Quit Smoking

Congratulations! You have decided to quit smoking. Your lungs, heart and blood vessels will be able to work better without nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and other irritants from smoking and tobacco use. You will be able to breathe more air and your lung age will be better when you quit smoking.

Your Health Improves

  • Lung cancer risk will drop.
  • Chances of a heart attack or stroke will drop.
  • Your sense of smell and taste improves.
  • You will breathe easier, have more energy, and fewer colds.
  • You will smell nicer to others.

You are not alone:

  • Many smokers try many times to quit.
  • Most people who try to stop smoking will succeed.
  • Over a million people quit smoking every year in the US.
  • Smoking harms your health and anyone around you who breathes your secondhand smoke.

To Get Started

  • Support is very important.
  • Talk to your doctor toget helpandask your family and friends to help.
  • Make healthy changeslike take a walk or do an errand when you want a cigarette.
  • Practice going without a cigarette for 10 minutes. Cravings pass in about 10 minutes whether you smoke or not.
  • Get your teeth cleaned.
  • Get rid of all tobacco products. Throw away your cigarettes and ashtrays. Clean your car or kitchen where you usually smoke.

Your Quit Smoking Plan

  • Make plans to keep busy. Do things you can’t do while smoking like going to a movie.
  • You may feel irritable and tired when withdrawing from tobacco.
  • Go for a walk when you want a cigarette.
  • Do not smoke “just one more” cigarette.
  • Drink lots of water to flush the nicotine out of your body.
  • Know what makes you want to smoke and try other ways to handle it.
  • Practice stress relaxation techniques and exercise more.
  • If you are worried about gaining weight, eat healthy foods and exercise.

Get Help

  • Call the ICHS clinic to schedule an appointment to get help with your quit smoking plan.

International DistrictHolly Park


  • Talk to your doctor about the nicotine patch and other medications, or acupuncture that can help you quit smoking.
  • Call the Washington State Tobacco Quit Line toll-free at 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUIT-NOW) for English & Spanish.

Edited 11/17/2018