Chapter 4: Leadership StrategiesLesson 4: Decision Making and Problem Solving

Unit 2:Leadership Theory and Application
Chapter 4:Leadership Strategies
Lesson 4:Decision Making and Problem Solving
Time:(a) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2
Competency: Solve a problem using the seven-step problem-solving process
McRel Standards:TR5. Applies basic trouble-shooting and problem-solving techniques, WO1. Contributes to the overall effort of a group, WO2. Uses conflict-resolution techniques, WO5. Demonstrates leadership skills
Linked Program Outcomes:Develop leadership skills [leadership], Build effective relationships with peers, co-workers, and the community (conflict resolution and service learning) [self management, personal success, life skills]
Lesson Question: When I begin to work with others to solve a problem, what kind of behaviors can block our success at solving the problem? How can I avoid that behavior?
Thinking Processes
Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel)
Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web)
Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram)
Classifying -Tree Map*(Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double T, P-M-I)
Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart)
Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String)
Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone)
Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map*(Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart)
* Thinking Map / Core Abilities
Build your capacity for life-long learning
Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
Take responsibility for your actions and choices
Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
Treat self and others with respect
Apply critical thinking techniques
Multiple Intelligences
Intrapersonal / Bloom’s Taxonomy


Structured Reflection
What?So What?Now What?
Socratic Dialog
E-I-A-G / Authentic Assessment
Observation Checklist
Test and Quizzes
Thinking Map®
Graphic Organizer
Notebook Entries
Project / Lesson Objectives
Describe the seven-step problem-solving process
Describe the decision-making process
Describe behaviors that contribute to or block efforts to solve a group problem
Define key words: cohesive, contingencies, improving, influencing, intuitions, non-judgments, objectively, operating
 Indicates item is not used in lesson
 Indicates item is used in lesson
Learning Materials: Student Learning Plan, Exercise #1-#2, Handout #1, Visual #1, Video #1, Flash #1-#4, Thinking Map® samples, Decision Making and Problem Solving Assessment Task, QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self Assessment
Supplies: Chart Paper, Markers, Sets of broken squares (from Exercise #1)
Resources: LET CM, Computer, Monitor, Classroom Performance System (CPS), Overhead Projector, Cadet Portfolio, JROTC Success Profiler®
McRel Standards: Grade-level benchmarks for the McRel Standards can be found in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk Reference. / Energizer – Cadets view Video #1 and respond to presented problem and decisions using Visual#1.
Inquire - Review objectives, key words and activities. Cadets view Flash #1 and use Double Bubble Maps to compare decision making and problem solving. Optional activity references Success Profiler Decision-Making unit.
Gather Part: 1 -Cadet view presentations in Flash #2 and/or the student text. Teams use a Flow Map to illustrate the 7-step problem solving process.Part 2: Cadets consider the Quarterbacks of Life process for making decision through presentation in Flash #3 and #4. Optional activities include use of the Success Profiler software.
Process Part: 1 - Cadet teams solve a problem using Exercise #1. Optional activities include use of the Success Profiler software. Part: 2 –Distribute Handout #1: Leadership Case Study and Exercise #2: QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Decide and Plan. Cadet teams illustrate problem solving and decision making processes applicable to the case.
Apply –Distribute the Problem Solving and Decision Making Assessment Task and QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self Assessment.
NOTE: As an additional resource for this lesson, you may wish to reference the Decision Making Skill Enhancer from the Success Profiler ™program throughout this lesson. Familiarize yourself with this material and determine how to integrate it into the existing learning activities.
NOTE:This JROTC lesson serves as a preparatory lesson for TEEN CERT Unit 6 –Fire Safetyand materials for this lesson are found in the TEEN CERT Resource Materials Folder. Familiarize yourself with the entire contents of the TEEN CERT curriculum before implementation. Teen CERT lessons can be implemented as JROTC elective hours of instruction as agreed upon by the school and/or JROTC education professionals.
Part 1: 45minutes
  1. Prepare to display multimedia items including: Focusing Question, Video#1, and Visual #1.

