
IB Coordinator: Mrs. Sonja N. Hill

EE Supervisor: Mrs. Deborah Holloway

Principal: Dr. Mark Sullivan

Assistant Principals: Ms. Cassandra Fells and Mr. Micah Kemp

Ramsay High School IB

The Extended Essay

This essay is a requirement for the IB Diploma. It is a 4,000-word essay on a topic of your choosing. The topic MUST fall within the criteria for one of the EE subjects on page 4 of this handout. The EE “counts” along with your score in Theory of Knowledge. You can earn up to 3 bonus points with your score on the EE and on ToK.

According to the IBO, the aims of the Extended Essay are to provide students with the opportunity to:

·  pursue independent research on a focused topic

·  develop research and communication skills

·  develop the skills of creative and critical thinking

·  engage in a systematic process of research appropriate to the subject

·  experience the excitement of intellectual discovery


You are expected to spend approximately 40 hours on the EE over the course of six months (September-February). It is your responsibility to meet with your mentor and complete assignments on the EE timeline.

Mentor’s role

Students will be assigned a faculty mentor early in the process. The mentor should spend between 3-5 hours (including reading time) with the student. The mentor agrees to meet with the student at scheduled times, read the full draft of the essay ONLY and sign and date the form each time you meet. It is the candidate’s responsibility to correct mistakes and verify the accuracy of the contents of the extended essay.

The extended essay mentor has five principal responsibilities:

·  To encourage and support the candidate throughout the research and writing of the extended essay

·  To provide the candidate with advice and guidance in the skills of undertaking research

·  To ensure that the extended essay is the candidate’s own work

·  To complete the advisor’s report

·  To direct to appropriate resources (such as people, a library, a laboratory)

Choosing a Subject and Topic

The subject selection for the extended essay must come from the list of available subjects in the IB Extended Essay Guide. Once the subject is chosen and approved, a topic within that subject must be selected. Students are advised to choose a subject in which they have sufficient background knowledge and skills. Subjects that are not part of the student’s diploma program course of study are permitted, but caution is advised unless the student has a high level of personal interest in that particular subject.

Choosing a topic from a particular subject requires careful consideration. Students are advised to review relevant subject guidelines which will be provided by the IB Coordinator. Topics should be limited in scope so that students have the opportunity to research the issue in depth. Collecting data and information should allow students to provide analysis and evaluation in their research.

Students are advised that broad topics are not likely to result in successful essays. Likewise, essays that do not reflect personal research but rely on narrative or descriptive approaches will not be appropriate. Essays written on well-documented subjects are also unlikely to result in successful extended essays.

Subjects from which to choose – see corresponding page number in the IB Extended Essay Guide

p. 29….Group 1 – Literature and Language in English (3 categories from which to choose)

p. 36….Group 2 – Writing an essay in your IB second language on Language, Culture and Society, or Literature

p. 43….Biology p. 117….Music

p. 48….Business and Management p. 123….Peace and Conflict Studies

p. 53….Chemistry p. 126….Philosophy

p. 57….Classical Greek and Latin p. 133….Physics

p. 60….Computer Science p. 140….Politics

p. 64….Dance p. 145….Psychology

p. 69….Design Technology p. 150….Social and Cultural Anthropology

p. 74….Economics p. 154….Sports, Exercise and Health Science

p. 79….Environmental Systems and Societies p. 160….Theater

p. 84….Film p. 165….Visual Arts

p. 89….Geography p. 170….World Religions

p. 94….History p. 175….World Studies (6 topics from which

p. 102….Information Technology in a Global Society to choose)

p. 106….Literature and Performance

p. 113….Mathematics

What are my next steps?

·  Print out the Ramsay EE Handbook.

·  Download the IB Extended Essay Guide to your electronic device (laptop, tablet, etc.)

·  Choose a subject area of interest, and read the assessment criteria from the IB Extended Essay Guide.

·  Choose a topic within the subject.

