The Mycological Society of America 2017–2018 Official Roster

Executive Council
Tom Volk,President(2017-2018)

Sharon Cantrell, President-Elect(2017-2018)

Anne Pringle,Vice President (2017-2018)

Sarah Bergemann, Exec. Vice President(2015–2018)
Chris Schardl, Treasurer (2016-2019)

Georgiana May, PastPresident (2016-2017)

General Council

(Includes Executive Council listed above)

Kerry O’Donnell, Past Past President (2017-2018)

Heather Hallen-Adams, Councilor

Cell Biology/Physiology (2016–2018)

Robby Roberson, Councilor

Cell Biology/Physiology (2017–2019)

Todd Osmundson, Councilor

Ecology/Pathology (2016–2018)

Sara Branco, Councilor

Ecology/Pathology (2017–2019)

Lisa Grubisha, Councilor

Genetics/Molecular Biology (2016–2018)

Don Natvig, Councilor

Genetics/Molecular Biology (2017–2019)

Else Vellinga, Councilor

Systematics/Evolution (2016–2018)

Conrad Schoch, Councilor

Systematics/Evolution (2017–2019)

Editorial Appointments

Brian Shaw, Managing Ed (2016-2021)

Mycologia—Executive Editors

Betsy Arnold, Executive Editor (2016-2020)

Chris Schardl, Executive Editor (2014-2019)

Keith Seifert, Executive Editor (2014-2018)

Frances Trail, Executive Editor (2014-2017)


Vacant, Inoculum Editor

Amy Rossman, Book Review Editor

Memorials Publication Committee

Meredith Blackwell, Memorials Editor

Tom Volk, ex officio, President

Sarah Bergemann, ex officio, Exec. Vice President

Editorial Advisory Committee

Don Natvig, Chair (2011–2016)

Roy Halling(2010-2015)

Tom Volk (2010-2015)

Mary Palm (2010-2015)

Louise Glass (2012-2016)

Rick Kerrigan, ex officio, Past Chair

Associate Editors

Ignazio Carbone (2012-2017)

Jeff Cary (2015-2017)

Jessie Glaeser (2017-2020)

Niklaus Grunwald (2015-2017)

Tim James (2012-2017)

Yu-Ming Ju (2013-2018)

Peter Kennedy (2015-2017)

Daniel Lindner(2017-2020)

Andrew Methven (2015-2017)

Andrew Miller (2015-2017)

Rosa Mouriño-Pérez (2015-2017)

Brian Perry (2012-2017)

Carlos Rojas Alvarado (2015-2017)

Toby Spribille (2016-2018)

Ning Zhang (2013-2018)

Allen Press

Julia Mitchell, Account Manager

Allen Press Marketing & Management

Claims & Membership Services

Liza Woolard, Association Management Administrator

Mycologia Online Feedback / Support

Brian Shaw, Managing Editor

Standing Committees


Barrie Overton, Chair (2017-2021)

Karen Hughes (2015-2019)

Marc Cubeta (2016-2020)

Kayla Pennerman, Student Rep (2016-2017)

Sharon Cantrell, ex officio, PresidentElect

Electronic Communication & Web Page Management

Todd Osmundson, Chairand Webmaster(2015-2019)

Tom Volk(2015-2019)

Jessie Uehling(2017-2021)

Aaron Kumlien, Student Rep(2017-2018)

Betsy Arnold, ex officio, Executive Editor

Chris Schardl, ex officio, Executive Editor

Keith Seifert, ex officio, Executive Editor

Frances Trail, ex officio, Executive Editor

Vacant, ex officio, Inoculum Editor

Sarah Bergemann, ex officio, MSA Executive VP

Liza Woolard, ex officio, Allen Press


Jean Lodge, Chair (2016-2019)

Georgiana May (2013-2017)

Brian Shaw (2015-2019)

Fred Spiegel (2015-2019)

Don Pfister (2016-2020)

Charles Bacon (2017-2021)

Chris Schardl, ex officio, Treasurer

Tom Volk,ex officio,President


Maria P. Martin-Esteban, Chair (2014-2018)

Else Vellinga (2015-2019)

Marc Stadler (2015-2019)

MariaAlice Neves (2017-2021)

Terry Torres-Cruz, Student Rep (2017-2018)

Neale Bougher, ex officio, Past Chair


Todd Osmundson, Chair(2017-2018)

Tami McDonald (2015-2019)

François Lutzoni(2016-2020)

Terry Tobias, Student Rep (2017-2018)

Andy Wilson, ex officio, PastChair


Vacant, Chair(2013-2017)

Andrew Minnis (2014-2018)

James Lendemer (2015-2019)

Juan Mata (2015-2019)

Diversity and Inclusion

Don Natvig (2016-2020)

Matias Cafaro (2015-2019)

Tanya Cheeke (2015-2019)

Sara Branco (2015-2019)

Kyryll Savchenko, Student Rep(2017-2021)

Cedric Ndinga Muniania, Student Rep(2017-2021)

Danny Haelewaters, Student Rep (2016-2020)

Rotating Committees – Awards

Mycological Society Distinctions

Charles Bacon (2013-2018)

Dennis Desjardin (2014-2019)

Betsy Arnold (2015-2020)

Anne Pringle (2016-2021)

Matt Smith (2018-2022)

Chris Schardl, ex officio, Past Chair

Tom Volk, ex officio, President

Honorary Awards

Jean Lodge, Chair (2015-2018)