Direct Cadet Focus:
Guide cadets to listen to the powerful words of Bo Eason as he describes the importance of having dreams and goals, making good decisions, and developing plans, that when pursued with focus and determination, will turn dreams and goals into reality.
Learning Activities:
  1. Display Focusing Question.
  2. Display Video #1: The Quarterbacks of Life Bo Eason Story.
  3. Display Visual #1 and have cadets discuss questions.

Reflection Questions:
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • As you look back on the Bo Eason Story, what one thing can you take from his life that you can put to work in your own life today that will contribute to your own success in school and life?
Total Time: 8 minutes
Phase 1 -- Inquire:
Option 1:
1.Prepare to display multimedia items including: Key Words, Flash #1, and Double Bubble Map
2.Provide chart paper and markers.
Option 2:
1.Prepare to set up individual computers for use of Success Profiler®.
Note:This option can be completed using the instructor computer projected on a larger screen. You will need to print off all worksheets and questions for cadet use. This interactive program can also be used by partners. Again, instructors must provide hard copies of all worksheets available through the program.
2.Cue software to Decision Making Skill Enhancement.
3.Provide chart paper and markers.
4.Display a Double Bubble Map sample.
Direct Cadet Focus:
  1. Guide cadets to preview the information in the Student Learning Plan including the competency, learning objectives, performance standards, key words, learning activities and assessment activities.
  2. Guide cadets to Student Learning Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plan.
  3. Ask cadets to think about the difference between problem solving and decision-making.

Learning Activity: / (addresses Student Learning Activities 1 and 2)
Option 1:
1.Display keyword (s).
2.Display Flash #1: Good Decisions and Decision Makers, asking cadet teams to select one of the scenarios presented and respond to the questions about that ‘subject’.
3.Allow time for each cadet team to respond to their assigned scenario.
4.Direct each team to distinguish between problem solving and decision-making using a Double Bubble Map.
5.Create a class definition of problem solving and decision making and post it for reference throughout this lesson.
6.Review the reflection questions.
Option 2:
1.Instruct cadets to individually begin the Success Profiler® Skill Enhancement section on Decision-Making. Preview the CD and work through the questions until you come upon "The Process of Good Decision Making” section.
2.Direct cadets to stop and print the report available through Success Profiler®.
3.Instruct cadets to add the outcomes of the reports to a folder or binder for use later in this lesson.
Self-paced Option: Cadets distinguish between problem solving and decision-making by creating a Double-Bubble Map to show similarities and differences. Cadets include their Double-Bubble Map and responses to the reflection questions in their Cadet Notebook.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • Do you know the differences between problem solving and decision-making? Explain.
  • Do you consider yourself a problem-solver, decision-maker or both? Explain.

Total Time: 12minutes
Phase 2 -- Gather Part 1:
Option 1:
  1. Prepare to display multimedia items including: Flash #2,Flow Map, andReinforcing Question(s).
Option: 2
1. Display a Flow Map sample.
2. Assure that student textbooks are accessible.
Direct Cadet Focus:
1.Guide cadets to read student Learning Activities 3 and 4 in the Student Learning Plan.
2.Ask cadets to think about the processes involved in decision making and problem solving.
Learning Activity: / (addresses Student Learning Activities 3 and 4)
Option 1:
1.Guide cadets in a discussion about Flash #2: Decision Making and Problem Solving.
2.Cadet teams develop a problem solving and decision making process using a Flow Map and share their ‘process’ with others from the class.
3.Display reinforcing question(s).
4.Remind cadets to record their responses to the reflection questions in their Cadet Notebook.
Option 2:
  1. Divide the class into two teams – one for Problem Solving and the other for Decision Making. Assign each team to gather information from the Decision Making and ProblemSolvingsection of the student text.
  2. Instruct teams to create a Flow Map illustrating the Seven-Step Problem Solving Model and the Decision-Making Process.
  3. Instruct teams to teach others about their assigned model. Allow time for feedback and revision.
  4. Remind cadets to include the answer to the section review questions and the reflection questions into their Cadet Notebook.
Self-paced Option: Cadets read theDecision Making and Problem Solvingsection from the student text. Cadets diagram the seven steps of problem solving and the steps of the decision-making process in either a Flow Map or Multi-Flow Map. Cadets include their Flow Maps, answers to the section review questions and responses to the reflection questions into their Cadet Notebook.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • What have you experienced before when working through a problem or trying to make a decision?
  • What has worked or not worked for you in the past?