·  Narrow the topic by focusing on a defined specific area and meet your assigned EE Mentor.

·  Write the research question and develop a fleshed-out thesis.

·  Carry out in-depth research, making notes as you go and taking care to include exact references.

·  Outline the topic, including quotes from your research. This will serve as your plan for the structure of your EE.

·  Adjust your research question / thesis as needed.

·  Attend all scheduled workshops.

·  Write! Write! Write!

·  Discuss progress with EE Mentor, and receive feedback on drafts.

·  Adhere to deadlines…Mentors are NOT expected to read drafts submitted at the last minute!

·  Revise! Revise! Revise!

·  Submit the final product in person and to

·  Read the assessment criteria (rubric) for your specific subject (in the IB Extended Essay Guide).

Writing the Extended Essay

After careful outlining and drafting, it is likely that the majority of extended essays will follow a structure similar to that described below.


The introduction should include:

·  An indication of why the topic chosen is interesting, important or worthy of study

·  Some background information and an attempt to place the topic in an appropriate context

·  An indication of whether the topic has been narrowed to a focus of more manageable proportions

·  A clearly and precisely stated research question

·  A clear concluding statement of the thesis and argument, i.e. the response to the research

·  A question or questions that will subsequently be developed in the body of the essay

Body / Development

The essential feature of the major section, or body, of the essay is the systematic development of a convincing answer to the research question. The structure and the approach to this section will be shaped by the conventions of the particular subject in which the extended essay is being undertaken. Some subjects may require sub-headings for major sections within the main body. For example, scientific investigations will usually have separate sections for method and results. In some other subjects; however, sub-headings should be avoided because they disrupt the flow and unity of an essay.


The requirements of the conclusion are that it:

·  Is clearly stated

·  Is relevant to the research question being investigated

·  Is substantiated by the evidence presented

·  Indicates issues, unresolved questions and new questions that have emerged from the research

What counts in the 4,000 words?

The introduction, the body of the essay, the conclusion, and any quotations BUT NOT:

o  The abstract (should be no more than 300 words)

o  The table of contents page

o  Maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables

o  Equations, formulas and calculations

o  Citations/references (whether parenthetical or numbered)

o  Footnotes or endnotes

o  The bibliography or Appendices

Predicted Grade

Your EE Supervisor and IB Coordinator will give you a predicted grade based on the scores you earn in each assessment criteria for your specific subject rubric. The grades are A, B, C, D, and E (elementary).

All Extended Essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IBO, and are marked on a scale from 0 to 36. This maximum score is made up of the total criterion levels available for each essay. The total score obtained on the scale 0 to 36 is used to determine in which of the following bands the extended essay is placed. This band, in conjunction with the band for Theory of Knowledge, determines the number of diploma points awarded for these two requirements.

A student who, for example, writes a good Extended Essay and whose performance in Theory of Knowledge is judged to be satisfactory will be awarded 1 point, while a student who writes a mediocre extended essay and whose performance in theory of knowledge is judged to be excellent will be awarded 2 points.

A student who fails to submit an Extended Essay will be awarded N for the extended essay, will score no points, and will NOT be awarded a diploma.

Performance in both the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge of an elementary standard is a failing condition for the award of the diploma.

·  From 2010 onwards, 28 points overall will be required to be eligible for the diploma if a student attains an ‘E’ grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge.

·  As previously, a grade ‘A’ in one of the requirements earns an extra point, even if the other is a grade ‘E’.

·  Attaining a grade ‘E’ in both the extended essay and theory of knowledge continues to represent an automatic failure.


Necessary Elements! (In this order please)

Please see the IB Extended Essay Guide for more details.

q  Yellow Extended Essay Cover Sheet (will be provided at workshop) – be sure to sign and date.

q  Title Page – It should provide a clear indication of the essay’s focus. It should be precise and NOT phrased in the form of a question.

