs/Video Recording Media Release

By allowing my child to attend the 2017 FASC Convention, I give my permission, understand and acknowledge that he/she may be photographed, video-taped, or audio-taped and indicated by name. Such photographs and tapes will be used only for the purpose of promoting FASC as a leadership organization through the association’s newsletter, brochures, websites, and print media.


Delegate Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Convention Delegate Behavior & Responsibility and Convention Attire

The FASC Convention is an opportunity for students leaders to gather for the purpose of meeting other student leaders, hearing quality speakers/ presenters, sharing ideas, and enhancing their leadership skills by actively participating in all convention sessions and experiencing the hospitality of the host school and the community in which it is located. The FASC is committed to the safety and well being of every participant, student or adult, so everyone will have an enjoyable time and have a positive convention experience. The following guidelines have been established to communicate the expectations for delegate behavior prior to the convention. The following guidelines have been established to communicate the expectations for delegate behavior prior to the convention.


  1. Attend all convention sessions at the designated times and places. Once the convention begins and until it ends, delegates cannot deviate from the stated schedule with alternative plans, or visit relatives or friends in the area.
  2. Respect the rights and safety of others. Students exhibiting irresponsible behavior that endangers the health, safety, or welfare of themselves or others will be sent home immediately at their expense and their school’s administration will be notified. Students are expected to demonstrate respect toward other students, advisors, presenters, and guests. Always display the appropriate mode of behavior of any student council position.
  3. The following will NOT be allowed during presentations unless otherwise specified: cell phones/texting, hand held games, or mp3 players. Since delegates will be occupied through out the convention, advisors should be called if a student needs to be contacted.
  4. Understand the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. Any student found in possession or under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol will be expelled from the convention and turned over to his or her advisor. The student will be sent home without delay at his/her expense. An FASC representative will notify both the student’s principal and parents of the infraction. Law enforcement will be notified if a delegate violates any civil or criminal laws.
  5. No food or drink is allowed in general sessions.
  6. Stay in safe, supervised environment. Unsupervised students may not leave the convention at any time.
  7. Respect the property of others. Students are not to take objects from convention areas or any other property or venue that is visited. Theft and vandalism will not be tolerated.
  8. Acknowledge that advisors at the FASC convention are authority figures and are to be treated as such.


Conference attired is casual, yet we hope all delegates will dress appropriately for a leadership conference throughout the event. We plan for FASC 2017 to be a tasteful event and we expect all delegates to dress accordingly. In light of this, please follow the guidelines below about conference.


·  Shorts are an option for the conference provided that they are not inappropriately short. ***Girls- long shorts (i.e. walking shorts, Bermuda shorts, school-appropriate shorts- NO “short” shorts, no athletic shorts, no cheerleading shorts, etc.

·  No sagging pants

·  No pants with rips, tears or holes that show skin or underwear.

·  No midriff shirts; no cut-off shirts. Shirts, pants, shorts, etc. must “meet in the middle”

·  Conference t-shirts may not be altered in any way until after the conference ends.

·  No hats/caps worn inside buildings.

·  No bare feet at any time


Anyone who appears on stage as a candidate, to give a speech, etc. must be dressed in business attire. On stage attire guidelines are as follows:

·  Girls- skirts must come to at least the crease in the back of the knee

·  Dresses, shirts, tops must have sleeves

·  Guys must wear ties and long sleeved shirts

·  Pants must not sag

·  No flip flops or tennis shoes on stage

·  No shorts or jeans

*Candidate skits must follow conference attire with an exception to stage attire.


  1. Be courteous to other hotel guests and honor their privacy and need for rest.
  2. Respect the property of others. Students are not to take objects from hotel rooms, convention areas or any other property visited.
  3. Delegates must obey the rules of hotel facilities.
  4. Do not throw anything out of windows or over balconies.
  5. Do no run in the hallways or slam doors.
  6. Noise should be kept at a low, reasonable volume inside and outside of the room.
  7. Individuals are responsible for damage to any hotel property or furnishings and are financially responsible for its repair or replacement.
  8. The hotel facilities have the right to ask a delegate to leave.

2017 FASC Workshop Presenter

Sign-Up Information

Please register your workshop at:


If you have any questions please feel free to contact the

FASC Vice President School, Stoneman Douglas High School.

Danielle Driscoll at (advisor)


Eileen Guichard at (student)

FASC Awards Program

The Florida Association of Student Councils awards Program was developed by and continues to be administered by the Florida Association of Student Council Advisors. Please review the information below for award categories and applications.

The FASC awards program has been revised as a result of discussions with FASC member school advisors at the 2016 state convention. Rules, explanations and the necessary forms for the Medallion Council Award, the Mitzy Treadway Project of the Year Award, the FASC Speech Contest and the Eric Bailey Parliamentary Procedure contest and Technology for both middle and high schools can be found in the FASC Awards Packet. Members can gain access to the rules and forms for the Council of Merit Awards, Advisor of the Year, Principal of the Year and middle school and high school members of the year by scrolling down to those awards on the page. The awards packet for middle and high school can be found online at www.fasa.net