Total Time: 15minutes
Phase 3 -- Process Part 1:
  1. Prepare to display multimedia items including: Exercise #1
  2. Distribute Exercise #1: Solve a Problem – Make Decisions.

Direct Cadet Focus:
  1. Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 5 and 6 in the Student Learning Plan.
  2. Remind cadets to consider what they learned about the Problem Solving process when they complete the provided group activity.

Learning Activity: / (addresses Student Learning Activities 5 and 6)
  1. Divide cadets into teams. Within each team have cadets assign one member the role of observe and judge.
  2. Cadets complete Exercise #1: Solve a Problem – Make Decisions.
  3. Cadets share the results of their activity and which of the seven steps to problem solving they used or didn’t use.
  4. Allow time for discussion among teams.
Self-paced Option: Cadets complete Exercise #1 and reflect on their use of the seven steps for problem solving. Cadets add the Exercise #1 reflection and responses to the reflection questions to their Cadet Notebook.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • What did you learn from this activity?
  • How can you use this information in leading your team?

Total Time: 10 minutes
Part 2: 45minutes
Phase 2 -- Gather Part 2:
Set up:
Option 1:
  1. Prepare to display multimedia including: Flash #3 and Flash #4
  2. Assure that textbooks are available.
Option 2:
  1. Set up computers with Success Profiler®program. Cue the program to the Decision-Making Skill Enhancement “Introduction”.

Direct Cadet Focus:
  1. Review with cadets where they are in the learning process. Brainstorm on the board the key concepts and supporting activities introduced during Part 1 of this lesson
  2. Guide cadets to Student Learning Activities 7 and 8 in their Student Learning Plan.
  3. Guide cadets to consider how they’d like to build or enhance their own decision-making skills as part of their leadership development.

Learning Activities: / (addresses student learning activities 7 and 8)
Option 1:
1.Display Flash #3: Quarterbacks of Life Decide and Plan steps toward success presentation– whether a personal or team goal and problem to solve.
2.Display Flash #4: Decision Making and Problem Solving Model.
3.Cadetsjigsaw the QBOL Decide and Plan section of the student text.
4.Cadets review all of the presented models and processes for problem solving and decision making.
Option 2:
5.Guide cadets to work through the Decision-Making Skill Enhancement of the Success Profiler®program. Note: Depending on computer availability, cadets may work independently or with a small team or partner. If working with another cadet, encourage the team to consider a team problem when working through the interactive exercises on the software. Allow cadets to individually complete each worksheet option (or print them out prior to beginning the session).
6.Remind cadets to complete the exercises up to the “Insights” section on Decision-Making and Negotiating. Note:This section of the Skill Enhancement will be reviewed in Lesson 3: Negotiating.
7.Instruct cadets to complete all worksheets included in the Skill Enhancement and print a copy to include in their Cadet Portfolio.
Self-paced Option: Cadets review the QBOL Decide and Plan Process for Decision Making section of the student text. Provide cadets with worksheets from the Decision-Making Skill Enhancement of the Success Profiler program. Cadets complete the worksheets for their Cadet Portfolio. Cadets add responses to the reflection questions to their Cadet Notebook.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • What techniques would you consider trying for yourself?

