World War One and the Interwar Years Study Guide

Black HandArchduke Franz FerdinandMilitarismNationalismAlliance System

AlliesCentral PowersBlank CheckSchliefen PlanTrench Warfare

Zimmermann NoteUnrestricted Submarine Warfare14 Points

League of NationsTreaty of Brest-LitovskAll Quiet on the Western FrontNicholas II

V.I. LeninJoseph StalinBolsheviksTreaty of VersaillesArmenian Genocide

First and Second Battle of the MarneDawes PlanTreaty of LocarnoGreat Depression Totalitarian Fascists Mussolini Nazi Party Adolf Hitler

Lateran AccordsWeimar RepublicMein KampfNuremberg Rallies Collectivization Kulaks Triumph of the Will

  1. How did the Great War tend to destroy European beliefs about progress and improvement in society?
  1. What was the most immediate cause of the First World War?
  1. How did militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism all contribute to the war?
  1. Russia and Austria struggled for control of which part of Europe?
  1. What was the “blank check” and how did it encourage Austria to take action against Serbia?
  1. What was the goal of the Schliefen Plan, and how did its failure lead to a prolonged and bloody war?
  1. Why did the German invasion of Belgium lead to Great Britain’s entry into the war?
  1. How did most Europeans feel about the outbreak of war in 1914?
  1. What were the major aspects of trench warfare, and how did it affect the lives of soldiers?
  1. Why was the Battle of Verdun so devastating, and how many soldiers paid with their lives?
  1. Why did the Ottoman Turks join the Central Powers?
  1. Why was the PRIMARY reason for the United States’ entry into WWI?
  1. What were the major themes explored in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front?
  1. What role did female workers play during the war effort?
  1. Which socioeconomic groups actually benefitted from the war? Why?
  1. Why was Nicholas II a particularly ineffective leader of the Russian people?
  1. Who was Lenin, and how did his Bolsheviks gain power in 1917?
  1. What were the effects of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
  1. What were the effects of the first and second Battles of the Marne?
  1. Which ethnic group suffered through a genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Turks? Why?
  1. What happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a result of the war?
  1. What were Wilson’s 14 points?
  1. Why did the United States fail to join the League of Nations?
  1. What was the Dawes Plan, and how did it help to stabilize Germany after the war?
  1. What was the importance of the Treaty of Locarno?
  1. Why the Great Depression lead to the growth of authoritarian governments throughout Europe?
  1. Which two industrialized nations were hit hardest by the Depression?
  1. What was Germany’s unemployment rate during the worst years of the Depression?
  1. How did totalitarian governments use mass media to their advantage?
  1. Why was Italy upset over the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
  1. What were the squadristi, and how were they used in Italy?
  1. How did Mussolini’s government deal with the thorny issue of the Roman Church and the Vatican?
  1. Why was the Weimar government of Germany so weak and ineffective?
  1. Where did Adolf Hitler spend his early years, and what was his career aspiration?
  1. What was the significance of Hitler’s Mein Kampf?
  1. Why were the Nuremberg rallies so important to the Nazi propaganda effort?
  1. How did Adolf Hitler bring Germany out of the Great Depression?
  1. What were the Nuremberg Laws?
  1. Which nations remained democratic in Eastern Europe in the 1930’s?
  1. How did the nations of the world react to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936?
  1. Why did Stalin’s collective agriculture programs lead to mass starvation and death?
  1. What was The Triumph of the Will?