Kerry O’Donnell (2016-2019)

Carol Shearer (2017-2020)

David Hibbett, ex officio, Past Chair

Research Awards

Jolanta Miadlikowska,Chair(2013-2018)

Tim James (2014-2019)

Greg Mueller (2015-2020)

Andy Wilson (2017-2021)

Ari Jumpponen (2017-2022)

Peter Kennedy, ex officio, Past Chair


Mahajabeen Padamsee, Chair (2014-2018)

Sara Branco (2015-2019)

Stephen Mondo (2016-2020)

Don Walker (2017-2021)

Scott Bates,ex officio, Past Chair

Student Awards

Heather Hallen-Adams, Chair (2014-2018)

Allison Walker (2015-2019)

Jason Slot (2016-2020)

Mia Maltz (2017-2021)

Tom Horton, ex officio, Past Chair

Rotating Committees – General Service


David Geiser (2014-2018)

Andrew Methven (2015-2019)

Peter Avis (2016-2020)

Suzanne Joneson (2016-2020)

Paris Hamm, Student Rep (2017-2018)

Chris Schardl, ex officio, Treasurer

Tom Volk, ex officio, President

Don Hemmes, ex officio, Past Chair

Karling Annual Lecture

Betsy Arnold, Chair (2015-2018)

Don Natvig (2016-2019)

Jason Stajich (2017-2020)

Kristi Gdanetz MacCready, Student Rep(2016-2017)

David Hibbett, ex officio, Past Chair

Liaison with Amateur Mycological Clubs & Societies

Alija Mujic, Chair (2015-2019)

Nathan Wilson (2014-2018)

Christian Schwarz (2017-2021)

NhuNguyen (2017-2021)

Bill Sheehan (2017-2018)

Steve Russell, Student Rep(2016-2017)

Dan Luoma, ex officio, Past Chair


Timothy Baroni, Chair (2014-2018)

Joey Spatafora (2015-2019)

James Anderson (2016-2020)

Amy Rossman (2017-2021)

Mary Berbee,ex officio, Past Chair


Don Pfister, Chair (2014-2018)

Tony Glenn (2015-2019)

Lisa Grubisha (2016-2020)

Heather Hallen-Adams (2017-2021)

Clark Ovrebo, ex officio, Past Chair

Sharon Cantrell, ex officio, President Elect

Rotating Committees – Specific Expertise


Jozsef Geml, Chair (2014-2018)

Betsy Arnold (2015-2019)

Matt Smith, ex officio, Past Chair

Culture Collections

Pedro Crous (2014-2018)

Stephen Peterson (2015-2019)

Andrew Miller, ex officio, Past Chair


Matias Cafaro, Chair (2013-2017)

Tanya Cheeke (2015-2019)

Erik Hobbie, ex officio, Past Chair

Environmental Health & Medical Mycology

Payam Fallah, Chair (2014-2018)

Geromy Moore (2015-2019)

Marc Orbach, ex officio, Past Chair

Genetics & Cell Biology

Kathryn Bushley, Chair (2014-2018)

Rosa Mourino-Perez (2015-2019)

Randy Berka, ex officio, Past Chair


Martin Chilvers, Chair (2014-2018)

Robert E. Marra (2015-2019)

Barry Pryor, ex officio, Past Chair


Gareth W. Griffith, Chair (2014-2018)

Greg Mueller (2015-2019)

Else Vellinga (2016-2020)

Mike Castellano, ex officio, Past Chair

Student Section

Terry Torres Cruz, Chair (2017-2018)

Kristi Gdanetz MacCready, Vice-Chair (2017-2018)

Chris Smyth, Past-Chair (2017-2018)

Andi Bruce, Secretary(2017-2018)

Brendan O’Brien, Treasurer (2017-2018)

Rebecca Shay, Communication Chair(2017-2018)

Nora Dunkirk, Merchandise Chair(2017-2018)

Aaron Kumlien, Webmaster(2017-2018)

Annual Meeting Committees

MSA 2018 (IMC11)

Local Organizing Committee

Sharon A. Cantrell, Co-Chair

D. Jean Lodge,

Program Committee

Chris Schardl, Chair

MSA 2019 Local Arrangements


Affiliates and Assignments, Representatives

American Association for the Advancement of Science (Committee of Section G: Biology)

H. Corby Kistler (2015–2018)

American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Mushroom Institute

Richard W. Kerrigan

International Mycological Association
Joey Spatafora (2014 – 2018)

Natural Sciences Collections Alliance


Special Assignments & Appointments

Awards Coordinator

Andrea Porras-Alfaro(2017-2020)

Historian & Archivist

Meredith Blackwell(2016-2019)

Liaison for Society Incorporation

Nor Faridah Dahlan (2014-2016)

Representative to the Collections Web Research Coordination Network


AffiliatedMycological Societies– Regional

Boston Mycological Club (BMC)

Illinois Mycological Association (IMA)

Oregon Mycological Society (OMS)

AffiliatedMycological Societies – National & International

African Mycological Association

Australasian Mycological Society

British Mycological Society (BMS)

Latin American Mycological Society (ALM)

Mycological Society of China (MSC)

Mycological Society of Japan (MSJ)

North American Mycological Association (NAMA)

Honorary Societies & Institutes

British Mycological Society

Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures 2004

Mycological Society of Japan 2005