Total Time: 15minutes
Phase 3 -- Process Part 2:
Set Up:
1.Prepare to display multimedia items including: Handout #1, Exercise #2, and Reinforcing Question(s)
2.Distribute the Handout #1: Leadership Case Study.
3.Distribute the Exercise #2: QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Decide and Plan.
4.Provide chart paper and markers.
Direct Cadet Focus:
  1. Guide cadets to Student Learning Activities 9 and 10 in their Student Learning Plan.
  2. Guide cadet teams to consider themselves leaders that are helping their teams to solve problems and use a good decision-making process along the way.

Learning Activities: / (addresses student learning activities 9 and 10)
  1. Cadets work in teams through Handout #1: Leadership Case Study.
  2. Cadets determine the problem(s) presented in the case study.
  3. Cadets use a decision making process and the 7-step problem solving process for the provided case. Refer cadets to Exercise #2: QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Decide and Plan.
  4. Guide cadets to illustrate the problem and process for solving it in a Thinking Map or graphic organizer and prepare to showcase their case’s ‘map’ to their peers.
  5. Guide teams to discuss their strategies and amend areas that need improvement.
  6. Display reinforcing question(s).
Self-paced Option:Cadets read through Handout #1: Leadership Case Study and illustrate a problem solving and decision making process using a Thinking Map or graphic organizer of their choice. Cadets add responses to the reflection questions to their Cadet Notebook.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • Can you think of a time recently where you and/or your team could have used a good problem solving or decision making process? Explain.

Total Time: 20minutes
Phase 4 -- Apply:
  1. Prepare to display multimedia items including: Decision Making and Problem Solving Assessment Task and Scoring Guide, QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self-Assessment.
  2. Distribute the Problem Solving and Decision Making Assessment Task and Scoring Guide.
  3. Distribute the QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self-Assessment. .

Direct Cadet Focus:
  1. Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 11 and 12 in the Student Learning Plan.
  2. Guide cadets to consider a team service project and a plan for working it through.
  3. Ask cadets to consider their own personal goals and how decision-making process can impact how those goals are achieved.

Learning Activity: / (addresses Student Learning Activities 11 and 12)
  1. Instruct cadet teams to create a meeting agenda that would help the team decide which service project to select. Cadets are to use what they have learned about the steps of problem solving and the decision making model as they create the agenda.
  2. Instruct cadets to think about a personal goal (for a team project or personal growth and development) using Exercise #2: QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Decide and Planand the QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self-Assessment Rubric.

  1. Guide cadets to add their completed Decision Making and Problem Solving Assessment Task and Self-Assessment to their Cadet Portfolio.
  2. Direct cadets to add responses to the reflection questions to their Cadet Notebook.
Self-paced Option: Cadets individually complete the above activity.
Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking:
  • How comfortable do you feel using these steps?
  • How can you become more comfortable using them?

Assessment: (addresses Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2)
Cadets complete the Decision Making and Problem Solving Assessment Task and the QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self-Assessment, submitting both to their instructor for evaluation and feedback. Cadets add both to their Cadet Portfolio.
Total Time: 10 minutes
Additional time will be needed to successfully complete the Decision Making and Problem Solving Assessment Task and the QBOL Stepping Stones to Success Self Assessment.
Note on Cadet Portfolios:
As cadets work through the lessons in this chapter, remind them to add completed documents to their Cadet Portfolio. Portfolios can be arranged by topic, chapter, or LET depending on your needs. Refer to the Cadet Portfolio Assessment Task in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk Reference for ideas on setting up and evaluating Cadet Portfolios.
Note on using the Classroom Performance System:
Use the Classroom Performance System (CPS) with cadets to ask questions during lecture, administer tests, quizzes and other class work, grade homework, and/or engage in team activities. Refer to the CPS Training for additional uses of this tool for learning and assessment.

Unit 2: Leadership Theory and Application1