§  Subject Area

§  Candidate’s Name

§  Ramsay High School

§  March 2015

§  Word Count:

q  Abstract

§  Not more than 300 words, typed on one page

q  Contents page

q  Introduction

q  Body (development/methods/results)

q  Conclusion

q  References and Bibliography (only the sources you cite, not all that you used)

q  Appendices if any, placed after the bibliography (this would include tables and illustrations)

Word Count

The only element that counts for word count is the actual essay. It must NOT exceed 4000 words.

Page Numbers

Put a page number in Roman numerals for Abstract and Table of Contents, and then numerals starting with the first page of the actual Essay to the end of Bibliography.

For example:

Abstract – i

Table of Contents – ii

Essay – Bibliography - 1…23


Follow MLA or APA by the book – don’t make up your own ways of citing sources, especially websites!! If something seems suspicious, it will be treated as malpractice.

The Title of the essay SHOULD NOT be your research question or thesis statement. Be clever, accurate and appropriate.

Please put the subject of your essay (History, Group 1: Category 1, Psychology) on the title page.

Ramsay High School IB

Parent/Student Extended Essay Contract & Subject/Topic

Due to the IB Coordinator (Mrs. Hill) on or before Friday, Sept. 26, 2014

Candidate’s Name: ______

EE Subject Area: ______

EE Topic: ______

Tentative Research Question: ______




Assigned Mentor’s Name: ______

I have read and understand the regulations and guidelines for the International Baccalaureate Extended Essay. I will adhere to the regulations and guidelines and the deadlines prescribed in the contract. I will contact my EE Supervisor and IB Coordinator should there be any modifications in the above indicated information. I also understand that all students must complete the Extended Essay in order to be eligible for the IB Diploma, have recommendations written based on IB candidacy, and be registered for May 2015 exams.

The Extended Essay I plan to submit will be my own work. I will acknowledge each use of the words or ideas of another person, whether written or oral. I am aware that the word limit is 4,000 words and that examiners are not required to read beyond this limit. I am aware that my essay will be submitted to to check for originality and plagiarism.

Student Signature______Date______

I have read and understand the regulations and guidelines for the International Baccalaureate Extended Essay. I will offer my parental support to see that my child adheres to the regulations and guidelines and the deadlines prescribed in the contract. I understand that students must complete the Extended Essay in order to be eligible for the IB Diploma, have recommendations written based on IB candidacy, and be registered for May 2015 exams.

Parent Signature______Date______

Responsibilities of the Student / Responsibilities of EE Supervisor and/or Mentor
·  Choose a topic that fits into one of the subjects on the approved extended essay list
·  Meet with EE Supervisor and mentor consistently for at least 3-5 hours throughout the process
·  Observe regulations relating to extended essay
·  Meet deadlines
·  Acknowledge ALL sources of information and ideas in an approved academic manner
·  Think carefully about the research question for their essay
·  Plan how, when, and where they will find material for their essay
·  Plan a schedule for both researching and writing the essay (include extra time for delays and unforeseen problems)
·  Develop a clear, structured, detailed outline before beginning to write
·  Check and proofread final version carefully
·  Confirm that ALL basic requirements are met (i.e. all students should get full marks for the abstract)
·  Set up meetings with Supervisors prior to deadlines (do not assumed they are available whenever you stop by) / ·  Meet with student to provide advice and guidance in the skills of research
·  Encourage and support student throughout process of researching and writing
·  Discuss the topic of choice with student to help formulate a well-focused research question
·  Ensure that the chosen research question satisfies appropriate standards of IB (including legal, ethical standards)
·  Becomes familiar with the regulations governing the extended essay and the
assessment criteria AND gives copies to students
·  Reads and comments on the first draft
ONLY (this is a critical component of EE
·  Monitors progress of EE to offer guidance and ensure the essay is original/authentic to student
·  Provide an explanation in the report in cases where the number of hours spent with student is a “zero”, describing how it is possible to guarantee authenticity
·  Write a report and present it to the school’s DP Coordinator if malpractice, such as plagiarism is suspected in the final draft.